Monday, October 17, 2011

Scrabble Championship Gets Wild

I always thought the Scrabble World Championship would be a quiet affair. You know, people from around the world trying to get the word quartzy while they laughed about triple word scores and drank gin. Turns out this year was not like that at all. At one point, a Thai player accused another player of hiding one of the G tiles. The player wanted the other player strip searched and a body cavity check. The judges declined and the Thai player lost by a single point. The winner is the guy above who managed to come up with a 96 point word. Apparently though he does not know the word razor.


  1. I'm so addicted to words with friends.

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    96 points? Dude's a Scrabble beast! I'm legit jealous.

  3. he probably doesnt know the word vagina either.

  4. He probably just refused to shave until after the match was over. No one thinks it's weird when pro-athletes do that. I want to know what that 96 point word was. I'm also addicted to Words with Friends on FB, but I'm not very good at it.

  5. 96? Bitch, please. Once I had a 187-point word. Absolutely once in a lifetime, and I'll be damned if I can't remember the word. I used all 7 tiles, two triple word squares, and some high-scoring tiles.

    The score at the end of the game was 500-something to 200-something.

  6. Can't you just see the next reality TV show? Scrabble Gone Wild!

  7. @ Jennifer - now that's a reality show I'd watch!

  8. I think this is a hoax! that's just Jim Carrey with his Dumb & Dumber wig and a fake beard.

  9. Scrabble is pretty epic.

  10. Read the book Word Freak for more about how competitive the Scrabble championships get. It's the 21st century version of Chess, when it comes to drama.

    That said, I also have scored more than that on one word. It's almost inevitable if you bingo on the tw triple letter spaces.

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    @littlemanwhatnow, that was hilarious.


  12. *LOL @ littlemanwhatnow*

    And Vicki Cupper, you've got my respect...*L* I think the highest scoring word I ever had was 60-something *L*.

  13. Jennifer, I'm a Scrabble badass! I'd LOVE to be on a reality show like that!

  14. Ha! I would love to read that book! It would be a great documentary as well. I loved "The King of Kong". Geeky and awesome!

    A couple of weeks ago, I used the words "JINS" and got 102 points on Words With Friends! I didn't even know it was a word, I just lucked out! The "J" was on the triple-letter tiles and the "S" was on a triple-word tile. Sooooo rad!!

  15. Vagina! *snort*

    I spelled a 80-point word the other day, "joyrides".

    Of course, it was myself, and 2 computer players on "expert" level, so it probably doesn't count.

    My hubby refuses to play with me. He doesn't accuse me of hiding tiles, just making up words!

  16. I love Words with Friends. I once got over 200 points score with Wobegone, one double word and one triple word tiles and a triple letter and 35 extra points with using all of my tiles. Yay!

    Fun game!

  17. Just so you know, Momster, "kwyjibo" is not a word. :P

  18. Pfff 96 points! Amateur! My best Words With Friends was 126 points for JEEZ. Triple letter score on the J, triple word score. Booya. That was a great day... :)

  19. I'm also a Words with Friends addict on my iPhone - anyone want to add me I'm "Anonymosity"!

  20. Maybe he hid the tile in his beard.

  21. @ AMD--I didn't say it was :p

  22. Scrabble addict here, totally understand. Missing G tile? Sounds fishy!
