Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Amber Portwood Refusing Drug Tests - Suicide Watch

Amber Portwood is still in an Indiana jail after being arrested last week for violating the terms of her probation and for possessing illegal prescription drugs. When police arrested her they determined she was on some type of drug and asked her to submit to a drug test. They have asked her everyday since and she has refused. Police also indicate that she is currently a danger to herself and have placed her on suicide watch. I know she went to rehab earlier this year, but that has obviously not worked. What disturbs me is that she knows she has an anger problem and has not gone to any anger management classes. She also has not completed her G.E.D. or set up a trust fund for her daughter. She was supposed to fund it with 10K. I wonder if she has 10K left at this point. She is probably hoping that she can make some more money when her next season of the show airs, but if she is in jail for the next two years she is going to have a tough time earning that money.


  1. Why are people having children that they can't take care of? It infuriates me.

  2. There needs to be some sort of law that if the parents are making their child work (in this case, work = filming reality show), the child needs to get a portion of the proceeds going into a trust fund where the parents cannot touch it.

    That poor child has no chance.

  3. There should be a law against outrageously immature pregnancies. You study, practice, and pass tests to get most life-impacting permits, whether driving, building, selling, banking, etc. Why not pass a law for earning pregnancy points? Wouldn't it cost the taxpayers a whole lot less in taking care of idiots' messes, and would also end all abortion discussions?

  4. i don't think her problem is having a child she can't take care of. at the very beginning of it all she wasn't a horrible mother. you could tell she was young and didn't know what she was doing, but she worked and really did want to get an education to do better.

    i think she lost a bunch of weight, got paid from MTV, got that little taste of fame and got swept up and it all went downhill. i think her anger issues stem from her substance abuse. and i think the substance abuse came with the money and the need to keep losing weight. i often wonder what would have happened with her if she wasn't on the show.

  5. The only way this will stop is to just take that show off the air. I haven't heard where anything good came of this show - just created another batch of self-entitled idiots. Any more of these shows will just make matters worse.

  6. Bitch, pull the trigger. Your child will be better off. As long as reality TV exists that kid has no hope.

  7. I don't think the show has anything to do with it. Most of the other moms on the show are doing great, and are getting on with their lives, from what I've read so far. Only another one from that show is messed up.

  8. i'm with rita. i don't blame the show for what's ailing amber. she's just a rotten human being. the other girls, with the exception of jenelle, are doing fairly well. and at least jenelle was willing to give her mother legal guardianship of her son.

    amber has no self-awareness, plus she's obviously addicted to something--or maybe several things. she needs her ass straightened out in a major way. so far, nothing's gotten her attention.

  9. mmm, sorry i just respectfully disagree.

    none of those girls are doing well, some just went a different direction, but the fame impacted them all with the exception of one or two. maci and farrah both have gotten plastic surgery (instead of putting the money into an account for the kids). farrah left her kid thousands of miles away and just runs around miami and nyc. and amber doesn't do anything. she just lays around taking whatever drugs she takes. none of this would be possible without the money the show has given them. new boobs don't come cheap.

    you take a person thats young and immature to begin with and give them money and put them on tv some can handle it, some cant. everyone, ambers parents, gary and even amber herself have said in the past that she's completely changed as a person since before the show. gary said flat out she's not the person he used to date because the fame went to her head.

    the show should most definitely go off air. it doesn't show the realities of being a teen mom. teen mom 2 has gotten a little better at that, but the first one with these girls? no way. it shows teens that you pop out a baby, get a boob job, lay in bed all day, quit school if you want to, move to miami to be a "model" but really just go to clubs at night. whatever. cuz they ALL have new cars, nice clothes, nails done, places to live. etc. because MTV has AFFORDED them to do it. Amber made $280k last year. for NOTHING. going from having to work and barely scraping by to getting almost $300k a year would change anyone.

    i'm not saying she was mother theresa before the show. i'm just saying what little amount of logical thinking she had before that made her keep a steady job and attempt to go to school went right out the window when the money started coming in and she didn't have to do any of that anymore to get by. plus she herself said she saw how fat she looked on the show compared to the other girls during 16 and pregnant and that prompted her to lose weight. she just didn't do it with exercise and dieting. she used pills. and got addicted. which further knocked her off balance even more.

    i think she was susceptible to it all to begin with, but i think the show gave her the last nudge she needed to lose her balance. i thinks he's a horrible person, but i don't think she would have spiraled this far without the cash and what she thinks of as fame.

  10. How sad for this girl and her child. :(

  11. What Vicki said. Verbatim.

  12. I agree with Vicki too. Much better off if someone else were to adopt the child.

  13. Again, gutter trash as entertainment. Vicki has the right idea. That would be best for the kid, if the kid even has a chance.
