Sunday, October 30, 2011

Elisabetta Canalis Creeps Me Out About Her George Clooney Relationship

I don't know if Elisabetta Canalis has a tough time communicating because English is not her first language so she is missing some of the subtleties sometimes, but a month ago she called herself a doormat and that she allowed herself to be used by George Clooney and now she has given an interview where she says that her relationship was like a father daughter relationship except that she was having sex with her father and George was having sex with his daughter.

Elisabetta also says in a new book to be released that George was the most attentive person to her feminine needs ever and that they broke up not because she wanted to get married but because of their personal needs. What the heck does that mean? Personal needs? I could take about 20 guesses, but they would just be guesses. George needed a blonde after a year of brunettes? I am stumped about that one. The problem with all of this is that the book (Questo Amore) is written in Italian so hopefully it is translating right.


  1. Please, no one outside of Italy would know who this woman is if not for George. STFU. what book? I hope she sells 3 copies.

  2. Shut up Elizabetta, you came out with a chunk of cash.
    People actually know who you're ahead.

  3. I could barely understand her on DWTS, let's hope it's the language barrier. I'm surprised she's saying anything about George.

  4. Oh, George. What a disappointment.

  5. It seems like George's last 3 pieces-for-hire all had man-faces. I'm talking Keibler, Elisabetta, and that Vegas waitress trick whose name escapes me.

  6. I thought that they all had a "don't talk" clause in their contracts?? How is she able to write a book about their relationship??

  7. She's talking because the language barrier prevents her from understanding the no talk clause. lol Seriously, on DWTS she could barely get a sentence across I don't know how George could have a relationship with her unless he speaks Italian too.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Is this going to be a Tiger Woods-Rachel Uchitel situation where gets most of his hush money back because she's too dumb to keep her mouth shut? Sure seems like it.

  9. What a crock, I'm pretty certain none of what is in her book will be true. There is something off about George and if the worst she can come up with is a dig about their age difference then he should consider himself lucky.

  10. these "relationships" are ridiculous. to move from one "serious" sitution to another in the short time span he does you would have to have a borderline personality disorder. "She's special! No wait, its this one. Oh, sorry, this one". typically developing individuals grieve the end of long term relationships (at least every once in awhile). it bugs me that he pushes this BS. if he REALLY doesn't want to talk about his personal life; then don't. and don't show up to events w/ someone.

  11. He must bring a stylist into whatever "relationship" he is in. Each and every woman gets an immediate makeover and a closet full of Red Carpet gowns. I would beard I mean date George Clooney just for the dresses.

  12. Maybe George knew that Stacy was out there and available. That was a major trade up. Stacy is incredible.

  13. ^I'm sure that's what happened.

    I think it's weird she is just now coming out with stuff about their breakup.

  14. George is dating a wrestler. I guess that is a trade-up from a waitress.

  15. ^^ the wrestler has the most incredible set of legs. Some things money can't buy. I would bargain with the devil for those legs.

  16. At my house, we have nominated George Clooney for "The Least Interesting Man in the World" title.

    He's just boring and so are his girlfriends.

  17. Lutefisk, me too! It could be an extremely lucrative venture!

  18. I keep hearing innuendo on this site that he supposedly likes things rough in bed. Probably a wrestler is the best option for that scenario.

  19. Perhaps her NDA/contract didn't cover Italian territory or language. Pretty sloppy.

  20. I read somewhere that a former boyfriend said Stacy was incredible in bed. With those legs, I find that very believable. If George does like it rough, I imagine she could hold her own.

  21. George's women are making him look bad! I like him less and less as I hear from this women. Someone should tell him that who he romances reflects on him. He must be dumber than a rock to date these women.

  22. I think it's pretty obvious that George Clooney is gay, so can't we dispense with the pretenses?? These women are not dating him, and he's most certainly not sleeping with them.
    Why don't people want to see that he's gay? I don't get it.
