Saturday, November 05, 2011

Andy Rooney Has Died

Andy Rooney, the "60 Minutes" commentator known to generations for his wry, humorous and contentious television essays - a unique genre he is credited with inventing - died Friday night in a hospital in New York City of complications following minor surgery. He was 92.

Below is one of my favorite compilations of Andy, called "Out Of Context." It is a mashup of some of his favorite expressions, sayings and essays all mashed up.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I loved this guy. Not unexpected, but still sad. I'll miss him.

  2. I guess he will never live to see this Internet thing become a passing fad. Rip, Andy

  3. The video was funny. I remember watching 60 minutes with my parents when they were still married, so he always reminds me of being a kid. RIP.

  4. I only used to watch 60 Minutes because of Andy Rooney :(

  5. Does anyone else have the feeling that he didn't expect to come through this procedure and left 60 Minutes knowing he wouldn't be back?

  6. Bubbles, that is exactly what I said. He knew something was up. He loved his "work" too much to give it up without a reason.

    Every Sunday evening, my mom would turn on "60 Minutes" and say, "One day, I am going to turn it on and Andy won't be with us anymore." It always made me so sad to hear her say that. When I saw the news this morning, I immediately thought of my mom who passed away nearly two years ago. She never had to see a Sunday without Andy Rooney.

  7. Sears....Whatever happened to Roebuck? Just awesome. RIP Andy Rooney.

  8. What would Michael K have to say about those eyebrows?

    RIP Mr. Rooney. You were fantastic.

  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....I loved that man.

  10. Don't flame me. I always thought he was kinda cranky. But I did enjoy his segments & he always brought up great points (Where is Roebuck!?).

    RIP, Mr. Rooney!

  11. At least he got to walk away from 60 Minutes on his own terms and was honored for it (unlike Dan Rathers).

    This is sad news, I thought he would be around a bit longer to put his 2 cents in on world topics at his leisure.

  12. Anonymous6:18 PM

    So sad. I used to love watching him as a kid. I too figured something was up when he retired. He must have known. 92 is a good run, though, and he did something he loved for a long time. RIP.
