Sunday, October 09, 2011

Going To The Wedding Together?

Paul McCartney married Nancy Shevell, but I wonder about something they did prior to getting married. The photo above is them actually heading to their wedding ceremony together. At what point do you just say, I really don't care if I see the bride before, lets just get this over with. I don't think he saw Heather Mills prior to their wedding and look how that turned out so he probably figures there is no way this could be worse. Still though, I mean a little mystery might not have been bad.

Paul - [Putting down the remote] I guess I will go find something to wear and we should head down to the ceremony.
Nancy - Yes, I guess it is about that time.
Paul - What is for dinner tonight?
Nancy - Go out?
Paul - Yeah, maybe to a pub. There is a football match on I want to see.


  1. Heh, it's the 3rd marriage for him, 2nd for her, they are older and hopefully wiser, I don't see this as a big deal. Says one who went to city hall along with my at the time live-in-boyfriend of 11 years to finally get legal! Hope this one works out for Paul. I have a feeling it will - she certainly is not after money, and she hasn't been flaunting the relationship at all.

  2. This marriage looks like a winner for Paul. They are financial equals, it's probably as much of a relief for her as it is for him. I wish them nothing but happiness.

    My parents drove to the Justice of the Peace together to get married, no biggie.

  3. I agree, when it's your 2nd and 3rd marriage, who cares. Or even if it's your first...tradition is important to some people, but not to everyone. It's your wedding, do what feels right for you!

  4. My current husband and I went to the courthouse together to get married. It was my 2nd and his 1st
    and I can def say this one is a winner.

    LOVE these weekend posts Enty! Thanks!

  5. i'm sure heather mills is off boiling a rabbit somewhere.

  6. so its ANOTHER woman decades younger, eh Paul?

    good luck with this one buddy, eye roll.

  7. My husband & went together to our ceremony - his 3rd, my 2nd. We were living together (sort of - long story) so we woke up, got some munchies at Publix and took them to his daughter's house where she performed the ceremony. After the 1st time, you get to make your own ceremony.

  8. I agree "you get to make your own ceremony" and tradition. I think traveling together & shucking certain staunchy traditions shows how much more mature & genuine the intent is. I wish them luck :)

    Although it seems Paul has a hard time just being 'Paul'..why the desperate need to be hitched?

  9. Actually Jasmine she is 51 to his 69. I applaud him for not looking for a young trophy wife but sticking with someone closer to his age. I read that he spent yesterday going to Yom Kippur services with her. I thought that was very sweet. This man has given the world so much entertainment in his lifetime. I wish him and Nancy all the best. He would still be with Linda if she hadn't passed away. I don't think he could have written so many beautiful love songs if he didn't actually enjoy being in love.

  10. @Enty: "At what point do you just say, I really don't care if I see the bride before, lets just get this over with." You tell us; you've beaten us about the head with your (cough) five marriages (cough), so who better to answer this question than you?

  11. She's 51? She looks GOOD!

  12. At what point do you just say, I really don't care if I see the bride before, lets just get this over with.

    When you're old, wise and experienced enough to know that the marriage is more important than the wedding.

  13. I got married for the first time 1 year ago (age 47), my husband's second time (tho I don't think his first really counted, ha), and this is exactly what we did! We helped each other get ready--there are hilarious pictures by the photographer when we realized that neither one of us knows how to tie a tie. Hey, he's a forester, not a suit-wearing guy. Then we drove to the church with the photographer and no one else. Got married with just the minister and his wife. Mosied home, at wedding cake which I'd made.

    ...and we're more deliriously happy than ever a year later! :-)

  14. Y'know what? I like romance. I hope it works out for these crazy kids.

    I didn't even know he was hooked up again. Go them!

  15. Anybody else think it's weird Stella designed a wedding gown for her new stepmother that looks just like the Duchess of Windsor's Mainbocher wedding dress in 1930-whatever, only in white instead of blue?

  16. They were headed to the registry office, which is the equivalent of a civil ceremony in the UK. There usually isn't a lot of ceremony for those as it's not the same as a church service, which is performed separately.

  17. I am happy for my favorite Beatle and wish them nothing but happiness. He deserves some after that gold digging skank Heather and all of the HELL she put him through.

  18. I think this one will stick. And if his daughter designed the dress for her then Stella obviously approves of her. Stella warned him about Heather and he wouldn't listen. Just sayin'

  19. She looks amazing for her age.

  20. Figgy-
    Your story made me really happy for some reason.
    What a great intimate REAL wedding day!

    Im happy for you~

  21. My husband and I saw each other before our Vegas wedding. We were the only two people we knew!

  22. I read a story about it before, but I wasn't sure if it was true. The story says that people weren't aloud to see each other before the wedding during the times when the wedding was just a deal between families. So they did it just in case somebody not to escape from the wedding after he/she saw the ugly face of the bride/groom. The biggest question of my wedding was how to change your name and we went to ceremony together.
