Saturday, October 08, 2011

Two More Years Of The Simpsons

The cast of The Simpsons blinked and gave in and now FOX has decided to renew the show for the next two years. Harry Shearer was the first member of the cast to give in and said he would give up 70% of his salary if he got something on the back end. With NBC canceling Hank Azaria's new show, he probably did not want to risk losing another show he works on so the next thing you know, everyone is all signed on and the deal will get the show to 25 seasons. Crazy how long it has been on the air.


  1. now David Miscavige can breathe a sigh of relief knowing his guaranteed cash cow still has a contract.

  2. I wonder if Sam Simon gave up anything? He hasn't done a thing for the show in 20 years but still cashes every check he gets from the show.

  3. I, for one, am just happy that this show is going to get it's 25 year distinction and hopefully go out it a blaze of comic glory.

    Having watched this show since it first aired when I was 12, The Simpsons will always feel like a distant cartoon part of the family.

  4. I told you so! They do this thing every couple of years. How much you want to bet they will be making this show until the actor voices start dying off? I can seriously see the show going longer than 25 years.

  5. From what I understand, the details of the agreement haven't been made public. So it is possible they all agreed to a paycut in return for backend money. The only thing that surprises me is that they never seemed to have asked for a profit cut earlier. 25 years on is a bit late to ask for something like that.

    I think the producers and money men of the show are just plain greedy. Didn't they give Tracey Ullman a hard time when she asked for a cut of the profits since The Simpsons first aired on HER show and she had to go to court? I don't know the details, but I am pretty sure Tracey got some money out of the case.

    Anyway, no matter which party is the greedy one, I think it is pretty shitty to treat people that have worked for you 25 years in such a way. There must be plenty of money to go around.

  6. the happy news of the day for me! THE SIMPSONS for ever!
