Friday, January 20, 2012

Amy Brumfield Gets Eliminated From American Idol During Hollywood Week- Been Arrested Six Times

The two things probably have nothing to do with each other, but Amy Brumfield who made it to Hollywood Week on American Idol has been eliminated. She was eliminated during Hollywood week, but it was not because she had been arrested six times including once for peeing on herself at a Baskin Robbins because she was so drunk. Instead she was eliminated because she could not get along with anyone during the group auditions and as a result sucked. She was really good in the audition show, but if you were counting on seeing her all season it is not going to happen.


  1. I'm not going to lie, I wondered about her from the beginning. Something seemed off. I hope she pulls it together though, she has a very unique voice.

  2. Is she, um, LIVING in that tent?

  3. yeah, her and her boyfriend have been living in it for a long time I think she said. Also, he apparently "works all the time" so that they have the things they need. I was in Savannah not long ago and I swear she was with a troup who were singing on street corners. They were like throwbacks to the 60's.

  4. aww, MANNNNN! the auditions are the only part of that show worth watching and i've missed it idea it had even begun. *programs alerts*

  5. Anonymous9:49 AM

    So, peeing on yourself is against the law?

  6. She peed on herself at a Baskin Robbins? Well, at least she didn't pop out her version of Rocky Road.

    Sorry, that was juvenile, and I'm eating my lunch right now. Ew.

  7. Aw, I wish this had a spoiler alert. Hollywood week hasn't aired yet. Pooh. I liked her.

  8. @BigMama, I also wondered how someone who said she 'worked all the time' could live in a tent. I figured she was either drinkin' or druggin' her money away. It's sad, really, because this could have been a HUGE chance for her to turn it around.
