Sunday, February 05, 2012

Brian Cashman Is Having A Bad Week

Everyday I say to myself, I really should write about Brian Cashman, the general manager of the New York Yankees. He has had an interesting week as he has had to acknowledge he had an almost year long affair with a woman who then tried to extort him and Brian's wife filed for divorce. Through it all though, I was hesitant because how many people really know who Brian Cashman is. Then this morning it turns out the leverage she had in extorting him was not just the affair, but also that he got her pregnant and made her have an abortion and she has all the e-mails to prove it. She even has an ultrasound image of their baby which she used as an attachment. Somehow through this, Brian's bosses at the Yankees do not even seem to care what he did or how he has conducted himself and as long as the Yankees keep making it to the playoffs, everything is good.

The woman he had an affair with is a little odd to say the least and you would think he would pick up on that early on in their relationship. Either that or it might turn him on when a woman says she works for MI6.


  1. hopefully this is a lesson to learn. If he is smart about it.

  2. Lol! In the title his name is Brain. He obviously doesn't use his.

  3. I still don't understand why married men who want to fool around don't get a vasectomy. Why would one want to take the risk.

  4. I'm totally over the whole deal where someone vindictively destroys another persons career because their relationship ended. I'm pretty much over careers ending over cheating too. Its far more common in the moneyed than us simple folks realize and its really not my business. Someone who cheats on his wife can absolutely be a good manager of a baseball team. One has NOTHING to do with the other. As for the forced abortion. Unless he drove her to the Dr with a gun aimed at her, there was still some free will involved. Blaming someone else for a choice you made might make you feel better for a while but its not a permanent solution.

  5. I don't understand why married men who want to fool around ever got married in the first place. Tiger Woods anyone?
    There is no law against being single, and if you're involved in a job with lots of travel and away from home, then just stay single till you can commit...or not.
    Yeah, Brain, little brain rules the big brain.

  6. She has a history of psychotic behavior, restraining orders against her stemming from stalking.

    He has definitely had affairs in the past and has been separated from his wife for some time now.

    Sounds like neither are gems in this case but I don't know how believable she is considering the diagnoses against her.

  7. As my friends would say "Don't stick your dick in crazy" (or, "Don't let crazy stick its dick in you")! He's certainly no innocent little lamb and deserves whatever scorn he gets, but she's a piece of work herself. *sigh* When will people ever learn?...

  8. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I'm with Anotheramy.

    I'm getting really tired of the moral soapbox everyone climbs upon.

    Why would Brian's bosses care that he's having an affair? Can he still manage? Yes? Then who cares? It's his life. As long as he's stepping out with a consenting adult, they don't care and why should they?

    And no one can force you to have an abortion. But she kept everything so she can make a little cash. Lady, he dumped you. Have some dignity about yourself.

  9. Her saying that she works for MI6 is a big ol' red flag. He should have backed away from her then.

  10. I hope the woman who is trying to blackmail Cashman gets prosecuted and I hope Cashman's wife makes him suffer in the divorce. If you cannot stick to your vows, d not make them. Simple.

  11. I bet that Ultrasound picture isn't hers. I am not saying she wasn't pregnant, but more manipulative than anything.

  12. I agree with anita_mark and Anotheramy...

  13. Why on earth should the Yankees care about what is going on in his personal life? This ain't good gossip, dude.

  14. K. I hear you guys. I am not repeat not on a soapbox.

    When you are a GM, you are directly responsible for all types of serious, sober, complex decisions.

    If you so much of an assclown to involve yourself with someone who is clearly shithouse crazy, what are you doing managing multimillion talent in a franchise? What types of decisions are you making? Getting owned by an 'MI6' agent? I wouldn't trust that guy with my coffee order, let alone several hundred million dollars.

    That is the point...

  15. If any man who ever cheated on his wife was fired for it, the unemployment rate would be around 50 percent.

    Bad judgment in his personal life, but has no bearing on his job. Except for the Carl Pavano deal.

  16. I guarantee the folks at the Yankees could not care less what this jackass does in his personal life. It's about publicity and this is not good publicity. People will make a stink about this guy keeping his job, and they'll pretty much pressure the Yankees into firing him. Happens every time. That's America...I'm kind of sick of the politically correct bullshit, but whatever.

    I'm really not sure how anyone can be "forced" to get an abortion. How does that happen? He probably paid her off to get the abortion, and she obliged. There's a difference.

  17. More on this today -- she was never pregnant and never had an abortion.

    The sonogram was a generic one from the internet.

    She deposited the abortion money ($6000??? Jesus) into her bank accounts.

    This woman is a NUTJOBBBBBBB

  18. Update: the girl's mother told the press that the girl wasn't pregnant, didn't get an abortion and that she's pulled this gag on other men in the past.
