Wednesday, October 05, 2011

US Weekly Wins The Lame Reporting Of The Week

Guess what the cover story is for US Weekly this week? They want you to know that Ashton Kutcher cheated on Demi Moore in a hot tub during their anniversary. Wow, talk about being late to the party. Every tabloid and website has been talking about this for a week. The only saving grace for US is they did not try and put an exclusive all over their cover. They do say that Ashton and Demi have entered counseling. They haven't actually, but US Weekly considers it counseling when you both of you are at the same worship service whether you talk or say a word to each other at all. That qualifies as counseling now.


  1. I read one blind that said her sex drive was voracious and that kept their marriage fueled. So maybe that has cooled and, while she will be hurt because she loves him, she might be just fine down the road without such a younger partner.

    I thought I'd never stop thinking about sex 24/7, but recently at around age 45-ish it began to wane...and I am fine with it! (Hubby at 56 is still a horn dog, though). I still love it/want it/need it, but just not every day of the week.

    It's just the natural course of biology is the way I see it. Men are programmed to still want it all the time their whole lives, IMO.

  2. The really truthful bit on that cover is that Teresa really is/has been trying to sabotage Melissa. It's so obvious. Tre is so jealous it just oozes out of her.

  3. I'm not sure how print tabs will survive in the long run - online gossip is the way to go ;) I want my dirt immediately!

  4. Ashton just wants it all. He watches his douche bag friend Wilmer getting all the strange and envies him. UGH.

    Re Teresa and Melissa... they are equally at fault, but Tre's husband *really* stirs the pot. Joe Gorga is a bonehead but he isn't the troublemaker that Joe Guidice is. And I loved it when he insisted on doing that drunken gymnastic tumble and broke his tooth. Reality gold!

  5. I thought following someone on Twitter would qualify as counseling!

  6. I think the headline should be "AMAZING: Demi and Ashton's marriage lasted 5 times longer than anyone thought it would!"

  7. An all night hot tub party? Who can stay in a hot tub THAT long?

    WTF is Lauren Conrad "dating" Derek Hough?

  8. Lauren Conrad is desperate for publicity and bearding for Derek in my opinion

  9. Neither Demi and Ashton really looks like themselves on that cover!!! everything is just a little bit off.
