Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's MV Clue Time

This week marks the 5th anniversary of the blog. Happy birthday blog. I can't believe it has been five years. It has gone by so fast. I also can't believe I have lived this long with my parents. Holy crap they must be sick of me. Well, actually I know they are. Like I told my mom the other day though, just think of me occupying her house as my own little occupy Wall Street moment. Anyway, as has been custom for the past couple of years, I shall provide a clue to the identity of the MV blind item which was written almost five years ago.

Our famous lip syncher has released a CD within the past 12 months.


  1. Great. Both forerunners, Britney and JLo, have released albums in the past year, no??

  2. I'm voting Britney. My ex was on the road with her and it is common knowledge within her crew she simply cannot (and doesn't) sing.

  3. Congrats Enty on 5 successful years to a great blog!

    Love your format, love your blinds, and because of your earlier posts, I am now getting late to work.

    Congrats again!

  4. I just speedily read through the MV posts over the years to refresh my memory. I would read the comments, but my eyes would dry out & head explode. I'm leaning towards JLo since Britney has been under conservatorship with her dad for the past few years, keeping everything ship-shape - financially speaking. I think the people singing for Britney are all happy & paid on time.

  5. Still sticking with JLo

  6. I guess JLo, but there is something just not quite right that it's her to me.
    And congrats and Thank You for your wonderful blog, Enty!!!!!!

  7. Happy Birthday Enty, and thank you! LOVE this blog.

  8. Thanks so much for this blog. It is truly a highlight of my day. I have had a crappy shitfest of a Fall--my mother passed away, my father has been drinking to cope, my van was nearly totaled, my oldest son moved away (happy for him, just miss him), and I was scared shitless by an earthquake in Oklahoma of all places; and I come here to escape a while and laugh.

    I feel a bit better now. You may now go back to discussing MV!

  9. @Momster - my condolences. Hang in there! Hope things work out soon.

  10. Happy Anniversary Enty!!

    I am going with Britney..

  11. Didn't Sade release an album within the past year? For some reason I have thought MV was Sade.

  12. Thanks for what you do Enty! Love it :)

  13. Happy Blogiversary Enty!
    I can't believe it's been 5 wonderfully occasionally trashy years!
    Thank you for all you've done and continue to do.
    Bacon tequila shots all around!

  14. Happy anniversary, Enty!

    Thank you for making my work day more tolerable.

    Britney -- It now sounds like a computer is doing most of her vocals whereas, in the past, it sounds like someone was at least attempting to sing.

  15. Happy anniversary, Ent! I've only been reading for three years, but I'm definitely hooked :)

    As for this, sigh....yes still either Britney or J.Lo. I've always been on the J.Lo train because MV sounded like a nasty piece of work in one of the clues, so I"m sticking with JLo.

  16. Brit Brit. Has anyone noticed how her vocals are all autotuned to hell lately?

  17. Happy anniversary Enty!!!! You're an important part of my day!

  18. J Lo

    I don't see how it can be Brit. There's videos of her when she was younger on like Star Search or something singing her little heart out and it was decent. And (I'm ashamed to admit this) but on that crap show she and Kevin had Chaotic or whatever, there were several times where she was just hanging around and she's sing a little here/there and it sounded exactly like she does on the records, just not as produced. There's a clip here even where she's singing while getting hair/make-up

    the thing is just that her voice is no Mariah or Christina and they definitely use some autotune in the studio. And sure all her shows are lip synced/backup trakced due to the dancing/running around she does on stage. but she can carry a tune.

  19. Jennifer Lopez made a movie called Maid in Manhattan and played a character named Marisa Ventura (MV!). So I'm voting for J-Lo.

    BTW, Enty... can you update (or better yet, reveal) the very first BI that I read here? It was about the first wife of a celebrity whose exhusband apparently was (sexually?) abusing his young teenage daughter. She was trying to modify the custody agreement because the daughter absolutely refused to visit her father...

  20. I've always been on the JLo train here.

  21. I know this doesn't help much, but I don't think it's Britney or JLo. JLo has done quite a few collaborations, which would make it obvious to other artists that she can't sing, right? Is everyone in the industry so tight lipped that everyone would keep their mouths shut over something so huge?

    Although I do like MrsPatterson's Main in Manhatten hint... I just confuse myself with this BI

  22. Happy bday to my favorite blog!

  23. I don't think J-Lo sings that great - so I don't think it's her. I also don't think that she's so well loved that people would keep this quiet.

    Then again, neither is Britney.

    Back to square one, lol

  24. NEITHER Britney NOR J.Lo have great voices, and the original BI says we would be stunned. I don't think it is either of them.

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  25. Happy Anniversary Enty!
    Thanks for 5 years of fun :D

    Enty wrote that letter to JLo when she wanted to leave AI. I don't remember his exact wording, but it was something like...You know and I know that everyone in this town has more talent than you.

    JLo FTW!

  26. Happy 5 yrs Enty! Love the blog.
    I am truly convinced that MV is JLo.
    Wonder if Skeletor will write a tell-all book someday ...

  27. Does anybody know if Sinead O'Connor fits MV? I know that at the time people I knew in the industry were laughing at her because they said her voice was entirely created in the studio and hasn't she cropped up again lately?

    Also ... friends of mine in Nashville who are in the position to know say that Faith Hill can't sing. Shaninny Twat as well.

  28. Happy anniversary, Enty! Thanks for keeping me entertained, shocked, frightened, and angered -- in other words, thanks for counteracting all the "mommy's little helpers" I take! Naw, I'm kidding. I don't self-medicate until the kiddos go to bed. I try not to pass out after 4 bottles of wine unless DH is home to keep track of the baby.

    I've only been here a couple of years but I'm hooked and my DH is too. When I was in labor last year with little baby Isla, I made DH read your blog out loud to me to pass the time. Thanks again & congrats, Big Guy!

    Oh, and MV = JLo.

  29. nunaurbiz, I think Enty said MV was born in the US and that would eliminate Shania & Sinead. MV also has been divorced which would eliminate Faith Hill too. I thought for sure it was Beyonce but then Enty said it wasn't her.

  30. Happy anniversary Enty!! This site is such a stress reliever and fun... Thanks!!!

    Now on to my guess, I still think it's Mariah Carey. I wouldn't be shocked if it's Britney, since she's always been a big "meh" to me. Power house singers on the hand...

    Case in point, play these two videos at the same time in different tabs see if you agree. Oh, pay attention to the 3:00 mark in the first one.

  31. @Momster - hugs darling, I hope for better days for you.

    Jello for the win

  32. Whoops! I forgot to include this:

    Fits with the "Our famous lip syncher has released a CD within the past 12 months" part without being too obvious...

  33. It has to be someone who would SHOCK us. Would any of you be shocked by J Lo or Britney lip synching? I sure wouldn't.

    I truly think Mariah has a phenomenal voice, and she has sung live so many times, I don't think it is her.


  34. @chopchop: Thanks for clearing that up! Forgot about the born in the USA part.

    For the record, Faith Hill was married to Dan Hill (not the singer) before Tim McGraw.

  35. Hahahaha I was going to say the EXACT same thing as Bnl! She did sing, and rather well and sounding like she does in her albums (minus the auto-tune) on that show with Kevin, Chaotic. I'm still with JLo.

    @Carrie--Artists usually record their parts in collaborations separately. They're not, like, singing their little hearts out in a studio together. They record separately and then mix the two to make the song. So collabs shouldn't really matter. . . The one thing I don't get is when JLo made Selena. She supposedly "sang" all those songs, and she was a nobody then. Would they really go through all that work to make the film, when they could have just gone with another actress who actually CAN sing? It's not JLo is that talented of an actress anyway. She did look like her, yes, but that's it.

    Nooooo, not SINEAD! I love her.

  36. @parissucks - you have to keep in mind that he said people would have been shocked AT THE TIME because she was everywhere and very popular. Since the timeline of the original blind, we all know/learned that JLo and Britney are auto-tuned to death, but it was only the original blind that said people would have been shocked.

  37. Any idea where I can see/find this MV item Enty is referring to? I've been mostly lurking here for nearly 2 years and still have no clue what he's referring to. Thanks!

  38. its not mariah.

    that koren chick is good but she pronounces words different and has a different tone to her voice. mariah sings live in interviews all the time. here's a bunch of clips in one video

    can't fake all that. sorry.

    plus the clue from november 2009 said MV had at least one child. mariah wasn't even preggo until summer of 2010

  39. Can't be Sinead. MV is US born. Up until that clue, I was convinced it was Shania.

    I think it's J. Lo. I think it would be shocking just based on all the big time producers and music peeps she has worked with not because she has a phenomenal voice, well fake voice.

  40. Remember gang, he ruled out Britney.

    hhmm thinking caps back on.
    who would shock us?

  41. Enty, I love this site and it's the first thing I go to every day. Thank you for 5 years of enjoyment!

  42. *korean. i should spell check. my apologies.

  43. J-Lo did NOT sing in Selena. She lip-synched to Selena's own voice. In fact, back then she was only an actress, not a singer, and apparently in an interview around the time of the movie she stated that she wasn't singing any of the music in the movie because she CAN'T sing. Then all of a sudden she's riding the latin wave and coming out with her own album. I can't find the interview though, so that could just be a rumour that she said that.

    I still think she is MV for sure.

  44. Hmmm interesting article, or rather, half-article since I won't pay for the full thing:

  45. Forgot to add a big shoutout/thank you to Enty, whoever you or they are (The quantity of posts in the past couple of weeks makes me think you are more than 1 person). Anyways, I lurves this blog. It's my fave place on the Internets, next to J.Crew. And I love all the CDANers. You people complete me.

  46. Yea, can someone let me know this history of MV? I've only been on the site for about 6 months now! Thanks!!

    And Happy Anniversary Enty!!

  47. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Happy Anniversary Enty! You are my favourite blogger :-) I believe MV to be JLo. The clues fit plus I would love it to be her, since I find her annoying. Oh and by the way Enty, I love the weekend blogging, pleeeeease continue this weekend!

  48. @Char - on IMDB it says that she did lip sync and was not provided the vocal coach she thought she was going to have.

    if you can sing why do you need a vocal coach provided? and wouldn't you have your own pro you like to work with?

    you are right that she had zero signing experience going into that.

    i agree that it wouldn't be shocking due to her "talent" but more because she goes with this "i'm real, down to earth, busted my ass to get what i have, i earned all of it" attitude. to turn out she's fake and rode someone else's voice out and made millions off it would blow her entire persona.

  49. For everyone asking about MV, the easiest way to catch up is to click on the MV label that's below the article - that pulls up every item he's written about her.

  50. ♫ "It's your anniversary..." ♫
    (sung to the tune of Tony! Toni! Toné!)
    Happy 5 Years, Enty! XO

  51. I'm still On the Six with JLo. We're not shocked now, but 5 yrs ago, JLo lip synching would have been shocking.

    Britney really doesn't fit even though she doesn't sing live now.

  52. I was early on the JLo train and remain there.

    Happy birthday/anniversary, ENTy!

  53. @Jolene - thank you for clearing that up. I wasn't too sure.

    I still don't know if I'm sold on the MV as JLo theory. I don't think she's a big enough music star to be shocking.

    Off to read and think a whole bunch more.

  54. Happy Anniv Enty! I love this blog and love reading all of the comments. Keep it up! :)

  55. 11/10/2011 - Our famous lip syncher has released a CD within the past 12 months.

    11/9/2010 - Either our singer or someone she has been married to has had a nickname or a hyphenation in their nickname.

    11/13/2009 - MV was born in the United States.

    11/12/2009 - MV has been separated (real separation and not just kicking the guy out for a couple of days) and/or divorced at least once.

    11/11/2009 - MV has at least one child.

    11/10/2009 - To borrow a phrase from Ted C, MV ain't Mandy Moore, Pink, Norah Jones, or Beyonce

    11/9/2009 - MV has been or is currently married.

  56. *Love? album released April 19, 2011

    *Relationships with: Ojani Noa, Sean Combs (aka Diddy, P. Diddy, & Puff Daddy), Cris Judd, Ben Affleck (full name Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt says wiki), and Marc Anthony.
    *JLO born in Bronx, NY

    *Divorced from Noa in 1997; Married to Cris Judd 2001-2003; 2002-2004, engaged to Ben Affleck

    *feb. 22, 2008, gives birth to twins

    *6/5/2004-7/15/2001 married to Mark Antony.

  57. I never even consider Britney because isn't MV supposed to be known for being an incredible singer and if everyone found out about her using a completely different voice from her own it would "rock the music industry to it's core"? To me, Britney sings exactly how she talks. High pitched and whiney. I was on the JLO train for a while but then again, she's never been known for her incredible vocals either. It has to be someone like Whitney, Celine, Xtina, or Mariah.

  58. Happy Anniversary, Enty (whoever/wherever you are!) Thanks for snark, quips, blind items (especially old Hollyweird) and love of all things bacon. Here's to five more, you crazy kid!

  59. Happy Anniversary, enty!!!

    I am done guessing who MV is. I'm sure it's Britney or J-Lo, which makes the BI moot since that would be the furthest think from shocking, even if this happened a while back :)

  60. I finally found the post I mentioned above. The last part makes me think that J-Lo is MV.

    Wednesday, June 15, 2011
    I Really Dislike Jennifer Lopez

    It is tough to say you hate someone, so let me just say that I really dislike Jennifer Lopez a great deal. A whole heap. Now I feel Jamaican. Better turn on some Bob Marley and get Lauryn Hill or pregnant.

    Anyway, Jennifer Lopez is out running her mouth about how she cannot decide whether she is going to sign on for another season of American Idol. You know what I hope happens? I hope that the producers recognize it as a trick to get a raise from her obnoxious $12M a year and hire someone else. I hope they give a big f**k you to Jennifer Lopez and move on to the next fill in the blank judge.

    You know why? Because unless Jennifer Lopez is a bigger idiot than I thought she would realize that the only reason her schedule is so busy is because of Idol. Jennifer says she was offered a movie for the first time in two years. Why? Idol. Jennifer had a song on the charts for the first time in forever. Why? Idol. If not for being on the show, Jennifer would be sinking quickly and the only time you would see her in public is when she is singing backup at a Marc Anthony concert. Seriously. This kind of crap is what ticks me off the most in Hollywood. She was given a ridiculous amount of money to do nothing and given all of this stuff that comes with it and does she say thank you? No, she craps on the producers and is delusional enough to think that she is busy because she is a talent. Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer. Everyone in this town has more talent than you. You and I both know they do. Plus, they are cheaper and nicer and a lot less of a pain in the butt.

    J-LO FTW!

  61. Doesn't that sound like Enty is hinting that
    J-Lo is MV?

    Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer. Everyone in this town has more talent than you. You and I both know they do. Plus, they are cheaper and nicer and a lot less of a pain in the butt.

  62. I think it's JLo. Has anyone heard Sabi on "You Make Me Feel" and Sean's "Got To Love You?" It sounds eerily like JLo.

  63. Anonymous1:04 PM

    It's Britney, bitch. Yawn. Stretch. Scratch balls....wait, I don't have balls. This is the greatist Blog in the history of Blogs. Thanks, Enty.

  64. I just can't see it being Britney or JLo. And when did Britney ever get "notted". They are known as being great performers, they have NEVER been known for great voices. Plus, there was that video of abritney singing lucky live in concert that was only heard backstage and it was bad, so everyone knows she lip-syncs. But, there have been a couple slow ballads that she used to sing live, "Not a Girl Not Yet a Woman" comes to mind. And they were ok,not great, but decent.

  65. Also, remember on Idol last year when JLo performed? She used some lip syncing, but part was not and her singing voice sounded just like her talking voice.

  66. its hardly a secret that neither jlo or brit-brit can sing. how about janet jackson?

  67. It makes no sense to me that it would be JLo or Britney. Their speaking voices are distinct and can be heard quite strongly in their vocals. I'm not saying their voices are great, just obvious. Then there's the reason of having someone else for you in the first place, to make people think you can sing! No one is going to think you can sing if your voice is auto-tuned and filled wifh every other special effect. If you're going to do all that, you don't need anyone to sing for you. There is no actual singing required!

    This has got to be someone who is known as a good, strong singer, and to be "shocking," it's got to be someone big, like a "Whitney" or a "Mariah."

  68. I don't think this Britney or J.Lo. Like someone else pointed out Jennifer has collaborated with enough artists and producers u'd think someone would have outed her.

    Its not Britney. She's performed and sang on tv since she was a child (Star search, MMC) and she used to sing live often-ish at the beginning of her career. Same w/ Xtina.

    Plus in an interview w/ Diane Sawyer she put her on the spot and Britney sang for her.

  69. ok so the only thing about Britney and Jlo being known about for their vocals is that they suck balls. Sorry, they can't sing and aren't known for being amazing singers. Neither is Janet Jackson. She has catchy tunes (or maybe had would be a better choice of words) and is a stellar performer with tons of energy, but I don't think anyone is going to be inviting her to sing the national anthem anytime soon.

    And the Korean chick doesn't sound like Mariah at all. That and the fact that she looks pretty damn young and Mariah is in her 40's and been in the business since 18? 19? So the Korean girl would have been singing for Mariah while she was still in diapers and learning to walk and talk; let alone sing.

    Mary J just released an album,and the Sade guess is good also because, although her voice is debatable and not everyones taste, her albums are usually well received by the critics. She had a performance last year on The View where she didn't sound too hot, but I'm really thinking this is someone with a stellar voice because it said the vocalist dubbing for her could really blow and only a few women in the business can just stand on a stage, quiet the band and sing with just an acoustic guitar or less.

  70. Way, wayyyy, back Enty posted that he knew Britney and considered her a friend and would never say do a blind.

    From November 27, 2006
    "The first comment/subject I want to address is the S/MV item. The only thing I will say is I will not confirm or deny anything. I really cannot do that. However, with that being said, one thing I will say about myself is that I love my friends, and if you are my friend you know you will not get trashed here or behind your back or anywhere else. Some of you have guessed a certain person and I make very clear in another entry that she is a really good friend of mine and therefore could not be the correct guess. Also, she reads the blog, so be nice. lol"

    If you go back and read from the beginning of the blog the entry he is referring to is Britney.

    Also, does anyone else remember a post where Enty said something like at that time MV had never been a talked about on the site. That's why I thought it was Shania at the time (although I don't think J-lo had been in the blog yet either). But I can not find that post anywhere now....

  71. wasnt j.lo born in puerto rico? is that US? damn geography class!

  72. WOW. I've only been on here the past year but still - wow!!!

    Agreeing it can NOT be Britney. She is one of my favorite celebrities ever but it's not secret her singing voice probably won't blow you away.

    I'd hope it's Mariah but it's probably JLo (just as offensive, in my opinion.).

  73. I think J-Lo is born in the Bronx. Several years ago this may have been shocking ... but to the core? ENTY also said that this person is a Bi-otch. It fits J-Lo and the irony if so, with her American Idol role.

    However, I am also not 100% sure because I still think that the person has "a voice" of the Celine (not born in the US) or Mariah calibre. Mariah would shock me ... esp. being married to Tommy Motola, but she didn't have the kids at the time of the post, did she? Also Mariah has performed live on TV but has also made excuses for not singing live. I like the J-Lo guess (Grade A bitch) but Mariah, or Whitney for that matter, would be more shocking.

  74. Okay, I'll say it again for the people who keep referencing the fact that it can't be JLo or Britney because we all KNOW they can't sing.
    The original blind was written and said learning that MV couldn't actually sing would have been shocking AT THE TIME, because she was absolutely everywhere, touring, releasing CDs, in the media every day. At the timeline Enty originally gave, I think we all thought Britney and JLo were really the ones singing...these days, it's far more obvious they don't. It's definitely one of these two ladies.

  75. I'm voting for JLo. The MV goes well with her character in Maid in Manhattan (2002), plus Enty likes Britney. JLo is talentless, but she is Latin which was a culture that was exploding at the time and she had enough of the looks and presence to be the vessel that the industry needed to propel a new Latino hit. It was a marketing move. She was in her own category and definitely had the drive to be famous. I never thought she could ever sing, so I just can't figure out the album that she lip synced because, in my opinion, none of them were good! I've always thought JLo was a HUGE phoney, so this does not surprise me IN THE LEAST!

  76. If we're going by the clues then J-lo does not fit because if I remember correctly she never did big tours, just a few very few small ones. Also, I never bought the Britney guess because even as one of her crazy fans 10 yrs ago I would not have been shocked that she lip synched. If anything I wouldve thought, 'why not get a stand in with a better voice?!'. Also, again as a fan of these two I've always found that their singing voices are pretty much identical to their speaking voices.In my opinion this is definitely a powerhouse singer or someone from a genre where integrity is expected, like country. People have realized that there's a big corporate machine behind pop music for a long time now.

  77. Sorry RQ, but at any time, the idea that JLo or Britney might lip synch would not have been shocking information. I like Britney's music and some of JLo's, but I've never, ever thought either one was a great vocalist and I don't think they've ever been marketed as such.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Its not JLO

    I thought it was Britney but shes out so it has to be someone else.

  80. Shakira?... Released her last album October 2010, does that count as in the past 12 months?

  81. Enty, Happy Anniversary!!! Thank you for the time and dedication you put in to CDAN. It is my favorite place to be on the net.

  82. Thank you Enty, I look forward to your posts every day. Thanks for the weekend blogging too... but don't forget to get out there and treat yourself to some BLTs every now and then. :)

  83. Happy Anniversary EL! Five wonderful years!!

    And I have to say .. every time I see the new Fiat 500 ads with JLo .. I think of that blind .. so .. I am gonna put my hat in the ring for her.

  84. I think it's older than either Britney or J-Lo. What I don't understand though is that if there's an agreement between MV and S and that S has taken a chunk of money for no longer being involved in the charade, wouldn't MV's records suddenly now sound different? How many singers can there be with the exact same sounding voice?


    That would definitely shock.

    As for clips of live singing, the scheme is elaborate - I can see live recordings being done by S to then by played for a performance as MV.

  85. Happy Birthday Enty! Thanks for being there, for me & all my friends! :-D

  86. Love your blog, Enty! It is the first place I go to unwind after work, and is certainly better than where I used to go - to the fridge to get a beer.

    I think it's Whitney Houston. She lip synced the national anthem. She could've lip synced everything, 'cause that was a pretty impressive performance.

  87. Still having fun with this blind. Here is something interesting I found this evening:

    So, Mariah?

  88. Happy Anniversary, Enty!

    I don't comment much but I read daily and have read from the very first day.

    Thank you for all you do.

  89. Happy Anniversary Enty. Right now I'm working 12 hours a day, five days a week, and I still read CDaN every day. You're the bomb.

  90. Don't you remember how huge the Milli Vanilli scandal was?! And they were nothing compared to what J.Lo was when Enty first posted the blind! It was back at the very beginning of internet gossip sites, before we all got super-cynical, and maybe those of you who are really into music wouldn't have been shocked by J.Lo, but trust me, the average American would have been blown away.

  91. Milli Vanilli was so shocking because they won a Grammy (why I still dont know) and theirs was the first public scandal of its kind. Most people I knew thought they were a complete joke way before any scandal came about.

  92. Happy 5th Anniversary Enty.
    Thank you and all the CDAN readers for keeping me sane over the past 3 years knowing there were 'others' out there just like me!

    I'll go with J.Lo but I'm not totally convinced so Enty keep them coming.

  93. Hi Enty, Happy Anniversary! Reader and occassional commenter since Timmy Schmimmy blind (2007?). Love you, CDAN and fellow commentors. You all are a funny, smart and kind group! Proud to be a part of this community.

    RE: MV - meh. For some reason, not too interested in her identity anymore. For what it's worth, it's prolly J-Lo.

    Thought that picture of LeAnne Rimes at the CMAs was pretty funny. She got the Renee Z. lemon-pucker face thing going. Maybe she realized too late how horrendous that "gown" was.

    Cheers, BW

    P.S. Thanks ENTY for the weekend posts. Love them!

  94. I'm so obsessed with the MV blind that I've been looking at a very large list of singers,
    we've all thought that the dates were being changed to earlier that 2000, but another thought
    has come to me, what if the dates were later than 2000?

    so this is my list and is in no particular order

    Celine Dion
    Britney Spears
    Mariah Carey
    Whitney Houston
    Lady Gaga
    Amy Lee
    Alicia keys
    Kylie Minogue
    Katy Perry
    Kelly Clarkson
    Gwen Stefani
    Mary j Blige

    A lot of these can be counted out mainly because they write their own songs, but the fact that this'll
    change the world makes me think that someone as big as gaga could be it!

    Now in the UK we have a program called Before they were famous and Rhianna was on it, singing live
    and it sounded like a bag of strangled cats, and if they have dubbed her that would be a surprise!!

    So Im beginning to think some of the clues are red herrings like the divorce and kid bit, because that
    rules out a lot of people it could be!!

    God I wish we could know who this is, its driving me nuts!!!!

  95. @Leigh: Just going by the "born in the U.S." clue, one must eliminate Celine Dion (born in Quebec, Canada), Shakira (born in Colombia), Kylie Minogue (born in Australia), Shania (born in Ontario, Canada), Dido (born in England), and Rhianna (born in the Bahamas). Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Amy Lee, Anastacia, Alicia Keys, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, and Mary J. Blige can all be eliminated as per the "mother to at least one child" clue as of 2009. (Plus there would've been no way for this to be an "American Idol" winner, esp if we're talking about the earlier seasons, so Kelly Clarkson is so wrong.) So that just leaves Britney Spears, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Pink, JLo, and Gwen Stefani from your list. Of these remaining, Britney can be eliminated because of the earlier explanations (over and over and over again -- clearly the logic isn't sinking into some people's heads) that clearly point to it not being Britney, plus she was actually a fairly good singer as a child (as per her old "Star Search" appearance) so it would make sense for her to do all her own singing in the studio and only lip sync during "live" performances.

    Of the remaining, I think we could eliminate Pink because it wouldn't be nearly as much of a scandal if it were her, since she was such a flash-in-the-pan act. So that leaves Madonna, Whitney Houston, JLo, and Gwen Stefani. Gwen? Not sure it could be her -- my heart's telling me it can't be, and I seem to recall some TV appearances from the mid '90s (when No Doubt first made it big) where it sounded like Gwen was singing completely live. So now we're left with a list incorporating Madonna, Whitney, and JLo, all of whom could be this person in a way that WOULD be completely earth-shattering in the world of popular music.
