Friday, December 16, 2011

Katey Sagal Attends Ft. Hood Ball

You know, Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake might have received all the press for their attendance at Marine Corps balls, but they also made sure they announced it to the press repeatedly that they were doing it and they announced it at the time their movie was being released. Not diminishing what they did at all, but Katey Sagal did the same thing they did this past weekend and no one uttered a peep. So, I figured I would take a second to say thanks to Katey Sagal for flying all the way out to Ft. Hood in Texas and attending a ball with Leland Slagle. Katey also brought along one of her friends who she set up with another guy. Katey posted some photos to her Twitter of the event but that is the only publicity she sought. I would never have known, if a reader did not send me the link to Katey's Twitter.


  1. Katey does lots of wonderful things quietly, I have loved her ever since she was one of Bette Midlers back-up singers..

  2. I love me some Katey Seagal! Classy lady, all the way.

  3. This makes me so happy to hear. I love her on SOA, and her husband is downright genius.

  4. Just further confirms all the good things I've heard about her. Yay Katey! :-)

  5. Now that's the way to do it. Unless of course you have a movie to promote.

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    WTG, Katey!

  7. I'm so happy to hear about this. Think she's a great actress, love watching her on SoA... nice to know she's a good person!

  8. This does not surprise me in the least. WTG Katey!

  9. Hooah! I'm a mother of a soldier stationed in Fort Hood. So cool that she was there with our guys & gals!

  10. i absolutely love katey sagal. and the woman can SING too. she's incredible in every way.

  11. And also nice of the friend to go too. :)

  12. CLASS act all the way...God bless her!

  13. Good for you, Katey! Oh, and you were f-ing robbed by the SAG and GG noms!

  14. In the first pic all I can see is Leela (Futurama) and her giant one eye in the center of her face. I dont know why...Katey is amazeballs but she has morphed into a permenant cartoon Leela to me.

  15. What a stunningly beautiful woman, inside and out. Look at that body! Dayum!

  16. Adore her! And she keeps giving me reasons to love her more. She would be one cool chick to hang with for a night.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous4:57 PM


  19. Love her to death. Great lady ..

  20. We love you Peggy Bundy!! :)
