Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kelly Osbourne Does Not Deny Boozing It Up

It is really tough to argue when a bunch of people saw you boozing it up. You can argue a little more about whether are not you bought a pot cookie because who really knows for sure. Kelly Osbourne took to her Twitter yesterday to say that she has worked too hard to mess things up, but then she also says she will drink if she wants to because she is 27. Never mind the fact that she has gone to rehab a few times and injured herself falling out of bed drunk. She thinks she can handle some booze. That is the first step in a slide and hopefully she can correct it. What I dislike is that she thinks because she was sober for a bit that she can tell everyone who is having problems that she is an expert and they should come to her. Take care of yourself, then take care of others.


  1. She just irritates me. I really have nothing else to say.

  2. No. No, no, no Kelly Osbourne.

    The only break you should get is a fracture in each hand so that you can't pick up the bottle again!

  3. This self-rightious beyotch needs to shut the fuck up. Should you be giving fashion advice? Hell no! Should you be giving substance abuse advice? No way in hell! Jesus, she talks out of her mouth and her ass. "I'm sober now. I'm the example of living clean." Five minutes later "If I want a drink I'll have one - I'm 27." (See how I cleaned up her quote, the run-on sentence, rambling idiot.) Being the spawn of a retarded rock star does not make you better than everyone and give you your own set of rules!!!

  4. You know what? Courtney Stodden gets a lot of well-deserved shit, but at least *she* knows how to spell and use proper grammar on twitter. A 140-character limit is no excuse.

    Go ahead, Kelly. Pay no attention to your dad's/brother's struggles with addiction. Defiantly squat in a gutter and get soused.


  5. the dreaded slippery slope...of course i can have a drink, i know what i am doing. maybe that explains that hideous blue hair. looked blonde in the her.........and enty good morning!! waiting for acc basketball games to start and find you were blogging. did i dream this, or did you have a one line musing about january jones' baby daddy last week?

  6. Does Kelly not realize she comes from a line of substance abusers! I wonder if she remembers how drugged up Ozzy was when she was young. Break the cycle!

  7. This is really sad.
    She needs to step back and review how much in denial her friend Amy was before she died.

    Yeah. No one ever dies at the age of 27 Kelly.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. she probs got drunk after seeing her old lady hair - WTF are her and Lindsay Lohan seeing when they look in the mirror??

  10. Kelly Osbourne Does Not Deny Boozing It Up

    Actually, she does deny it, unless she's referring to something else. ("Was their story true? NO!")

    I hope she stays clean. Grey hair and appalling clothing aside, I kind of like her.

    Sorry, wrong markup.

  11. I concur with others who think getting her drink on might have been the cause of the weird hair and dress ensemble last Sunday + I also loathe it when I see someone her age not able to spell

  12. Alls I know is...I've been sober for a long ass time and there is no fucking way I want to go back to where I left off. I didn't have to deal with the internet back in the day either so that must suck even worse. She sounds pissed off at herself about it.

  13. Welcome to the real world. People slip. I hope she gets back up.

  14. "someone her age not being able to spell"

    Well Sharon allowed Jack and Kelly to drop out of high school....exhibit A of a long list of stupidity.

  15. Seems to me like their eldest daughter Aimee was the smartest one in the bunch for wanting to stay out of the spotlight.

  16. I don't think her drinking has anything to do with her style. She's always trying new and different things, I think she wants to stand out. And she does.

    I cringe when I read celebrity tweets, comments, etc., that are misspelled, have improper punctuation, or bad grammar, especially when I know that the celebrity has the time and money to educate themselves.

  17. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I can picture her writing that tip. I can picture her stomping around, throwing her hands in the air all over-dramatically because everyone (read: no one) is all up in her business and the haters (read: again, no one) are telling lies about her.

    If she starts drinking again (and I don't give a shit if she is), the amount of drama she's going to drum up for herself on Twitter could be amusing.

    Plus if she's drinking, she's gonna get fat again!!!!!!

  18. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sorry, writing that "tweet"

  19. Dear Kelly,

    During your next stint in rehab, please take a gander at this site. We think you will find it useful when continuing your sober life and your life on Twitter.

    Your Pained Readers

    P.S. Nice to see you seem to think the death of your - supposed - best friend Amy Winehouse due to drinking was a big "Hell Yes!" for you to return to a life of boozing it up. Yes, we are am sure Amy is giving you a big thumbs up from on high. Bravo!

  20. Damn .. I think I hosed the punctuation on that "best friend" sentence. Well .. I will simply say there is a reason I know that site exists! ; )

  21. I don't tweet so I'm not really sure what all the #'s stand for.

    All I know is, now my head's ringing with Nell Carter's Give Me A Break theme song

  22. she is an idiot.

    I also think she has been off the wagon for a while. Remember when she "fell out of bed" and broke her wrist a few months ago?

  23. I can't bring myself to care if Kelly Osbourne drinks herself to death. Let's move on.

  24. Who the fuck is she? (rhetorical)

    Throw her in a basket with the Kardashians and Paris and the Lohans. Hide it far away and lock it up.

    You shouldn't have a paycheck, you ungrateful piece of shit.

  25. She annoys me on fashion police, because she is not pretty, and she's too fat for most of the BS she tries to wear. I hope her and Xtina get a in drunken brawl over the last Krispy Kreme

  26. Dear KO,
    You are a no one. Get a grammar book and a clue.


  27. She's been to rehab four times, if I remember correctly, yet people seem to keep wanting to give her a pass? She'a spiteful, untalented, rehab-return tripper. I wish we'd all stop talking about her. Yes I'm cranky today.
