Friday, December 16, 2011

Charlize Theron Worries About Women Who Love Hello Kitty

Are you a Hello Kitty lover? Are you in your 30's or older? Well, if you are, Charlize Theron would like to have a word or two with you. See, in this matter I am not a neutral observer. Hopefully my mother will not read this post, but she was a Hello Kitty lover well beyond her 30's. When I finally got out of the habit of buying her some perfume at CVS, I still needed something quick and easy. Then one day I noticed there sure was a significant amount of Hello Kitty product in the house. Not like 12 year old Japanese girl amounts, but way too much. I confess I added to it. They make so many different things that it was too easy to keep contributing to her collection. At some point she stopped adding to it, but every so often I will see her at a store looking wistfully at a Hello Kitty tableware set or a Hello Kitty flat screen television.

Anyway, Charlize had this to say about women in their 30's who collect Hello Kitty. "I'm pretty amazed by Hello Kitty. I see so many women in their 30s walking around in Hello Kitty s**t and nobody is concerned for them. It's the one iconic teenage symbol that seems okay for women in their 30s? The world seems to not have an issue with it."

So, of course as you can see above, she wore it for her role as a messed up woman in her 30's in her new movie.


  1. I rocked Hello Kitty when I was like 8 years old. If you're into it beyond age 12, I will totally give you the side eye. But, I'm sure we all have our can't-let-go of the past moments. For instance, I see nothing wrong with rocking hot pink sequins stilettos and leopard anything. Perhaps it is the 20-something inside of me, or the Jersey Girl. It's probably both.

  2. MYOB Charlize.

    To each his/her own. Who is it really hurting? How many of us still like to watch cartoons? 50 year old Christmas specials?

  3. nobody cares what you think,Charlize.

  4. Anybody else think that movie looks really bad? Poor Patton Oswalt.

  5. Lol Susan. I was going to say no one over 8 should be into Hello Kitty.

  6. Uh, I have a Hello Kitty SkinIt on my cell phone (The ONLY Hello Kitty I own). I just turned 40Fuck off Charlize.

  7. STFU Charlize. If they had had Hello Kitty when I was a little girl, I would have worn/had it. They didn't, so I have to make up for it now. It's that simple.

    I don't make fun of people over 15 who read Twilight novels so get off my back re: HK.

  8. I think this movie looks like it's going to be funny.

    So true about Twilight, Dianne.

  9. This made me think of a woman who was a millionairess on "Millionaire Matchmaker." She is obsessed with Hello Kitty, and in the recent "revisit" episodes on Bravo she said she was building a Hello Kitty house. The first one in North America, if you can believe that. Which lead me to ask "You mean there are Hello Kitty houses elsewhere on this planet?" I'm sorry, but for me it creeps me out. Was never a fan!

  10. Years ago in the pediatric hospital I worked in, the Hello Kitty character showed up to see the sick kids. She (or it?) got as good a reception as a winning Superbowl team might get! I've NEVER seen the kids that excited - especially the girls.

  11. And I worry about grown women who smoke weed out of a Granny Smith apple in public, but that's just me.

  12. Susan, you crack me up. I'm sure you totally ROCK the leopard and pink. I would just look nothing short of tragic.
    I'm kinda with Charlize on this one but to each his own. I also don't wear bows because let's face it, a 51 yr old with bows looks stoopid (along with pigtails). I'm going forward, forgetting the past and blaming it on the alcohol.*L*

  13. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Carrie: there's a Hello Kitty house in Taiwan. Here's a link:

    Hello Kitty always scared me. The whole no-mouth-speaks-from-the-heart thing.

    It's a bit too strange for me, but to each their own. I just bought myself some plus-sized footie pajamas for Christmas. And I will be rocking them!

  14. Everyone at work and in my social sphere(!) knows me by my very cool black jacket with the Loony Toons group on the back. I have always been a huge Bugs Bunny fan. I am 58.

    So whats Hello Kitty done to hurt Charlize lately? *yawn*

    Nex topic please.

  15. Now sure why she would care about this?

  16. LOL, chopchop!

    Charlize needs to get over herself. Sure, some people are too into it, but for most people it brings some harmless fun into everyday items. Why not?

    *Disclaimer: I am not a Hello Kitty fan, but will happily buy anything with a muppet on it.

  17. Silly silly Charlize as if this is doing anyone any harm, they are way worse things out there...

  18. @Mooshki I was just going to say I'm glad she's okay with my Muppet obsession!

    People can collect whatever they want!

    I did think it was weird when I had a coworker who collected Winnie the Pooh stuff. Her desk & home were covered in it. But if it makes her happy, why should I care?

  19. Have to agree with her, it creeps me out seeing a grown woman all absorbed in Hello Kitty shit. It's not a cute look when you are over 8-years-old. It's just not. It makes me think of a Pedo with lots of children's toys or candy and stuff. Gross.

  20. It's a shame...I like Charlize and all, but she really needs to get a sense of humor.

    When I was in Japan last year, I was a Hello Kitty Samurai motif on a flag and I really, really, really wanted to find that on a Tshirt, loving the irony of it all. Plus Hello Kitty really makes for a pretty darned cute samurai LOL

  21. I don't disagree with her. And I went through a 2nd Sanrio phase in my 20's (the first one happened when I was little, which is fine), it was supposed to be ironic and cool and indie, I guess. I realise now how dumb I probably looked...*L*

  22. Why is everyone so eager to throw a "What harm is it doing" out there? It's obviously not doing any harm to anyone, it's just an observation she made, much like your observation of "Charlize Theron should stfu".

  23. Oops that should have been "I saw"

  24. Anonymous11:38 AM

    As long as no one rags on my Sesame Street/Muppet love, all is well with the world!

  25. whatever. in japan there's a hospital that is all hello kitty. what does she care what someone else likes? homer simpson, angery birds, that rabbit that makes rude comments ("it's cute how you think i care").

  26. Screw Hello Kitty, but I love me some Dragonball Z

  27. I am an adult. I do not wear cartoon characters on my clothes. No Poohveralls.

  28. I lived in Taiwan for a while, and the whole hello kitty / act like a child thing was rampant among women there. Maybe it was the new trend. We (fellow non-Taiwanese) all called it being very "ke ai". It was absolutely horrible. Grown women pouting and throwing tantrums and just all over acting childish, and always with the Hello Kitty or other childish purses / shirts / charms. I have never looked at Hello Kitty the same, so I completely get where Charlize is coming from.

  29. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I don't think collecting or wearing Hello Kitty stuff is any different than collecting anything else. I collect stuff that has tulips on it, my mom collects milk glass, my 38 year-old friend almost peed herself with delight when I got her a Hello Kitty toaster for her birthday (it toasts an image of the kitty on the bread!). What's the difference? Most people are into something, and unless you are bankrupting yourself to feed your collection, who cares what it is?

  30. Didn't Lisa loeb rocked the hello kitty? I'm sorry I really hate it that women are so quick to put other women down!! Especially when there are grown men ready to cry at a drop of a hat if their sport team loses. I say live and let live

  31. @brendalove

    I FUCKING LOVE Dragonball-Z! One of the best cartoons ever made!

  32. To put the Hello Kitty into perspective: Mariah Carey has a room full of Hello Kitty stuff, that no one is allowed to enter, but her. Just thinking about it, gives me the shivers.

    My only teen obsession, that I control now with an iron fist, is George Michael. Posters, calendars, pencils, his interviews. You name it. At 16 I got my first serious boyfriend, and decided to hide all the crazy away. Still now, whenever I see a picture of ol' George, I squeal, then clear my throat and move along. No need to feed the crazy. Iron fist, it takes.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I gotta say I find the whole Hello Kitty stuff very weird. My husband and I were shocked when we got a Hello Kitty Xmas card from our extremely awesome cousin a few years ago, we were scratching our heads. "What's Happened to Diane she's in her 60s and into Hello Kitty?"

    But we all have our own sillies, I'm 55 and am still loving glitter and sparkly things. I have one of the magic wand keychains.

  35. I'm leaning towards Charlize's side on this one, but at the same time, there are degrees of Hello Kitty-ness.
    A cover on your cell phone is harmless. That toaster actually sounds pretty cool, although I'm more intrigued by the toasting a design on to the bread, the fact that it's HK is incidental. That being said, a grown ass woman constantly wearing HK merchandise head to toe? Creepy as hell. Part of it is that it seems almost like an unwillingness to embrace being an adult, and part of it is looking like she would stab you for a Hello Kitty trapper keeper. Enjoy collecting trinkets by all means, but dont advertise your crazy in public.
    I'm 30 years old and I love cartoons: the Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Robot Chicken. I would not deck myself out in Homer Simpson merchandise because I would look insane. I actually had to tell my fiancee that while I appreciate the gesture, I'm never going to wear the HS trucker hat or T-shirts he got me. And don't even get me started on the diorama and the bobbleheads. I had to donate those to my cousin so that my home looks like a grown up's.
    So while I agree that there is something unsettling about an adult dressing like a little girl and idolizing a creepy cartoon cat, I'm sure Charlize Theron has done some questionable things herself, and maybe her vitriol is better reserved for a less victimless crime. You're. Public figure. Speak out against the Kardashians. Hello Kitty will still be here for our judging pleasure when you're done.

  36. If you want to talk about crazy it's those insane Minnie Mouse platform shoes that freak me out...5-6-7 inches..Yikes.

  37. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Rita, when I was 16 I had front-row tickets for a Wham! concert (oh yeah, I'm old) and George Michael kissed me during the show. The rest of the evening is pretty hazy as a result, but you can bet your ass the friend who went with me to the concert and I told EVERYONE about it in school the next day!



  39. She gonna hate on Mickey Mouse next? The world shouldn't have an issue with nostalgia or personal choice and neither should Charlize. I'm concerned that she doesn't eat, but you don't see my ass sending her a bucket of KFC.

  40. Never having been a girly girl, the entire "Hello Kitty" thing is a mystery to me.

  41. @Texshan
    "Rita, when I was 16 I had front-row tickets for a Wham! concert (oh yeah, I'm old) and George Michael kissed me during the show."

    *FAINT* OMG, so freakin' JEALOUS!!!

  42. @chopshop
    I agree! Smoking your bong in public is oh so grown-up.

    Never got into Hello Kitty, but I don't hate on women my age, 40s, who are into it either.

  43. Lady J - WOOOOOO!!! Too bad we can't hang out and watch the Freiza saga or something. LOL!

  44. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Lemme tell ya, Reno and Rita, I honestly think that was the first tingling in my ladybits I ever had! I almost passed out!

  45. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Huh. What a bizarre thing to hate on.

  46. I wear thundercats hats and t-shirts. So I'm creepy? CT can have a heaping cupful of STFU. I could understand if Hello Kitty represented being a social deviant or something else malevolent but it's a damned anthropomorphic cat...where's her bong so she can mellow out?

  47. heatherhug - your post fascinates me. I would love to know why women were acting like that. That's crazy.

    Texhan - I am DYING over your GM story. That is so awesome. I love me some Wham! and George Michael. He is soooooooooo underrated.

  48. @ Me
    "That rabbit that makes rude comments"
    HAPPY BUNNY!!! I love Happy Bunny. I have a Happy Bunny calendar this year, for the second year in a row.

    I'm not a big Hello kitty fan, but I don't give a darn if someone else is. Myself, I have a t-shirt with Batman and Robin (cartoon versions) on it; I'm sure Charlize wouldn't approve.

  49. Okay .. okay .. I will admit I once bought Hello Kitty Band Aids when I was quite depressed because they looked damned cute and made me smile. So .. now .. a good 5 years on .. I still buy a pack of them at least once a year to have a funny Band Aid to put on. So .. sue me Charlize. I like 'em!

  50. I have my extensive Hello Kitty collection on display behind glass in my law office. Lol, my kid clients love looking touching tho!

  51. Why would the world make an issue out of this silly thing? To me an issue is to say people are crazy just because they are into Hello Kitty.

  52. @chopchop - It took me a minute to get what you were talking about! Ha!

    She was explaining what she based her character on in Young Adult....seeing women in their 30's rocking cartoon characters.

  53. This is crap, Charlize isn't worried about anyone but Charlize. Though the image of women in HK garb keeping her up at night is pretty entertaining.

  54. Hey, Charlize, is it okay that I have a small stuffed Hello Kitty on my bookshelf? Let me know soon, so I'll be able to sleep. Thanks.
