Thursday, December 08, 2011

The Today Show Wants Ryan Seacrest

Ryan Seacrest's dream job was to be given Larry King's old job. Instead, he had to stay on the radio, keep pretending he cares about hosting American Idol, and work everyday with the Kardashians. Yeah, I would be looking for a way out too. Well, he may have found a way out because NBC executives met with him Tuesday night about replacing Matt Lauer on Today. According to the Wall Street Journal, who never make the gossip pages, Lauer's contract runs out next year and they want to be ready if Matt bolts. I think Ryan might be just a little too bubbly for early morning television. Also remember that despite his prolific success at everything he touches, his talk show bombed. Today is a mix of interviewing celebrities but also world leaders. Could you see Ryan interviewing world leaders and starting off with a question about who Kim Kardashian should date next or if they would like to join in on a game of Ryan's Roses.


  1. So much for today even pretending to be a news program.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM


    Seacrest is the male Kardashians. I have no reason to dislike him, but neither can I find a reason to like him, and it would be nice if he wasn't the host on every damn show on TV.

  3. "I think Ryan might be just a little too bubbly for early morning television."

    You clearly don't watch much early morning television.

  4. Ryan is responsible for putting the Ks! on TV. He is the exec producer of that show, no? And hasn't he been responsible for other reality trash too, like that LA Tan show? Let him stay there and rot. Putting him on Today would give him a faux legitimacy as a journalist, which he is not. Why can't they give it to someone deserving with the talent to deliver news.

  5. "join in on a game of Ryan's Roses."


  6. Word, Mookshi. I had GMA on this morning and kept it on because Anthony Bourdain was a guest. The anchors make me want to gouge my eyeballs out. And the bastards kept teasing to the Bourdain segment, only to waste my time with clips of ABC soap stars and that Derek Hough tool and Christmas gifts for pets. I finally had to give up, stick my kid in front of a Blues Clues and take my damn shower. Susan and morning "news" programs do not mix.

    Who knows, maybe Ryan Seacrest is a huge news junkie or something so that he could handle the hard stuff. But, I'm probably kidding myself.

  7. When I was a student, I was a big fan of the Today show. Then I started working and didn't have time for it. A few years ago I got a better gig and can come into work later- so I tried watching the Today show again. I don't know if they changed their format from news to entertainment, but I couldn't get a news report for the life of me. Every time I turned it on- it would be 45 minutes of weather/human interest story/interview with some celebrity/commercial- and then maybe 5 minute news. When I want to watch "news" in the morning, I certainly don't go to this show. So maybe Ryan would be perfect- lets just get the whole pretense of news out of the way and move forward. Just call the show Live with Ryan and (insert revolving female name here).

  8. Actually, you would be surprised how good Seacrest would be.

    Yeah, he gave us the Krapashians, yeah, he is part of what made new reality and competition tv in the 21st Century. But people forget, that man WANTS IT!

    He started with wanting fame, now I think he wants to be recognized as a serious player. He could be deadly during interviews, if he wishes it. I don't like him, at all. But also, I'm not blind to his potential. And unlike Lauer, he won't be sleeping with all these female news anchors!

  9. @Michelle - I noticed the same thing. I used to have a bit of a crush on Matt Lauer and would watch the Today Show in the late 90's early 00's. When I turn it on now, I am hard-pressed to find the news. I hate Ann Curry and Al Roker so there isn't much for me to watch on that show anymore.

  10. Why? He's soooooo closeted...not if he would come out he'd be so much more interesting.

  11. Ryan's Roses is the fakest fake radio bit of all time and I cannot believe the people of Los Angeles have not caught on yet. It is as ridiculous as Ryan's other productions.

    Basically a producer calls a person, offering free flowers and depending on who they send them to the person's romantic partner can figure out if they're being cheated on or not.


    In other news Jimmy Fallon was covering for Ryan on AT40 and I caught a bit where he said, "I'm wearing size 6 women's shoes ... to keep in character."


  12. Why not? He's definitely smarter and more talented than Ann Curry.

    I also want to see him getting crunk with Kathie Lee and Hoda.

  13. Well, if Ryan doesn't work out, there are Andy Cohen or Ross Matthews to consider!

  14. Seacrest is the male Kardashians.


  15. I have never watched his show(s) or listened to his radio show but I am still totally od'd on this guy.

    Sure hope Today does not hire him.

  16. I'm surprised he cares about being a talk show host at all. He has fingers on all sorts of productions and is doing QUITE well for himself these days. I'd just stick with production if I were him. Modern day Merv Griffin!

  17. I recently read an article about how CBS's morning show is the morning show for people who don't like morning shows. Can't stand Today and GMA for their rah rah crap and lack of news. However, I have to say that CBS isn't so bad -- they definitely cover the news and even some of the softer pieces have a more serious approach. Wander what will happen when Charlie Rose and Gayle King join the crew?

  18. actually, i wouldn't mind this. hell, anything to divorce him from e! and the crap he produces. they might actually be fun to watch again.

  19. I have a lot of respect for Ryan's hosting abilities on Idol. Many of those shows are live and he does a great job. As for his trashy reality shows, I'm not a fan but he seems to know what he's doing.

  20. Why didn't he get Larry King's spot?

  21. Journalism is dead.
    And we all know who helped launch Ryan's career? Marv Griffin was his special friend.

  22. I'm trying to imagine Seacrest moving to NYC and I just can't see it for some reason.

  23. So, where in the world will Matt Lauer go? Surely not the nightly news.
