Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Owes Life To Real Housewives Show

Last night was probably the best episode of Real Housewives-Beverly Hills since the dinner episode from last season. I mean when you start off an episode with Brandi Glanville talking about how Kim Richards does meth in the bathroom all night and threatening to kill either or both of the Richards sisters and then having Kim Richards hide Brandi's crutches so she cannot leave, that is a pretty good way to start the show. I choose to ignore Dana because I am hoping she will go away if I don't talk about her. Please, please go away. Who thought she was a good idea? Even what could have been dull ten minutes listening to wedding planning turned into gold. Could they have found a more over the top Father Of The Bride impersonator than Kevin Lee? There is no way on this earth I would ever hire him, but he was good for some laughs. Why would you hire a guy who disagrees with everyone of your choices, insults your budget and hates your potential wedding dress without seeing it? Because as Lisa said, "He is supposed to be the best." I say find someone new. Camille's mother is wonderful and I could have lived without the ten minutes of lunch between Kim and Kyle and the next five minutes with Kim talking to Adrienne about Kyle.

OK, so on to Taylor. Taylor told KTLA that if the Real Housewives cameras were not around she would have been killed by her husband in a murder/suicide event. Huh? If she believed that why did she stay? The cameras are not there 24/7 365 days a year. He allegedly beat her despite the cameras. She says she is grateful because she wanted to be there for her daughter. Again, so if you thought this, why did you stay? To me, she seems like she is trying to get the public on her side which, after The Daily Beast article she is having a tough time doing.


  1. Why are there so may post about Real housewives. Who cares?

  2. I'm only 10 minutes into this epi.

    The Richards sisters are vile. Paris definitely inherited her Mean Girl ways from the fam.

    That Dana chick is AWFUL. What a fakety fake who fakes. Her pathetic attempt to fit in must be an act for camera time, right? RIGHT?????

    I can't believe grown ass women go on this show.

    I feel bad for Taylor, but she is so cringeworthy. Argh.

  3. It's not on Hulu yet :(

    But it basically boils down to:
    Brandi says something about the elephant in the room, and Taylor attempts spin.

    Did I miss anything?

  4. Too bad the show is on.

    I don't know the story, but it appears this disgusting woman is using her husband's death for attention, and I find that repulsive.

  5. Yeah, I could answer the why did she stay question but all these "Housewives" are just such trash. You can't expect to have a good life if you persist in bad behavior.

  6. Does Taylor really believe that those lips she has now are better than the ones she was born with. Her face is freaky.

  7. Agree, parissucks. Now she's accusing him of planning to kill her? Disgusting. I will never watch this show.

  8. I don't believe one word out of this con-artist's over plumped hemorrhoid lips.

  9. Did Enty cover the New Jersey reunion show yesterday and I missed it? For some reason (some sick, sad, disturbing reason) it's my favorite of the RHo shows. Haven't watched this BH ep yet, but I will.

  10. Remember last season when all the girls and their husbands went to Vegas or something and the girls were in the hotel or somewhere having fun and Taylor's husband comes up to her when she is literally in the middle of laughing with the girls and straight up tells her they're leaving- and she looses all happiness and just trots out behind him.

    This looked like abuse to me. Fame whore or not, I dont think Taylor is lying about the abuse. She could be exxagerating a bit for the sake of fame but not lying about it- he's always did give me the creeps.

  11. oh yeah, and Dana can suck it. When she bought that tacky fur last night on the show it was just another reason to be disgusted with her.

    If I could be there to watch her watch the show and see kyle diss her every chance she gets behind her back...i'd be in heaven~

  12. Don't forget BIG KATHY foisted those bitches Kyle, Kim, Kathy & Paris on us. So now it's our duty to see that they never eat lunch in this town again.....where's Julia Phillips when we need her?

  13. Why did she stay? Why does any victim stay with their abuser? BECAUSE THEY'RE A VICTIM OF ABUSE.

    I don't watch this show and I don't know much about Taylor Armstrong or her late husband. But I do know that many, MANY women stay in abusive relationships because they don't know how to leave, or they fear for their safety if they leave, or they have been convinced that they deserve the abuse and aren't good enough to get anything better. And just because you're rich and collagen-ed and possibly a famewhore doesn't make you immune to abuse.

  14. Speaking of Dana, I do not believe her back story. Something about being an "orphan" who ended up in LA all on her own only to attend USC & "become a successful Bev Hills party planner". BS, she was prolly a call girl b4 she packed on the extra 45lbs.

  15. Taylor is vested in being a victim, and sometimes her whining makes me cringe, but abusers who kill their family and then themselves is VERY real. I think she was very lucky. This could have ended differently.

    In this day and age, I'll never forgive Dana for the $25,000 sunglasses comment. The number of people who live on less than that a year is frightening and she is a worthless pos to brag about spending that much on something as frivolous as sunglasses.

  16. In the first season of RHOBH, Russell gave off the creepy factor and I thought she was being abused back then. It could have very well ended with her dead, as this happens. Nobody deserved to be abused...nobody.

    Last week, here in So Cal, an ex-band went to his wife's work and opened fire, 8 people dead, and 1 alive in the hospital.

    As for the episode, I think Kyle is a bully and a mean girl and it is easy to see her as the mean girl to Kim. The real estate deal looks shady and believable. (I have a sister who would do the same thing to get property). I think Brandi is there to rile things up and I have to say I loved her hair style when she does the "sit down" commenting part.

    The best line ever by Lisa (or close to it), "If Max did that I would yank it and tell him to put it away". In relation to Brandi's son peeing on Adrian's lawn at the party. I laughed out loud at that one!

    Kim in her sit down talking parts were the most lucid and telling about some of the things she goes through, especially with Kyle. I'm glad she could talk to Adrian about it.

  17. And yes, why is Dana there? The fur and 25k sunglasses are wayyyy over the top!

  18. Dana is the worst.

    Why is Lisa going with Kevin Lee? Probably b/c she will get his services for free/at an incredible discount. I have a hard time believing he is "the best" in BH. He also did an episode of Tori Spelling's show a few seasons ago...the man loves the limelight.

    Camille's mother looked amazing.

  19. Could not figure out who Kevin Lee reminded me of (beside the Martin Short character in father of the bride) but YES it's so Bobby Trendy's Daddy! LMAO And ENTY- i would love to hear your take on the RHONJ bs that went on at that reunion and with teresa and jacqueline and caroline and dina. I love when you dish on the housewives!

  20. @Mango - He didn't. He wrote something about Kim Zolciak. The reunion was kinda boring. It was mostly a Teresa vs. Caroline stand off. My favorite part was them showing all the words the ladies mispronounced throughout the season (ex. "ingredientzes", "the sound envelopes you", etc.).

    As far as the Beverly Hills ladies...I find Kyle more and more vile with each episode. Kim was a total B too, but I'll give her a pass since she is obviously on SOMETHING (most people on Twitter were saying Coke?). I actually felt pretty sorry for Brandi, esp. when they HID HER CRUTCHES.

    Dana is BEYOND pathetic and not at ALL entertaining to watch.

    I was disappointed when Vanderpump egged things on at the charity thing.

    I sent this to Enty last night...the funniest tweet I saw about this episode was: "My Prius runs on crystal meth." I LOVED how Kyle acted so dumb about what that was.

  21. @The Bitch Next Door said...Sadly I believe Julia Phillips has passed on but wasn't she something else? (Sure you are keenly aware and it was a rhetorical question) Loved her!

  22. First, I believe that Taylor was abused. I also believe that she's lucky--that he would have killed her.

    What I find interesting about this season: remember that it was shot before Russell's suicide. There was some question about whether the show would even get aired, because so much of it was about the Russell/Taylor drama. Now those parts have been edited, and we're left with the Brandi/Kyle/Kim drama.

    I used to LOVE Kyle, in the first season. She was the sane one of the group. Now she's just a Mean Girl. And she is so co-dependent with that addict sister of hers. Who hides a woman's crutches and thinks it's funny? That's just messed up.

    These "ladies" prove week after week what my mother always said : Money can't buy you happiness.

    But it can buy you a freak of a wedding planner and a pair of sunglasses that look as if they came from a Hong Kong flea market. It can also help you sell your soul. Dana's purchase of real fur (while living in Southern California, where the temperature never dips below freezing) is only a step away from Michael Vicks, in my opinion. I don't usually jump on the animal rights bandwagon, but there is no excuse for a fur coat in LA. That's just plain evil.

  23. WHY do you people WATCH this shit?

    That is what I'd like to know.

  24. @parissucks,

    I watch the shows because they are well put together and sometimes quite entertaining. Beverly Hills plays on the paradox of the California Gothic, namely, that LA is full of sunshine and beautiful people, and misery and ghosts of pain and abuse and horror. The Beverly Hills cast wears gothic ballgowns and swagger on Laboutins through a post-apocalyptic wasteland (emotionally speaking). It's the first Housewives cast to have this level of addiction, abuse, suicide and psychopathology. That's why I watch it.

  25. I watch Beverly Hills Housewives for the same reason that Leah Hirsig said to Aleister Crowley, "Paint me as a dead soul." there is something ghoulish and post-human in it all. Something transcendent, too.

