Saturday, November 05, 2011

Brett Ratner Confirms He Has A Small Peen - Hates Women

For those of you who decided to come on over and read the blog this morning and are always asking for reveals, let me tell you that way way back in the day I wrote a blind item about some directors who kept a little black book where they listed everyone they had sex with and rated them and whether they would have sex if you cast them and I forget the rest of the ranking system. If someone could find it that would be great. Anyway, one of the directors is Brett Ratner. He gave an interview on Thursday to G4 and basically confirmed what a tool he is to all women when he was asked about Olivia Munn and how she once said she saw Brett Ratner touching his tiny peen while eating shrimp.

Brett says he is the subject of her story and that he "banged" Olivia a few times and then forgot her. Classy. He blames it on the fact she was Lisa then and not Olivia so she wasn't Asian then. The only part he denies is the shrimp eating part. This is the kind of guy who only wants to have sex with as many people as possible each week and treats all women like meat. Remember that if he comes up to you asking you out. Of course since he has the world's smallest peen he needs to find someone new everytime because no one wants to go back for seconds.


  1. Olivia Munn is Asian? I must have her confused with another Olivia. I bet the other director is Michael Bay.

  2. I notice that men are always pigs when they kiss and tell but it seems the world can't wait for a female celebrity to come out with a tell a book to find out all the juicy tidbits about any what male celebrity she slept with and how they are in bed

  3. He's really gross inside and out.

  4. @Ruse. I couldn't figure which one she is either. There are lots of Olivias and lots of genericly pretty actresses these days. I think Michael Bay and Ratner were the faves for the blind.

  5. Olivia Wilde is the one that people like, she was on House.

    Olivia Munn is the one that people seem to dislike. She was on G4, then Daily Show, then whatever else.

    I can't really picture either one in my mind, and I can't remember which one supposedly slept with Timberlake.

  6. Oh, no! A misogynistic man who's using his professional status to get women into bed and then badmouths them to distract from his own, uh, shortcomings. Color me surprised.

  7. @FS - Olivia Wilde is the one rumored w/ JT.

    She said he had a tiny peen. I'm not at all surprised by this revelation. In the EW article, he said that when they dated OM went by Lisa and "wasn't Asian." What??

  8. "Enty" bumbld this one up (surprise!). Ratner used Olivia Munn's name several times, so there was no question.

    So a powerful man enjoys sleeping with women, and a cheap, ignorant slut takes advantage by trying to sleep her way to the top. Quelle horreur! Yes, he *clearly* hates women and wants only to have sex with as many as possible! Unlike any other man alive! And he *clearly* has "the world's smallest peen." (I watched the G4 piece so I'm not sure where you got this).

    "Enty," Ratner turned you down, didn't he? You sound REALLY bitter.

  9. SOooooo he is a bigger tool then his tool. He looks it.

  10. I have always gotten a gay vibe from Ratner. Anyone else?

  11. @Binky Enty didn't "bungle" this up at all. Lisa/Olivia wrote about what happend in her book Wonder Woman Suck It. About a director she slept with that she said had a tiny peen and jerked off while eating shrip.

    Brett was asked about it in a G4 interview and copped to "banging her a few times" that Olivia was pissed at him for forgeting her since she changed her name. But denied eating shrimp and jerking off.

    Lisa/Olivia's mother is chinese.

    I personally can not stand Olivia and think she just used the geek community to get famous pretend she is a nerd got a gig on G4 network for a few years. But mostly she just convinced a lot of people she is hot (she isn't).

    Now she is trying to pretend she is a "comedy actress".

  12. As far as I'm concerned, Brett Ratner and Olivia Munn make the perfect couple. She's almost as slimy as he is, and even less talented. She only started talking about her Asian heritage when she realized that nerds fetishize Asian women. As much as I hate him, I'm sure she knew exactly what she was doing when she "banged" him - that chick would do anything to work her way up. And yes, I am bitter about her - she ruined The Daily Show while she was on - so tragically unfunny.

    Here's the old blind.

  13. I must be the only person on this entire internet that likes Olivia. LOL
    My husband used to watch that G4 show and I'd hear it while near him on the computer and I thought she was funny and gorgeous.
    She's no worse then so many starletts.
    Anyway, FS, BOTH Olivia's hooked up w/ JT.
    O. Munn was in a Ted blind about hooking up w/ JT.

  14. This guy is utterly repulsive.

  15. Binkym you're gross.

  16. Never liked this (little) prick. Sexist and racist. He said his favorite "jokes" on RH2 were the "all Asians look alike" and the one about Asian men having small dicks.(personal experience I can tell you neither are true). Plus he screwed over John Lone.

  17. Probably jealousy, shopgirl - John Lone is a hotty!

  18. Oh, and could you tell the story? I can't find anything on google.

  19. That story didn't make Olivia look very good either. And she is the popular (practically revealed) blind item subject for "She Devil Dees", I believe. Basically how she'll have sex with anyone (including JT) to make it in Hwood.
