Monday, October 17, 2011

Great Way To Quit Your Job

If you are going to quit your job, apparently the new way is to make it spectacular enough to end up on YouTube.


  1. He isn't old enough to know that people tend to pop back up in your life. Don't burn bridges my young friend!

  2. A fantasy come true but agree with the above - this will bite you on the ass some day.

    (I have to admit, I've always liked tuba players. I don't know why.)

  3. Yeah uh huh and security wasn't called or nothing....FAKE

  4. Haha, I guess I am in the minority here, but I LOVED it! Who out there hasn't wanted to do something like this at some point? He'll be fine :)

  5. Worked for over three years at the same place, and that's how he quits?

    Good luck getting a recommendation letter from this previous employer! You always need recommendation of some sort from mid to long-term previous jobs.


  6. Bingo. With background checks and everything else. It may have felt good (if its real) but long term this won't be such a wise decision.

  7. Wow...I wish I had that luxury of just quitting my job. Dumbass is right. In this economy, there are so many jobless people who are really struggling and would take his crappy job for less $. People will look at this video and think of him as a selfish, ungrateful, spoiled, entitled brat.

  8. My thoughts exactly @Crila

  9. My mom always repeats what my gran said.......Everything is round...what a jerk

  10. I wish he'd elaborated on how they "treat us like shit." Then I might understand why he felt compelled to reciprocate.

  11. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Could have been worse. Some folks would shoot up the place.

    This isn't that bad. It's pretty funny, IMO.


  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

    And I wouldn't be surprised if he gets some fleeting fame and money out of this. If Kim K can get rich for getting pissed on, this should be considered high art.

  13. When I win the lottery, this is how I am going to quit my job! Where I work, I think everyone would appreciate the humour - my managers are pretty awesome.

    I thought it was funny...and I want tot hink he has considered the fact that he will not get any recommendations from that boss! *L*

  14. Did you guys not here him? He's in a band! He doesn't need some crappy job. He's gonna be a star, doing what he loves . . .

    Yeah, probably not the smartest idea, but I wish I have the balls (and the stupidity) to do this once or twice.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I thought it was funny.

    I quit a few jobs because of lousy bosses. Wish I had friends who were in a brass band who could have blasted their ears out.

  17. @LetLoveRule - I wondered the same thing and found this link, which explains why he did this:

    My initial reaction, however was that this kid was an idiot and needs to grow up. I have had some truly shitty work experiences, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and walk away like an adult. I still keep in contact with almost every employer I've ever had....that has never backfired. Where as this stunt...? Surely will.

    I did kinda cheer that JetBlue guy but that was a little different...

  18. I work in a call center, that would be an awesome way to quit. Except theres no jobs around here, I would be broke. :(

  19. too funny...I worked for Hilton Hotels and they treated us like shit must be a common theme....note to self never work at hotels....

    love it!!!!!

  20. These days many large corporations don't give references anyway, someone in HR verfies if you worked there or not and the time you worked there and that's about it. So if that was the case for him or he had already secured another job anyway, why not I say? No regrets is the way to go.

  21. If you say anything bad about a former employee, you can get your ass sued off, so no one does anything but confirm employment dates any more. Although, once you go viral, that won't make much of a difference.

  22. @The Black Cat & Mooshki - Agree about HR's limitations these days but what about in networking aspects?

    If he planned on staying in the hotel industry and some future employer caught wind of this story? They don't even need a rec from the Renaissance, they can just go to YouTube & see Joey in all his glory. :)

  23. So what you're saying is that this is better than me standing up in a giant AT&T call center, walking towards my command center, throwing my badge at the bitch who gave me a hard time about going to the bathroom too many times, and then walking to the huge front door and turning around and throwing up 2 birds and saying FUCK YOU, AT&T at the top of my lungs? No way! Two people followed me out that day. That was over 13 years ago. THANK YOU FOR CALLING AT&T ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE :::BONG BONG:::

  24. @Tempestuous Grape - No, that actually sounds amazing. You didn't post that exit on YouTube, so it's always their word against yours. This dude, however, won't have that open. ;)
