Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Voice Producers Say Christina Aguilera Not Being Fired

Yesterday X17 said in a post that Christina Aguilera was going to be fired. They also said that it would not be until her contract ran out after the upcoming season. Well, producers have released a statement saying there is no truth to the rumor. Here is what I say. I say that the show is bigger than the sum of its parts. American Idol showed that as long as you have decent judges that the show will work with any combination. Where I think X17 went wrong and allowed the producers to make them look bad is this. If, at the end of the season, Christina is not asked back for a third season, is it really firing her? No. It is just not renewing her contract. Therefore, the producers can say there is no truth to the rumor that she will be fired.

Everyone knows she is a pain to deal with on the show. Adam Levine has a hit song with her and still can't stand her. It would not shock me at all to have the producers say buh bye.


  1. Enty having money issues?? What is up with all the ads now?? He must be swimming in dough at this rate, lol.

  2. I hope she doesn't get canned. I was actually surprised by how likable she comes across on this show. And it's obvious how many of the contestants came of age while worshiping her; it's cool to see her interact with superfans in a friendly, unpretentious way. She could just smirk and let them fawn all over her, but she seems to want people to be comfortable.

    One thing I have to say about The Voice is how all three judges can actually *sing* -- as opposed to The X-Factor and Idol (with the notable exception of Steven Tyler, of course), wherein none of the judges can carry a tune at all. I mean, I love Paula and everything, but...

  3. That girl, how sad. I remember when she made fun of Britney Spears when she was spiraling out of control. She called her fat, and said she would never get back to the top. A few months later Britney released Womanizer.

    This being said, I wish she would get her act together and stop being the spoiled classless brat. Maybe losing her gig on that show, or not getting renewed will be a wake-up call... Somehow I doubt it.

  4. P.S. "Everyone knows she is a pain to deal with on the show. Adam Levine has a hit song with her and still can't stand her."

    Proof, please.

    I know Xtina can be a drunken handful, but why would Adam willfully record a single with her if he hates her so much? Wouldn't she stand to profit from it? There are other singers out there with bigass voices. He could have easily found someone else.

  5. And regarding that song...what exactly is "moves like Jagger" supposed to look like or be?

    Catchy tune, but I can't get past the title/line.

  6. I hate reading about what a bitch she is because I want to like her. She actually has a killer voice, but hasn't had the career that others have had. Remember the big hoopla when Madge and Britney locked lips? She kissed Cristina too, but nobody seemed to notice or care.

    I really liked The Voice, but honestly, you could see the real bitch coming through little by little with each episode. Personally, I don't think she gave a rat's patootie about her team and she was down right rude to Blake and Adam. When she trained someone from her team SHE would sing in practice sessions or when she performed with her team, SHE had the biggest (loudest) solo. The other judges would step back and let their team take center stage.

    Like Idol, it's not really about the judges, it's about the contestants. Too bad Christina didn't get the memo.

    If she does come back I just hope she gets a better stylist.

  7. This is all Xtina has at the moment, I have a feeling she will fight tooth and nail to keep her job.

  8. @ Ida - artists don't have to like each other to record duets these days. In fact, they don't ever have to meet in person to do it. If their labels think it's a good idea, they'll make it happen - I think many artists say they are in full control of their careers and only do what they want, but most are pretty controlled by their labels...

  9. I liked her on The Voice. She has a great voice, plenty of experience & I thought she interacted nicely w/ the contestants. I thought the bickering w/ Adam was just for ratings?

    @Patty - I just heard that song for the first time today. It's a reference to Mick...and reminded me of that Ke$ha lyric.

  10. @ Patty - Mick Jagger is famous for his indefatigable dance moves at the Stones' concerts. Just pull up a video of him on YouTube (or even the Maroon 5 video) to check him out.

    It's probably another reason why he's always been so thin.

  11. and LOL @ Ida asking for proof on a gossip blog.

  12. Well, Dearest Mango, Enty THE ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER *presumably* has industry ties. Isn't that why we all read this gossip blog? He's bound to know much more about Adam and Christina's working relationship than, say, someone like you. I would think that he would have cited their supposed hatred for each other before.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. @ Ida - I don't frequent many gossip blogs (this one, Dlisted a few times a week and maybe one or two others if someone mentions something here that, say, Lainey posted-- and not because I'm disinclined, I just don't have the time that I would like to devote to it) and I had read about the mutual hate between those two. And I don't watch the show so it's not something I noticed myself.

    Still, we all thrive here on innuendo, rumor and speculation (as well as a few conspiracy theories), so your request for proof just tickled my funny bone. Sowwy. :P

  15. Don't be sorry Mango!

    You were just being playful

    Ida kind of reigns supreme here on Enty's blog

    it's hard to get tone and playful sarcasm across over the computer. It often comes off the wrong way, it happens to the best of us

  16. Christina actually has the chops, and I have been a fan. Still, I didn't like her on the Voice. And her stylist needs to be shot. Oh, it was hard to look at the girl some nights, so it was. Skin tight pants are not a good look for her. *shudder*

  17. @Mango -- Shit, no worries. Your post just came across as abundantly cranky. I like what you have to say, and often wholeheartedly agree with it. But CDAN doesn't have to be one big mutual admiration society. I know I say enough things here; there are bound to be disagreements from time to time. But it's all good. Sorry I lashed out -- genuinely.

    @SKT -- Well, since you specifically mentioned me in that comment, I will address you.

    We all have the right to post as much as we want on this blog. Just because you hardly ever say anything unless you're bitching about a fellow commenter doesn't mean that you're *banned* or not allowed to post your own thoughts. There's a password to this site, and I don't have it (it's probably something like "bacon" or "affleck," though). I DO know that one person does, and it's only so she can delete the hideously racist slurs or sexually violent fantasies (*cough, cough,dougkenney,cough, cough*) that trolls occasionally post while Enty is off doing...whatever he does when he isn't posting.

    My point? I have never asked, or have desired, to control this blog. That's a common hater trend, though. For a while, Jax "owned" this blog. And then Mooshki "took over" CDAN. And then Rocket Queen was "the real Enty." And now, I guess it's my turn to "reign" over this blog. SO stupid.

    My posts might be long, but I enjoy writing. It's what I do. Whatever. Either way, I'm not going to stop posting here just because a few morons are annoyed by me.
