Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Threatening Suicide And Now Engaged

It was only 8 months ago that police were called to Frankie Muniz's house in Arizona because he was allegedly holding a gun to his head and threatening suicide before punching his girlfriend in the face. Now they are engaged. I know they have been together for four years, but if your fights escalate to a level where you are bringing out fists, guns and threats of suicide I am thinking that perhaps the two of you need to move on, get some help and then after a few years, get some more help and continue to stay apart.

Being one to always try to find the humor in the situation, I remember being ashamed at myself for laughing during the 911 recording because you can hear Frankie saying he did not want the police to come because he is a celebrity. Oh, and also that his girlfriend was trashing the house. But instead of just saying she is trashing the house he said something like she is throwing around $10,000 art pieces. I just cannot have those damaged.


  1. I'm not defending him necessarily, but both Frankie and his now-fiance have said that's NOT what went down, so yes, let's stick to "alleged".

  2. I have a friend who has been with her abusive husband for nearly a decade, and inspite of violent episodes which include guns, she went to great lengths to get pregnant and has recently given birth to their first child. I lost sympathy for her a long time ago. She is financially independent and has (or I guess I should now say had) a large support group of family and friends. She doesn't have to stay with him. However, I do still fear for her, and I am heartbroken that she brought a child into this relationship. I feel so sorry for the things that child will see and hear.

  3. They're talking and I'm hearing "Crazy. And in a bad relationship."

  4. He is so weird looking. Looks like a child not a man.

  5. Maybe drugs and alcohol were involved and they made a pact not to go there again.

  6. Man, does this hit home. My brother is an alcoholic and drug addict. He's been married a few times, and trashed the lives of those wives and his kids. Last time his GF broke up with him, he threatened to kill her, and told everyone he was going to do it. She went into hiding for awhile.

    Recently, crazy brother and his GF got back together. Everyone knows that he is very capable of killing her, and I just cannot fathom why this woman is doing this. She is accomplished and independent. She has everything, but is willing to throw herself away.

  7. Someone posted an article about these two on Enty's Facebook. Some kind of Twitter war between the girlfriend/fiance & some writer. She sounds like a lunatic.
