Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tara Reid Hammered - Never Really Married

I am guessing that after three or four days of a bender in Greece, Tara Reid probably thought it sounded like a fabulous idea to get married. So she did and then sold the pics for a few bucks. Hey, you have to make a living. Then she remembered that she had to do that whole Celebrity Big Brother thing in England so did that and when she got finished forgot that she had got married. So, she did what any self respecting person would do, she got more drunk and decided that perhaps since she was going to be seen soon in American Pie 16 that she should find someone more her caliber. The she found out since she got married in Greece, but not here in the US it was like a free pass. Some laughs, some fun and made a few bucks. Not a bad way to spend the summer. I read between the lines of this incoherent rambling she gave to TMZ.

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  1. My goodness. To say she looks like a train wreck would be an insult to the MTA.

  2. All I could think of when I watched this video was WHERE is this girl's mother, because if she was my child I'd SO be hauling her back home. She's an adult, no one can really do that, but I WOULD TRY. What a mess.

  3. actually, she's not at all INcoherent. I could understand her perfectly. I just couldn't LOOK at her ;-)

  4. And this is why people hire handlers.

  5. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I looked better than that after experiencing a gallstone attack on a flight from LA to Tokyo. Seriously, could she look any worse?

  6. I like Tara...she might've done some questionable things and she might be a bit troubled but she seems sweet.

  7. Good lord. I don't have sound, but the picture seems to say it all. She was so happy and hopeful when she got out of rehab a few years ago...she needs a refresher course.

  8. Someone just paid ehr 250,000 dollars. WHY? My life is not a fucking mess, and I don't get paid that!


  9. She looks terrible. She's definitely wasted in the video. It's so sad. It seemed like she was actually getting her act together at one point. She also does seem like a sweet person, just has an alcohol problem.

  10. Hot mess seems to be an appropriate depiction of her. Rehab should be in her very very very near future.

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I need translation for this sentence, "The she found out since she got married in Greece, but not here in the US it was like a free pass." I can't figure out what that sentence is supposed to say.

    Last month, I saw some vapid skank driving a white Escalade (of course) with HOT MESS as her personalized place.

  12. I mean....what is there to say here? Is she ever sober?

  13. Texshan - what happened on the flight??? I can't imagine withstanding that pain on a 12-hour flight (with no real place to make an emergency landing)!! Yikes!

    Oh, and Tara, my dear, do try to stop drinking so much.

  14. anita_mark, translation:
    Tara recently got married in Greece and subsequently discovered that this marriage is not recognised in the US. It's a free pass as she has reconsidered her position & no longer wishes to be married but does not have to come up with the cash to get out of it.
    BTW I watched Celebrity BBUK and her grip on reality seemed tenuous at best at times - very paranoid.

  15. Memo to self....

    my next wedding goes down in Greece.

  16. I second a Greek wedding! Oh how I love an out of town summer romance! And by the time your plane lands home .. Poof! All forgotten :) not that I have any experience in such matters

  17. Anonymous3:01 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous3:03 PM

    KLM, I highly recommend against it. Not pretty. I had been having pain for a couple of months in my lower right side, especially when I stood up after sitting at my desk for a while, but since I am an idiot I ignored it. Then I thought, I know, I'll go to Japan to visit family friends for vacation! Bad idea. Four hours into the flight from hell, I started sweating profusely, vomiting, and experiencing INTENSE pain. Luckily there was a doctor on the flight, and they moved me to the back of the plane, which wasn't full, so I could lie down. I was completely humiliated and scared (I was traveling alone). By the time we got to Tokyo, I was feeling a little better, but I still had to turn around and go back home two days later. A week after that, I had my gallbladder and 1/2 my liver removed (due to infection). Aren't you glad you asked? :-)

  19. I wonder if her information is correct. Greece isn't some banana republic with laws that the US does not recognize. She should probably consult someone with international marital law experience before she gets married again, whether "for real" or for real.

  20. Texshan: Glad you are better! I'd be in trouble if I lost 1/2 my liver..Not sure I have enough of a good one left. (What Enty is to bacon, Sher is to beer.)

  21. She probably knew she was going to be on a long flight and popped a couple of xanax.

    I'm thinking this is pills and not drunk, or maybe a little bit of both.

    How sad

  22. And if I could throw in another drug abuse guess, she could also be experiencing several days of sleeplessness from meth, coke or dex (Adderall). She is famed for MDMA and polysubstance stimulant abuse, so she often looks wrecked when she isn't administering the drugs.

  23. And we get to keep the rings, right Alicia?

  24. Rehab did seem to work for her for a while. She needs a refresher course asap!

  25. @Texshan - ouch! That story is horrible!! I was hoping you would say some kind passenger gave you some percocet and you were fine. Yuck... Sorry that happened!!

  26. Anonymous4:14 AM

    @Snakeoiler, that is true but I believe there is a bunch of hoops you have to jump through to get an international marriage. Some places, like Vegas and Caribbean countries make it easy because it's a business for them but many European countries make it difficult (i.e., tons of paperwork, criteria to be met, etc.). I know Italy is/was like that, maybe Greece too. Basically, you can't just up and ge married.

  27. Poor Tara, she used to be so beautiful

  28. Wow. That scares me. Being an alkie but not yet a drunk, it really really scares me.
