Saturday, October 08, 2011

18 Year Old Teen Arrested For Theft - She Needed Money For Porn

I have heard of people robbing houses to pay for drugs or thrills, but I don't ever remember hearing about an 18 year old female having to rob houses to fund their porn addiction. Apparently I have never met anyone like Amanda Owens. Amanda was a babysitter for a man who lived next door. The man noticed over the course of several weeks that things were missing from his home so he set up a video system. What he discovered was that his 18 year old neighbor and babysitter was crawling through the doggy door and stealing his stuff.

When confronted by police, Amanda confessed and said she needed money to pay for all the porn she buys. Huh? Seriously? Has Amanda ever heard of this little thing called the internet. You can pretty much find everything and anything you need and for the most part it is free. She says she likes buying DVD's. Because of her crime, Amanda faces up to 10 years in prison. I say have her pay a fine and send her to counseling and rehab for her addiction. I don't think this is worth 10 years in prison or anything close.

Woman Crawls in Doggie Door to Steal for Porn Addiction:


  1. I'm not sure I buy her story. She kind of has a meth face. In any case, I think she needs a LOT of therapy. I would imagine that she has lots of issues with her family and a lack of attention from them during her formative years. She needs all kinds of help, and I agree, jail isn't the answer for her.

  2. She should have been buying proactive, not porn.

  3. Yeah, they misspelled M - E - T -H as porn.

    So happy Enty is here today!!

  4. I was going to say that she could use a script for Accutane, but I didn't want to be mean.

  5. Thanks to those who mentioned Proactive and Accutane! Add to it a strong antibiotic cocktail because they look infected. I can't focus on the story because of the horrible acne. I'm sure she got picked on and had no friends. I think if her face was clear she would have a social life and not get caught up in porn.

  6. Yay Weekend Blogging!!!

    LOL ChasingHeaven- I think that's EXACTLY what they did. She probably just didnt want to confess about her drug addiction and said porn instead. Her face is covered in little scratchy pimply welts---yuck!Plus she has that dead look in her eyes that Ive seen from actual meth photos.

    But Enty is so right- what will 10 YEARS in prison do toward rehabilitating this person?! I thought the goal used to be that people did a crime, and we wanted them to pay for them then come out and be apart of society again. I just feel like our system is so fucked up in U.S. that people do a crime and we wash our hands of them ever being a decent member of society again.

    Dont even get me started on the 3 strikes law for non-violent crimes.....
    I met people in San Quentin that would amazing men, reformed and working hard on their education, their jobs in prison, and engaging in social programs that benefited the community. And yet they were staring down 20 to life for 3 strikes laws that pinned them down to crimes they commited when they were very young, and now 20 yrs later they are completly different people (as we all are when comparing 15 y/o to 35y/o) and yet they are in prision forever. It aint right.

    As a lifer told me- for ever ONE prisoner who is there for one year, a teacher could live off that salary (50k)and teach 20 kids.

  7. *WERE

    damn i need to proof

  8. I see a very strong resemblance to Emma Stone. Anyone else see it?

  9. Jasmine, I never knew it cost so much to keep someone in prison!
    I totally agree in rehabilitation programs (which most prisons are not) and also with paying fines, paying back people, real community service (do it now and do it for the person you hurt or in an area that will make you aware of life in a way you were not before) and not sending them to prison.
    Prison is a last resort for the truly evil, child killers, rapists ( not statutory if it was consensual), murderers, unrepentant multiple offenders (not for petty crimes). I could go on and on...
    I want a safe world but I don't believe that putting people in jail for three small offenses when they are young is serving that end. We need to create programs that work, help educate people in any way they are lacking and give them the tools to become functioning, satisfied members of society.
    I think most people want to be happy but for some they don't even know what that happiness is. A good rehabilitation program would include therapy, family, all sorts of things.

  10. @Lunabelle- I agree 100% with what you just said!!!!

  11. She either has syphilis or really unfortunate acne. I've just not seen acne that is red like that all over, it's normally pink. maybe the lighting?

    Anyway, stupid girl. Just wanted to jump in and say YAY for weekend posts!! Thank you Ent

  12. ..and yes Jason, I thought the same thing. She has the Emma going on

  13. Her face is a mess!

    My daughter used to sneak out through the cat door at night. We found out this information when the sheriff called to tell us to come pick up our daughter as he was arresting her boyfriend.

    These things never end well.

  14. @Jasmine, ITA with you!
    Great Post!

  15. About ten years ago we were visiting my husband's family in Massachusetts. One of his brother's had a barbecue with about 65 friends, neighbors, and assorted family members. We attended, and left for home the next day. I received a call from my sister in law that week accusing my 8 year old daughter of moving a chair into the bathroom, unlocking a full length cabinet, and rummaging through the contents only to steal a black Clinique eye liner and pink blush. After getting over my initial shock I said it was probably her babysitter, who was there with her family, who not only didn't need to drag a chair through a house full of people to reach the top shelf, but probably had gone through the closet previously while the kids were asleep, and knew just what was in there and picked a day when there was a house full of people to walk off with what she wanted. She insisted her sitter would never do such a thing, so it must have been my daughter. Amanda Owens also had the opportunity to go through this family's possessions and eventually help herself to what she wanted. Hopefully she took good care of the kids she was responsible for.

  16. @lutefisk, ITA. Eyeliner sounds more like the baby sitter than an 8 year old.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Exactly Nosey Parker. A 15 year old wears black eye liner, not an 8 year old. The funny thing is I used to give my daughter all over my extra gift with purchase items to play with. She had much higher end stuff than Clinique! She would also never steal anyone's used make up, or anything for that matter. The whole incident was bizarre, and just another totally obnoxious comment from my sister in law.

  19. *of* not over. oops.

  20. There is no way this girl was robbing people to pay for porn. Drugs is more likely, but if she admits to stealing for drugs, it would go alot worse for her in court, so she came up with this great excuse!

  21. Should be getting money for some treatment for that acne.

  22. Stealing is terrible and she's an idiot to use the excuse she did (which I don't believe for a minute). However, I still feel badly for her. Look at that acne. I used to have massive acne and I can't help but feel sorry for anyone else who has it. And hers is worse than mine ever was. Poor thing.

  23. Uh... I could see her buying porn. Who the hell is gonna touch her with a face like that?

    Yep... she needs some porn (and probably meth) to get through her teenage years.

  24. @lutefisk - Wow! How did that accusation sit with your husband? I would have probably had to go off on sis-in-law.

    Yeah, agree that 10 years in prison for this seems a little excessive.

  25. @Lelaina Pierce---my sister- in- law is just plain nasty. This was nothing unusual for her. My father -in-law was widowed at 34, remarried at 44, and divorced 6 years later. He was always by himself, and at another one of their barbecues asked my brother-in -law if he could bring a woman friend to keep him company. My brother-in-law of course said yes. Well, in the middle of the afternoon my sister-in-law turned to this woman and started screaming at her, in front of 50 people, that she had no idea who she was, and she had no business being at a barbecue for friends and family when she was neither. My brother-in-law had told her beforehand his father was bringing someone, and we brought meat to cover her "lunch."
    Ironically I had breast cancer 4 years ago and never heard from her. We were up visiting while I was going through radiation, and not only did she not ask how I was doing, but spent 3 hours talking about her new Mercedes Benz and would not let anyone else speak. We just all sat there listening to her talk non-stop.
    Well, guess who got breast cancer 2 years later? I couldn't do the same to her and called her over and over to see how she was doing.

  26. @lutefisk - I thought I had it bad with my husband's family! WOW! You are obviously a much better/classier person than your sister in law! Sorry you have to deal w/ all that. :(

  27. @Lelaina Pierce--thanks! She is very difficult to deal with, and the whole family knows. We live in NY, and they live in MA. They used to invite themselves down to stay with us for 3-4 day stretches, never once bringing anything. In 1996 I gave birth 2 months early to my son by c-section. When he was finally released from the hospital he was quarantined because of the chance of infection. I was home with him, and my daughter who was not yet 3. We get a call from my brother-in-law saying they were taking their 2 year old to Sesame Place and wanted to stay with us on the way down and up to break up the monotony. My pediatrician said absolutely not. My sister-in-law was doing day care out of her home and he felt there was too much risk of infection based on their contact with so many kids. not to mention the stress of me recovering from a c-section and managing an infant and toddler.
    Would you believe they stopped talking to us for about 2 years??? Never offered to get a hotel near us to visit, just wanted a free place to stay.

  28. @lutefisk - You are a saint my dear and I wish you a long healthy happy life. Your sister in law is a WORLD CLASS IT IS ALL ABOUT ME BITCH. Karma will take care of her.

    I am glad that I was not the only one who thought she should be stealing for acne meds! : ) Looks like Meth addiction to me, too.

  29. Wow Lutefisk..Sounds like you had a nice 2 years without that bitch.

  30. And definitely the girl in this story has "fallen off the curb" and was stealing for meth. She's picking at her face. And it's easier to say porn is her habit because that's not illegal but meth is.

  31. @Bluebonnetmom and Sherry, she is the world's most obnoxious person, but my brother-in-law worships her. I guess it works for them. I won't even go into how she likes to brag about their sex life. My husband has a very tiny family. He lost his mother when he was 8, his brother was 7, and the youngest brother was 3. I put up with her because they really have no one else but each other, their father, and an aunt and uncle. I am not looking to alienate him so I keep my mouth shut. It is a shame. My kids feel no connection to their 2 children at all. She has her own nieces and nephews from her side, and has no interest in her children and my children spending any time together. The once or twice a year I see her is MORE than enough!!

  32. @lutefisk: Like they say you can pick your friends but you cannot pick your family. At least you only have to deal with them 2x a year. And ya know what? If she's alienating you she most likely does it with everyone else. Betting money she has few friends. I told a former friend of mine who did nothing but talk about herself (and how crummy her life was), that people are interested in people that are interested in them. In other words we have 2 ears and one mouth and we should act accordingly.

  33. @Sherry the whole family is well aware of her antics and insults. No one wants a confrontation. Now that she is playing the sympathy card no one dares approach her. One day I will reach my breaking point. In the meantime I have bigger things to worry about.

  34. @lutefisk - I understand (to a degree) what you are going through. Have had similar stuff w/ family. I think some people are just miserable and enjoy making other people miserable. I always hope for the "what goes around, comes around" when dealing w/ people like that.

  35. @Leilana--I think we ALL do. I think it is basic insecurity to have to always one up everyone else. I can't think of anything else.
