Wednesday, January 11, 2012

50 Cent Is An Ass

Apparently 50 Cent is unaware there is a bad economy everywhere in the world and things are so bad that 300 Chinese workers had to be talked off a ledge because they were going to kill themselves if they were not given a 5 cent raise per hour. Incidentally, the factory makes XBox 360's for Microsoft and many of your Apple products.

Anyway, because Fiddy has no class he decided to pose with wife beater Floyd Mayweather in a series of photos showing how much cash 50 Cent takes with him whenever he goes to Vegas. It appears the bills are $100 bills. Do you think this is why Chelsea Handler liked him so much?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 50 cent's wheel is turning, but the hamster's been dead for a while now.

    Thus the stink.

  3. Funny Rita!

    Is Captain Obvious posting the stories today?

  4. moxy, that was my question.

  5. Poor repressed gay man...I hope he goes broke and belly down for the public one day.

  6. He's not as rich as he wants you to think, he had to lay the bills length ways on his left arm.
    Class will always show.

  7. You can take the hoodrat out the hood...........

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If only he was wearing Ed Hardy, then you could put that picture in the dictionary under "Douchebag."

    That's more obnoxious than Jessica Simpson bragging about her Hermés Berkin.

  9. If I had a dollar for every hip hop artist who thought the money train would never dry up, only to end up penniless and on welfare

  10. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I hate when you post your comment and then you think of something funnier.

    Are the bills $1s?

  11. New here. Who is the Captain?

  12. Fool is just asking to be robbed.

  13. It is totally unclassy, but he is helping fuel the economy in Vegas, no? And honestly, are pics of men flaunting their cash any worse than pics of men flaunting their million dollar cars or diamond rings or overpriced designer crap?

  14. You know those two were in that bed together, rolling around in all that cash, soon after these photos were taken.

  15. thats funny @chopchop. love reading the comments here. you people really know your stuff!

  16. Is this foreplay for them?

  17. All that dough and he couldn't afford a better hotel room?

  18. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Rob Fifty Cent, got it.

  19. Why are you an ass when you work hard and earn your money? We live in a free society you can spend it the way you want to.

    You dont know what else he does with his money.

    The Chinese Government should be ashamed and Bill Gates not 50 cent.

  20. Why are you an ass when you work hard and earn your money? We live in a free society you can spend it the way you want to.

    You dont know what else he does with his money.

    The Chinese Government should be ashamed and Bill Gates not 50 cent.

  21. I just don't understand the posing with money. Just tacky as hell and seems like he's trying too hard..

  22. Well, by the looks of Floyd and the bed I have a pretty good idea what he does with his money. Sherry - don't say "hard".

  23. #1 should mayweather be in jail???

    #2 didn't fitty just say interscope has a hit out on him (he wishes. sales won't go up if he passes).

    and #3 fitty's gotta do something for attention as his music SUCKS

  24. ^will be serving starting June. Got a reprieve so he could fight Manny. Although I'm praying for a good fight with Canello Alvarez!

  25. Thanks Rita.

    And your hamster analogy =excellent!

  26. Anonymous11:16 AM

    My first thought upon seeing the pics (not even reading the post) is that these two are sleeping together. I get that vibe and I don't know why.

  27. I think it's pretty sad that Ent is trying to shame 50 for having money. Sure, posing like that is tacky, but so is attempting to tie in 300 Chinese workers possible suicides with how much money 50 has. Please.

  28. mama mia, LOL and Touche'

    (fitty's side pose doesn't help)

  29. 300 people almost killed themselves?

    I need to start reading news sites:/

    (Just can't wrap my mind around 300 people who work together willing to end it all instead of just walking out)

  30. @ABlake

    We're North American, so the way in which we would handle things is not the way they would. You should google how many people killed themselves re: the Fukushima disaster.

    Here, I helped:

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Oh wow Sue, thanks for that


    (not being sarcastic, I really appreciate you sharing that article. Had no idea)

  33. From what I understand they're very big on pride there, so the obvious course of action, when you've brought shame, is to kill yourself.

  34. You take the man out of the ghetto but......

  35. And no problem. I know lots of useless information.

  36. Eh, tacky? YES
    But, the way him and Eminem grew up was fucking hard life. To struggle and have to do some real shit like drug dealing/stealing/living on welfare etc and have gang wars happening all around, all the time knowing you have this talent/passion for something and then one day you're finally discoverd and you have this money you've never been around in your whole life....well, while I agree he is a misogynist, and a gay basher no doubt for this I give him a free pass.

    Let him have fun with his money. It aint like he was one of them factory made fake ass people ala Miley Cyrus etc. Then that would be too much.

  37. Not to be totally WASPy but it's so tacky to have so much cash on you. Put it in the bank.

    P.S. Best investment last year was keeping money in the bank and earning interest.

  38. Maybe we should get the Occupiers to stand outside of 50 cents home and protest.

  39. Anonymous1:43 PM

    It's extremely uncouth to display your money like this. That's great if he made something of himself but to pose so smugly like this is just tacky.

    I see a Twitter stamp. That's extra classy. He wants everyone who follows him to see this. All class, 50, all class.

    Who's taking the pictures?

    If you want to show off your wealth like this, do so to others with that kind of cash. I used to do a lot of international travel for work and sometimes it sucked but I learned very quickly to only complain to others who travelled to because I came across as an ungrateful bitch to those who didn't travel.

  40. ^no matter his net worth, 50 always acts like a cheap two-quarter.

  41. LOL Rita.
    I understand what you're saying Anita. We were in Madagascar and were asked by a little girl in a village if we were rich. I felt guilty saying no because by their standards we certainly are. (Says a little prayer of thanks.)

  42. They make a lovely couple. 50 is so hilariously ungangsta it's unreal.

  43. Uh Jasmine?
    I don't see Eminem doing this crap. And he is much better than 50 pence

  44. Anonymous2:53 PM

    let's throw stacks at the peasants so they look n drool at it and not notice that we were just drooling all ova each other ...DL batty boyz

  45. Don't get me wrong, would I love to be wealthy in Vegas? Hell yeah, but this display is vulgar. Take a walk outside Fiddy & see how people are really living.

  46. If anyone cares, that's about $300,000 if it's all $100's. And I think they are b/c the straps are tight and don't looked fiddled with by a non-pro.
    Gold strap = $100's, btw.
    (I used to be as pro. Fun job, except for the dust.)

  47. ... So 50 is holding LiLo's total revenue for 2009?

    I think Lindsay will be hitting on 50 soon enough. And if blinds are to be believed, he badly needs a new beard. Skanky, but a beard nonetheless.

  48. ABlake- I only brought Em up because he 'discovered' 50 insofar as bringing hm into the market for public consumption and gave him his chance to accrue that much money.
    Also I believe they have backgrounds in common as far as having to really struggle in life before they made it.

    I realize Em wouldnt be so crass as to do something like this.

    And I do believe it's crass. I just dont think, once you consider what he went through to get this far, that he is a piece of shit for posturing like this.

  49. They could be all ones with 100's wrapped on either side.

  50. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I don't think Enty's problem is with 50 working hard and earning his money, it probobly has more to do with him flaunting it like this.
    How many of his fans have to save up to be able to buy a concert ticket or album, while he's flashing more cash than most of us may ever see?
    That makes him (even more) of a douch bag IMO.

  51. my first thought was that it's illegal to take pictures of money. i hope the fbi arrests his ignorant ass. that's something you'd do as a teen, not a grown man.

  52. What I find amusing is that whenever any black entertainer is successful/rich, they have to flaunt it in the most grotesque and provincial way.

  53. What is this, Racism Day on CDaN? :(

  54. How do you defend over the top ignorant douchebaggery?

    He may have had a tough life and felt the need to flaunt the fruits of his labor, fine. But this man has been a multimillionaire for what, 15 years now? He's already shown off his wealth on Cribs, he had no compunction about throwing his ex and HIS SON out of his mansion, leaving them essentially homeless (yeah I'm sure they found a nice hotel or other accommodations but still, dude that's your kid). Wasn't he also involved in burning down the mother and kid's new house? I can swear I remember that, I'll do some Googling.

    My point is, he does NOT deserve a free pass for insensitive behavior, especially as he's proven that it's the rule, not the exception for him to act like a POS. Spend your money (unwisely) however the fuck you want, but this display is unnecessary, and a complete slap in the face to the millions of unemployed or underemployed Americans and Canadians who've supported his music and helped him amass all that wealth, many of whom struggle to pay for basic necessities like rent and food. Fuck you, buddy. Do something altruistic once in a while and enjoy as many Vegas trips as you like, just don't shit all over your poor people while you do it.

    Oh, btw, those two? Totally doing it. Mayweather's the bottom.

  55. For the last question... Do you think this is why Chelsea Handler liked him so much?

    I think this behavior is why she dumped him. She's tacky and I love it.

    But this type of behavior is not her metier.

    Totally agree with the Fiddy/Mayweather bout of gay.
