Friday, January 20, 2012

Courtney Love Wins Eviction Battle - Moving Anyway

Courtney Love is leaving her rental home on February 14 which is less than a month away. Despite her lease being up and wanting to move she fought her eviction in court and won. The landlord said Courtney owed about two months rent and Courtney said she was current. Courtney won. This has nothing to do with the the burning of the house or the altering of the building and everything else Courtney is alleged to have done. Believe me, this landlord does not want to know everything that was done in this house. She would not be able to sleep for a year. You know those spirits in Paranormal Activity? Yeah, even they are scared of the stuff that goes on in Courtney Love's house.


  1. Courtney has destroyed any house or hotel room she has rented.

    Any money grubbing landlord that rents to her deserves the damage they have to fix after she leaves/gets kicked out.

    I guess that is why she doesn't buy, why own it when you can destroy it?

  2. Courtney destroys everything she touches.

  3. As a child my Dad taught me 4 things:

    1. Never sneeze into a plate of cocaine.
    2. Never let a proctologist stir your drink.
    3. Never believe a TV preacher with a phone number under his sermon.
    4. Never shack up with a crazy woman who is crazier than you.

    (Any and all of which may apply to living with Ms. Love - something I'm proud to say I have NEVER done. One of the few things I've never done ;-)

  4. Himmmmmm- very good advice.

    I kinda like the picture though, those earings are awesome and I don't even like jewelry.

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    @timebob That's not true, Courtney has trashed hotel rooms before but never a house she was living in since the mid 90s. And this is the first time she rented a house instead of buying. You just think because she's a mess her house is a mess too. Bad judgment. There are people out there who dress classy but their houses are full of rubbish. And the opposite.

  6. Shelli, good food for thought...but i just can't help but wonder why CL has no respect for things that aren't hers...or course, then i remember she's not big on the respect thing regardless. :(

  7. @Himmmm - words to live by!

    xoJane has photos of her place - it's beautiful (maybe a few too many buddha statues) - I love the paint color that she did, but the landlady is upset that she painted it at all.

    @BigMama, was thinking the same thing about the earrings.

  8. Also love the earrings! CL looks good on her good days. Some days she should just stay home.

  9. @ EmEyeKay - Thanks for the link! Courtney's townhouse is incredibly charming and eclectic, although some of those paintings are not my, um, cup of tea.

    Enty, you should check it out. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised.

  10. ^I know, right? I like her place!

    Here's an actual link:

  11. I think her place looks great myself. I saw pictures of how it looked from the previous tenant who is a famed designer and actually rehab'd the place before moving out and Courtney moved in. She kept the curtains and the fireplace color. From what I read, the place was in dire need or repair and updating prior to the designer moving in and doing so. And who cares that he did handpainting and glazing. Rubbish! This is why a savvy landlord collects a security deposit. When I rented apartments, I often painted the walls a color because I hated white or cream walls. Normally, I didn't get my deposit back when I moved out, big whoop. If the interior was so important to the landlady, she should have had it specified in the agreement and had Courtney initial that if she made any changes, she was on the hook to change them back.

    Additionally, ALL paint jobs are done by hand and so are glazing techniques. Even if it's sprayed on, it's got someone holding the sprayer. I think the landlord is high-strung and probably just had a personality clash with her tenant. It happens.

    And yes, her earrings are FAB!

  12. Anonymous9:47 AM

    When I lived in apartments, I always painted them because I, like M, loathe white walls. There's not a single white wall or neutral color in my house now. So yeah, I typically didn't get my security deposit back. It was worth it to have COLOR! up all of the time. So, if the problem is just some decorating Love did, I don't know what the big deal is. Just keep the security deposit. I saw photos of the place online, and while it's not really my cup of tea, it's not like she ruined the place.

  13. I hope that her daughter writes a book some day. Now that would be a fascinating read.

  14. Wow, her house is actually pretty awesome. I know she's batshit crazy but I have to wonder if it's not her fault...if she goes off her meds and drinks and drugs and effs things up. After seeing her house I kinda feel sorry for her.

  15. it's still her fault if she goes off her meds and drinks and drugs and effs things up.

    don't we all have a friend like courtney? my best friend is 15 years clean but life is still a disaster that's not her fault.

  16. I'd like to spend time with Courtney. Intelligent, batshit crazy people are long as I could be an observer...I wouldn't want to get involved with her crazy.

  17. Her house is beautiful. I love the colors and the furnishings. Who knew?

  18. "Never let a proctologist stir your drink."

    I've been laughing about that all day. Hilarious.
