Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today's Blind Items

#1 - It is not like this should be surprising, but it is kind of sad. This actress is probably C list. She has really only had one big role. It was a huge movie. Not necessarily dollar wise, but awards and publicity wise. She also models and has been in a long term relationship with another C list actor and former co-star. Apparently though he has been getting the lies and excuses lately about why they cannot spend more time together even though publicly she says all the right things about how great their relationship is. She tells the boyfriend that work and modeling shoots are keeping her busy, when in reality she is spending every second with this great looking B- list movie actor with the unusual name. What our actress does not understand is that if anything happened it would be quick and dirty for him and not love and romance and forever. If she wants that she should stick it out with the boyfriend before he finds out the inevitable.

#2 - This C+ list television actor who does not do much, but was on a modest network hit and has just about A list name recognition is encouraged by his wife to hire escorts as much as he wants just as long as he does not cheat on her again. Apparently she does not consider anything strictly sexual to be cheating.


  1. Frieda Pinto for #1

  2. unusual name - Zack G? although I just could not do that.

  3. Oh snap, Suzanne. That sounds about right.

  4. oh, never mind, it said great looking. So clearly, not Zack G.

  5. #2 is David Boreaneaz (spelling)?

  6. #1 - Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson. She's C list, biggest role was Abigail in the National Treasures movies. She was a top fashion model in Germany, Diane and Josh met on Dawson's Creek (I believe). Don't know who she's having an affair with though.

  7. Nevermind...National Treasure I don't think got any awards. Frida Pinto might be a better guess.

  8. #2 can't be Boreanz, he's currently on Bones, which is a fairly hit show, and Buffy was better than a modest hit.

  9. Who is Charlize Theron dating? If she were still with Stuart Townsand (I'm sure I have that name wrong, but y'all know who I'm talking about) I'd say it was her. I know she's won an Oscar, but I wouldn't say she's A-list. "Monster" was a big deal with awards and she got tons of press for being unattractive and a normal weight, but didn't the movie didn't make much money. She models for some perfumes and jewelry and watches now more than she acts.

  10. Ah, yes...just re-read that blind. Oops.

  11. Frieda sounds right. Good call Suzanne!
    I have no idea about #2.

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Frieda Pinto? Nooooooo :(

  13. I like the Frieda Pinto guess as well. I wonder who the affair guy is though. # 2 No clue.

  14. For the guy in # 1, does everyone agree that despite an usual name, Shia LaBoeuf is (sadly) higher than B- and not "great looking"?

  15. LOL, I was googling Freida Pinto and Shia LaBoeuf! Couldn't find anything, but that's my guess for #1.

  16. Hmm, for some reason I think Enty would have thrown in "foreign born" if it were Pinto or Kruger....looking forward to more guesses because I got nothin'!

  17. 1. Frieda Pinto/Dev Patel

    I don't think it's Shia. Would you describe him as "great looking"?

    2. I genuinely want to say Ashton, but I don't think that's right.

  18. I think the chick is def. Frieda Pinto, clues fit her and Dev Patel perfectly, but like I said, lists aside, I just can't find Shia LaBeouf great looking. he isn't gross, but great looking is a stretch.

  19. The situation in # 2 could fit Ashton, but he is A list all the way and is busy with projects.

  20. I have heard that Shia is actually pretty darn good lookin in person. But then, the person who told me that was biased.

  21. But wasn't Pinto in "Rise of The Planet of The Apes"? So she has worked since,hmmm not sure this is her.

  22. @Montana: It says only one big role and C list, not that she hasn't had any other roles. at least that's how I interpreted it.

  23. #1 Freida Pinto (sadly)

    #2-Balthazar Getty

  24. Balthazar Getty is BRILLIANT. Yes yes yes.

    I could see Freida for #1 but that makes me sad. :( Dev Patel is such a cutie. No idea for the B- actor.

  25. Also, it is Pinto's birthday today.

  26. I totally suck at guessing blinds so I apologize in advance for this:

    Harry Hamlin for #2?

  27. What about Joaquin Phoenix? I always thought that was an unusual name. Would he be considered a B- actor now? I think he may have been almost or was an A at one time.

  28. Frieda Pinto is an excellent guess for #1. And many would call Shia great looking!

  29. I think the actor in #1 is Cam Gigandet. Unusual name and smoking hot.

  30. #2 Balthazar FTW, if you ask me. That's who I thought of immediately.

    And Pinto for #1 makes sense. Does Kellan Lutz count as an unusual name? I don't think he's that great looking, but maybe some do.

  31. Frieda and Balthazar are both in Random photos today. I also thought of Alexander Skarsgard. Not that his name is that unusual. (If this is indeed Frieda I feel sad for Dev. I just watched Skins on Hulu and he is really funny in it.)

  32. Frieda and Balthazar are both in Random photos today. I also thought of Alexander Skarsgard. Not that his name is that unusual. (If this is indeed Frieda I feel sad for Dev. I just watched Skins on Hulu and he is really funny in it.)

  33. If Cam Gigandet or Kellan Lutz are B- then I'm Angelina friggin Jolie!

  34. When I hear "B list","great-looking" and "unusual name", Viggo Mortensen comes to mind. Otherwise I got nothin'.

  35. Is Keanu Reeves b-list?

  36. I can't get sad over stories taking the form: "One Hollywood person is having sex with another Hollywood person while a third Hollywood person doesn't know about it." That is just what happens when people allow the industry to direct traffic in someone's sex life and love life. They wouldn't be starfucking if they really had human souls.

  37. #2 could be josh duhamel, he was in "Las Vegas", and was cheating on Fergie in the past.

  38. And for #1, Freida Pinto & Gerard Butler as the B-list? He has a funny name, everything is quick and dirty for him, and theyve been spotted at the same parties before..

  39. I would have bet money that #1 was Diane Kruger and Josh Jackson but it also noted ' former co-star' which they are not. (Thank God.) But it wouldn't surprise me if this was true for them as well.

  40. #2: David Duchovny
