Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jack The Cat Has Been Found

After almost two months of searching, Jack the cat was finally found at JFK Airport. Jack went missing back in August at the American Airlines terminal. The owner of Jack dropped him off with another of her cats at the baggage area at JFK. Shortly after, American Airlines called her to say one of her cats was missing. Apparently a baggage handler stacked the two kennels on top of each other and the top one fell and Jack got loose.

Earlier this week, Jack the Cat Awareness Day was held at the airport and now Jack has been found. He is doing well. Slightly malnourished, but doing great and his owner has been notified and Jack will be flown to California to be reunited with her. I hope Jack gets to fly First Class.


  1. I'm so glad that they found him. I'd be pissed if they lost my pet!

  2. I hope they at least don't charge that damned baggage fee!

    But it's American, so do you think they'll even get an apology?

  3. Wow, I'm animals

  4. OMG---My cats are my children. I'm sure the family that lost Jack felt the same way----and can you imagine not knowing if he was hungry, injured, lost, dead or alive?
    Thank goodness he was found! He better be riding IN THE CABIN, not cargo!

  5. So happy for him and his family!

  6. ITA libby.

    I would have stayed at JFK 24/7 looking for my baby. Getting Jack back isn't enough... AA should give them a free vacation to make up for the stress they caused the family.

  7. Bet there are a few less rats and mice at that terminal.

  8. This is why I don't think I could ever travel with my animals unless they got to sit ON my lap and never left my site. I don't trust other people, especially not a baggage handler.

    I'm glad he is found safe and I hope he gets LOADS of hugs + treats from his owner.

  9. I think we should have a Jack the Cat Awareness Day every year at this time.

  10. What a cutie. Glad he's on his way home...

  11. That's a beautiful kitty. Looks like my Toa!

  12. They'll probably charge her for a first class ticket while he stays in baggage.

    I'm surprised they didn't sue her or the cat.

  13. I agree with another poster - I don't think I could ever do that to one of my babies. If they couldn't fly on my lap then I would drive across country if I had to.

  14. what a beautiful cat! i'm a total cat person, so i'm beyond thrilled this has had a happy ending...totally on board w/ Leilana, i too would never trust my cat to the handlers...firm believer they should travel carry-on.

  15. A rare happy ending, mark the calendar. Poor Jack, so happy he's going home at long last!

  16. They would have to throw my ass out of the airport because of the HUGE FUCKING SCENE I'd make if they lost one of my cats.

  17. I'm glad he was found, but you DON'T stack pets! Jeez!

  18. A lot of airlines have started letting you buy an extra seat for a pet carrier. I would not fly with a pet if they couldn't fly in the cabin with me.

  19. *snort* they didn't find jack the cat. They found a jack the cat look a like. Unless she had him microchipped, how could the owner tell the differnce?

  20. LOL @ Brenda ;)

    I've read too many horror stories about transporting the pets with the luggage/cargo. I think if they are under 20lbs, you can have them on your lap in a carrier?

    @Monica - I would be able to tell the difference between my cat and replacement. Plus, they found him in the ceiling of one of the terminals, so I think the odds of finding TWO cats at an airport are pretty low.

    I also just read that he is not doing so well from being malnourished. Poor baby! I hope he pulls through!

  21. OH Monica! As cat owners you can absolutely tell if it's your cat. They have personalities as different as people. They are very reslient and can survive without water and food for longer than people. Our cat was missing for 5 days and we were never so bereft. My husband cried his eyes out because we were left wondering..Lucy finally came home and we are convinced she somehow got locked in a shed. She's back to being fat and happy but she doesn't stray very far these days. I know how these people feel but not as much since Jack was gone for so long. Congrats to them.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Lol! Monica has obviously never owned a cat. Animals have distinct personalities and no two look exactly alike.

  24. Hey, I know I am late to the party, but isn't there an all pets air line? Off to do some research....

  25. :)
