Monday, December 12, 2011

Doctors Say Michelle Duggar Should Stop Having Babies

The chief doctor over at BodyLogic gave an interview and said that Michelle Duggar owes it to the kids she already has to try not to get pregnant again or have any more babies. She gives good advice but I think it is going to fall on deaf ears. I think every month Michelle Duggar will keep trying to get pregnant. The doctor says that the odds of Michelle having another miscarriage are about 50/50. Also, because of her age, it is very likely that any child born would have special needs which would take time away from the other 19 kids. These are all good points and I think most people if they had 19 kids would probably say enough with the babies, but Michelle is not going to start taking birth control, so I just don't see how this cycle will stop anytime soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. does the medical secret exist in USA?

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    @shehla - totally agree

    @pomme - what is the medical secret?

  4. That's what I said last week. Welp. At least we know when she goes through menopause it will be over.

  5. ya think? this is going to kill her.

  6. I think it's between her and HER OB-GYN, not some MD who has never met her.

  7. Excellent point shehla.

    The doctor makes very good points. Points I'm sure Michelle is already aware of. However, at the end of the day, it's only her business, not ours or the trying-to-famewhore doctor. How about letting the woman grieve??!!

  8. Thank you, shehla!

  9. @MammaMia: in France, a doctor can't talk about your medical troubles with media or even your family

  10. Also, because of her age, it is very likely that any child born would have special needs which would take time away from the other 19 kids.

    I think quality time for any one child stopped after #3. I say this as a fourth child.

  11. menopause will, thankfully, put an end to it. having this many babies is not a benign process. she's a very high risk patient after 19 babies. it would be nice if she'd take care of herself and her kids, and not risk them all losing their mother.

  12. @pomme Ahhh, I think you meant to say medical privacy or confidentiality. Yes, patient privacy is secured in the United States by law.

    The doctor interviewed was not Michelle Duggar's physician. It was just some doctor giving a general opinion.

  13. I don't follow the show - just the snippets on the gossip sites. Is she actively trying to get pregnant or does she and the husband just not believe in birth control and have a healthy sex life?
    Just curious if this was ever mentioned.

  14. @moxy

    From what I understand it's the latter.

  15. It isn't that they don't believe in birth control, per se; this miscarriage was actually her second. The first miscarriage took place after she took birth control while (unbeknownst to her) she was pregnant. Whether or not that actually caused the loss of that baby is irrelevent to her and her husband I imagine. Not sayng I agree with the choices they are making, but ultimately the choices are theirs and theris alone. All part of being pro-choice.

  16. Her oldest children are raising the younger ones, and that is why they will get married and out of there as quickly as possible.
    This woman also need to have her head examined, she must be a bit crazy.

  17. Let's face it, if the older kids were not taking care of the younger ones, she clearly would not have the energy to get all jiggy wit her husband.

    And while I think the world is tragically over populated, it IS all about choice. Don't take mine and I will support yours even if it runs counter to my beliefs.

  18. I hope I remember, in twenty years, to look online and see how many of her kids chose to either have NO children or have only ONE.

  19. @SusanB - for the most part, I agree with you. But the truth is, everytime she gets pregnant, she goes on the Today Show to announce it and gives interviews to People magazine. She's the one who puts it out there, so I think because of that, people feel free to comment on it.

    But I agree, she's pushing the envelope with these continued pregnancies, and honestly, I don't think she'll stop until something goes really wrong.

  20. I have to wonder why her uterus hasn't fallen out of her body by now! Escape! Escape!

  21. Her last child was born prematurely due to pre-eclampsia, extremely high blood pressure. Michelle was hospitalized for several weeks prior to delivery and the daughter was hospitalized for months after birth. Who knows the extent of medical problems that child is experiencing.

    I believe its a combination of religious beliefs and famewhoring that is driving the couple to continue to multiply.

  22. If she wasn't so public about her pregnancies, and the premature birth of the last baby, I wouldn't care. It's the shoving it in my face I don't particularly care for.

  23. @EmEyeKay : probably a large percentage. I'm from a large family, my mom has 5 biological children and 2 step children. None of my mom's biological kids have had children, but my stepsister has 4 and my stepbrother 2. Neither of my brothers or sisters want kids, though my younger sister did say she miiiiiight think about having just one some day.

  24. They probably have sex through a hole in the sheet

  25. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I know she doesn't use the pill or condoms for religious reasons, but can't she use "naturally family planning methods?"

    I know that's what the Catholic Church adovocates. I know it's not AS effective, but I'm pretty sure it's effective enough that you wouldn't be having 19 kids.

    Anyone know?

  26. Leslie - both parents think it's up to God, so she doesn't opt for abstinence during her fertile times.

  27. I don't watch the show, but from what I've seen, her children are better-behaved than most of the kids out there and they don't get any money from the government, so I could care less if she chooses to have more kids. If the octomom decided to have more, that's when i'd raise hell.

  28. dear duggars, jesus says, 'stop!'. he won't be mad, i promise.

  29. If she was doing all the child care of the kids and they paid for any long term medical care a preemie/special needs child might cost, then it's their deal.

    As it is her younger kids are being cared for mostly by the older ones and the youngest has needed a very serious amount of medical care--she was in the hospital for months--which probably cost hundreds of thousands. I don't know if the youngest has any long term health issues that will require special care and support but going into a pregnancy with that possible outcome is a big commitment.

  30. They needed a doctor to tell them to stop reproducing?

  31. I find it interesting that the Duggars chose to see a miscarriage ostensibly tied to birth control pills as an indication of God's will but refuse to consider the idea that a seriously ill premature child followed by another miscarriage might be an indication that God thinks it's time they quit pumping out kids. It's only "God's will" when they want it to be, apparently.

  32. I know its not physically possible to meet the needs of that many children but somehow theyre growing up to be kind hard working adults. They support themselves by living frugally, working hard and investing wisely. I wish she wouldnt have any more kids but theyre doing better than most families with only a couple of kids sho who am I to say really.

  33. For the last few pignancies breeder Michelle had to have her freakin' CERVIX SHOWED SHUT so the baby wouldn't pop out.

    This is a sign that your womb has been overused, people.

  34. I just remember seeing them on "Say yes to the dress" when they were renewing their vows, and she had NO say in anything, he was such an opinioned prick. Literally apparently. Enough already.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. It's her body and her choice (assuming her husband isn't bullying her into it), and I'm sorry she's having to deal w/a miscarriage. Having said that, my personal opinion is that she ought to stop while she's ahead before she ends up with another miscarriage, a severely handicapped baby (if not a stillbirth), or ends up dying herself from complications (eclampsia is not something to mess around with; mothers and babies both can die from it). Again, it's her call, but it would be better for her and her family if they just stopped now.

  37. When did this twist in to a abortion argument? This article and the doc is simply stating that at her age, continuing to try to have children is a dis-service to the mother's continued health and risks having a special needs child. That is wise advice and something I would think any prospective mother would consider in their decision to get preggers, regardless of age.

    To me the issue is more about the dis-service to their existing kids. You can't tell me that those parents are giving any quality time to most of their children, especially the oldest ones.

    Due to the baby cycle, the parents are constantly in the take care of babies, work, sleep, repeat cycle and doubt they have any time to worry about the other 1.5 dozen children letting the older taking care of the younger. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if it was determined that the youngest see the oldest children as more akin to their parents then the actual parents.

    I wonder how their grades are holding up considering they are defacto parents. I guess it doesn't matter cause unless that family is rich, I doubt they can afford to allow more than one or two of the kids to go to college.

    Overall point is your religion may say kick out kids like you still own a farm in the dark ages with average death age of 25 but in this day and age that kind of output leads to a severe and potentially damaging case of diminishing returns.

    On the huge plus side, it at least appears that this family can care for their huge size which is better than many who pop out kids while barely being able to afford to feed/house themselves much less their children.

  38. "I have to wonder why her uterus hasn't fallen out of her body by now!"

    It's tried. I read she's had vaginal prolapse a few times. Talk about Ick Nast!!!!!

  39. THANK YOU, Sunnyhorse. I didn't want to touch the "God's Will" argument, as I have very little patience for religious nuts (of any flavor), but you could not have put it more succinctly. I don't have the type of faith that allows me to say "oh, it's in God's hands, thy will be done" or whatever, so I cant judge them for that, but the hypocrisy is what bothers me. When it fits into their plans for having a reality show, it's God's Will. Anything that might prevent them from remaining in the public eye is just an unfortunate incidence.

    I actually know some religious families (but not with 19 kids. Hell to tha NO) where the dynamic is that the older kids (esp females) are the primary caretakers of the younger ones while the parents pop out as many kids as they can. It bothers me less when the family is well off enough to allow for nannies, so that the oldest kids have some autonomy and can decide for themselves if the life an an indentured babysitter is what they want for themselves, and more when the family is living outside of their means and forcing their offspring into those roles. It's seems archaic to me, like there is an unspoken assumption that the older daughters want to fulfill a mommy role from a young age, rather than have the opportunity to be immature, adolescent, and then choose a life path that intrigues them. It's the way things were done in olden times and it sucks.

    That being said, they do seem like a cohesive family unit, and kudos to them for that, but what happens when the TLC money runs out? How do they educate 19 kids out of their own pockets? Do they still have jobs? I know the oldest son is married with his own kids but what about the others? At least 12 of them must be at an appropriate child bearing age by now. Very interesting to see whether this cycle is repeated..

  40. Oh, and I almost forgot, an open plea to Michelle Duggar's vagina:


  41. I've never watched this show (a few episodes of the Gosselins turned me off of all breeding shows), but are the other siblings not resentful toward their parents or other siblings?
