Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Halle Berry Is Getting Married Again

I honestly thought Olivier Martinez and Halle Berry would have broken up long before this. So far I am wrong, but like a guy who is trying to make his last $5 last as long as possible in Vegas, I will keep on trying. Although reps for the couple announced that Halle and Olivier are engaged, I just do not see them making it to the aisle. This is a guy who has never committed to anything and this is Halle who has taken two swings at marriage and all she got out of it was beaten in one and cheated on in the other. Gabriel does not count because they never actually got married. I certainly wish them the very best, but I see this fizzling long before a marriage happens.


  1. He is not a good bet, and she's bat shit crazy.....sooooooo

  2. I know she is bat shit crazy as you say but GOD she has an amazing body...And she's in her 40's to boot.

  3. Didn't she say she would never marry again? Of course, that was in the moment.

  4. They certainly look well matched, and hot together. They're the kind of couple you know are having great sex.

    But Halle... That thing with her baby daddy where she made it all public, and had to back track because turns out, she's the one with the crazy temper on tape! Hope it's a long engagement, and Oliver doesn't revert to his old cheater ways. He is over 45 I believe. Could a man that age change? Or is it that at that age he has finally decided to settle down.

  5. I'm going to be petty, so you are warned....

    He looks like he is losing his hot looks. This is probably his last chance to get a sugar mama on par with Halle (or Kylie). So he had better button this one up quickly. She is as poor of a bet to stay faithful as he is, so get to the altar quickly, do the deed, and get the divorce. If women can be gold diggers, why can't men?

  6. I'm sure this marriage will be perfect! She has never done anything wrong in her life, and in all her relationships and marriages before, it was the other person who turned out to be the problem. At least, that's what she says. Has she matured since the last debacle?

  7. Well at least he can turn tail and hie back to France once the inevitable craziness starts. Good luck, Olivier. Bitch is crazy.

  8. Now here's the guy who needs brass balls, ear plugs and body armor.
    Halle is gorgeous, but best gazed upon from afar.
    I'll say good luck, if just for the child.

  9. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Is she human? How can one woman be that stunning? If I were in the same room as her and Charlize Theron, I'd kill myself (yes, I'm that shallow).

  10. Halle is so, so sexy, she constantly looks stunning - her face, her hair, her body. Hope it works out, maybe third time's the charm.

  11. yes, she is definitely hot and will probably stay that way for a long time, but crazy is still crazy, folks.

  12. Deep down, though, don't we all want her to be happy? Of all the difficult Hollywood people I've ever read about, I still have a soft spot in my heart for her.

  13. She'll be married a couple of more times after this one. She's got the Elizabeth Taylor syndrome. Has to be with a man, has to marry the man, even if he's a d'bag.

  14. Oh Halle, this isn't a good idea. She was crushed by Benet's cheating, and I don't see Martinez changing anytime soon.

  15. She must be at the top of the crazy/hot scale.

  16. He has never been attractive to me and as the years have gone by he's gotten almost homely looking. The only thing he has going for him is the accent.

    I thought she swore on Oprah she would never marry again?

    I hope they find happiness, but, I still think she's whacked. Barton said it, Halle has always blamed everyone else.

  17. ^You know who used to be at the top of the crazy/hot scale too? Mickey Roorke with his ORIGINAL face. In 9 1/2 weeks!

  18. Yeah, she's gorgeous, but I think that's about all she has going for her.

    Also, was David Justice physically abusive to her? I don't remember that being their issue. I thought whoever she was with before him was the abusive one. Or was it after? I don't know.

    Good luck to them, but I agree that the wedding likely won't happen.

  19. David Justice did not beat Halle Berry that was Wesley Snipes.

    Who the hell is this posting for Enty.

  20. Yeah Anita_Mark..Being in the room with both those women would be extremely depressing. All you could hope for is that rhey'd be dumb and boring and you'd be on a roll with some great comedy routine.

  21. his face looks a lot thinner now than when he was with kylie. maybe age or maybe a BI about drug use? did halle ever have a drug addiction?

  22. Deep down yes we do want her to be happy. Good luck to them.

  23. There is going to be a problem with Gabe, he'll want to lock up his parental rights...remember when she told Gabe this relationship was just business...I do...and the movie they made, what happened to it ?

  24. He has not aged well at all.

  25. I just don't understand why Halle, Jennifer and Madonna constantly need to be in relationships. These women have success and cute kids that should be enough for them. I guess being beautiful and having a great body doesn't mean you have self esteem. Good luck and I hope for Nayla's sake this one lasts.

  26. At least the ex-boyfriend was smart enough to have copies of her ravings.

  27. Disgraceful what she did to Gabriel. Their daughter will read that in years to come. I didn't know he had tapes of her until I read it just now. I always learn something reading the comments at CDan.

  28. Gabe is still hot and I bet he could write one HELL of a book.

    She's nuts

  29. WorstCompany - you may not agree that David Justice abused her, but she certainly claims that is the case.

  30. This man's reputation will be toast whenever she's through with him, regardless of anything he may or may not do. Runnnnn from Halle.

  31. actually it was Wesley Snipes who beat her so bad she lost hearing in one ear.

  32. ^Huh, I thought Justice did that. I remember her saying she lost 80% of her hearing in one ear, after being hit.

    Yeah, looking back at the comments, I think Halle should stick to not getting married again.

  33. I think Halle Berry is one of the blinds I can't remember.

    Halle Berry ALWAYS plays the victim. Does anyone remember her hit-and-run? She couldn't "remember" it.

  34. agreed Jax, but Enty never made a comment about that PARTICULAR beating - rather just that she was physically abused by one husband, which does seem to be what is claimed in the links provided

  35. This is still the funniest thing regarding Halle Berry that has EVER been said or done:

    Yes - this shit is even funnier than "Catwoman." It's that funny.

  36. i don't think you should be able to be a repeat offender. you said it was till death do you part the first time (liar!), so obviously you don't mean it. she has terrible taste in men. (as do i, so no offense). just date him halle, easier to lose down the road.

  37. Jason, that is hysterical.

  38. I agree that Halle looks incredible but every man in her past has complained about her lack of a sex drive. Add that to her repetition for being crazy as a loon and I recommend this guy give her the Anniston treatment. He should satisfy his curiosity as to how a woman with that body isn’t sexually unbelievable and then run like heck away.
