Friday, December 16, 2011

Christopher Hitchens Has Died

Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died yesterday at the age of 62.

It has been so sad to read his articles every month in Vanity Fair knowing each one could be his last but the man never lost his sense of humor. For the past year he has been fighting cancer and he brought readers on every step of the journey.

Christopher also wrote for Slate and Gladys sent over a link to a best of Christopher Hitchens from there. You can read it here. RIP.


  1. RIP Mr Hitchens. From what I've read, an all-over classy man, and one hell of an actor.

  2. He was interesting and unique, and he will be greatly missed.

  3. RIP, you will be missed.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I respect the way he didn't fit any expected molds. Over the years, I'd loved something he wrote or said, then next thing I read would piss me off completely. :-) That kind of unpredictability is pretty rare.

    RIP, Christopher. To which he'd say "there's nothing to "rest," when you die it's just lights out, nothing more."

  6. Another great mind gone. Very sad at this news.

  7. A great voice has been silenced.

    As a long-time fan, I always looked forward to the next article. A few days ago, Vanity Fair posted what I assume, is his last essay. It was heartbreaking.

  8. My sympathies are extended to his family, but this article

    makes me skeptical of how "classy" he was.

    Just my opinion.

  9. loved hitchens and have read him for years. i agreed with him about most things.

    the articles he wrote since his diagnosis were sad, funny and insightful. i just read the last one in VF last week. RIP, christopher. you were a thinker and you always did it your way, without compromise. i will miss you.

  10. I looked forward to reading Christopher Hitchens' column in VF every month even moreso the past year because it meant he was still alive.

    Witty & wry. Brutally honest & blunt. An intellectual but without pretension. Oft times arrogant and always eloquent. I really liked this guy.

    The world has lost a great mind.

  11. God I loved his writing. He had been very sick however so it was a matter of tme. Yeah he could be somewhat misogynistic and arrogant but he was always great with words.

  12. A great mind, great writer, great raconteur, and incapable of dishonesty or insincere posing. I'd say "RIP" but that would not be an appropriate sentiment for Hitch. He ain't "resting," in peace or otherwise, he's dead, albeit after a life very well lived. He will be sorely missed.

  13. He died of the same type of cancer that took my father... reading his articles about diagnosis, treatment, hope and finally acceptance of his term was extremely moving.

    Christopher Hitchens will be missed and I truly hope is at peace.

  14. Fantastic writer; loved his book on Bill Clinton and his autobiography. His political writings were always my favorite of his works.

    You are already missed, Hitch.

  15. What figgy said.
