Sunday, February 05, 2012

Jason Alexander Gets Some Television Time

The first husband of Britney Spears got some time on ABC News to talk about his 55 hour marriage to Britney Spears. I feel like over the years he has talked about the marriage way more than it actually lasted. Jason Alexander says that the annulment was not his idea and that Britney knew exactly what she was doing despite the claims after that she did not understand she was actually getting married or the consequences. Yeah, like she might have to give this guy half her money. To me it is pretty obvious that she liked the guy. They knew each other since they were in pre-school so it is not like she met some guy in Vegas while drunk and ended up marrying him because they both shared a love for key lime pie on the 7.99 all you can eat buffet. Don't knock true love at the buffet line. I bonded over some bread pudding once. For some reason most buffets in Vegas have bread pudding and since it is my favorite and it is pretty hard to get in other places you can generally find me hanging out by the bread pudding. Only look for me at buffets that have sauce to go with the pudding.

Jason says he was in love with Britney and he assumed she loved him too.


  1. who cares? i's the beginning of the end for a not-insane Britney

  2. I watched 5 min of that shitfest. He is just trying to get attention. Came off looking like a loser to me. And he is so unattractive! blech.

  3. I dunno, I think he's kinda handsome.

    clearly, a large part of her years for that simple, rural Louisiana kind of lifestyle and the other people who live it. Maybe she won't truly be happy until she settle down with someone like that, or, with someone just like him...?

    1. Handsome til he opens his mouth! Some boys should be seen and not heard (:

  4. She may have not gone off the deep end if she had married someone not in the Hollywood life.
    She needed and I suspect still needs normalcy in her life.

  5. He said he didn't get a nickel for signing the annulment. I call BS. I remember reading a few years back they apparently paid him $500,000 to sign. This guy didn't sign those papers out of the kindness of his heart. I'm sure he knew he could get some easy money out of it. He always claimed months ago that Jason was abusive to Britney. What a jagoff. And he talks like an idiot.

  6. IDK...maybe he has a point. Her downward spiral began after that annulment. In hindsight, considering it seemed like she was ready to move onto the next chapter of her life, settling down with a guy she had known since she was five who was from her hometown, probably would have been the better choice. It seems like "her people" didn't want to allow her to do anything that they felt tarnished her image, oh well. Guess they got what was coming to them in the long run anyway.

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    He's just so pathetic. Guy, she got drunk or high or both with you and thought it would be a laugh to get married. Then she sobered up and realized, "holy fuck!" So she got out of it. How many fucking years ago? Let it go. Did you also play high school football? Want to talk about that next? How you almost went to State? Do go on.

  8. Nothing to add to this, but whenever I see Jason Alexander's name, I always think when did the guy from Seinfeld marry Brittany?

  9. Dayum, I was hoping this was about the OTHER Jason Alexander. George Costanza was always my favorite Seinfeld character. Can't Stand Ya!

  10. I'm on the "her people put an end to that shit" train.

  11. Speaking of a Vegas all-you-can-eat buffet....

    I was in Las Vegas circa 1980 for a computer show. One night I got a discount coupon for a hotel buffet. I was sitting at the table eating, when they brought out the dessert cart. All around me, people jumped up and charged the cart, some turning over their chairs and tables just to get to the desserts. It was the wildest thing I'd ever seen. And the majority of the people who were in such a hurry were seriously overweight.

  12. ^That's f'ing creepy.

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    @Iheart, that's hilarious!

  14. Lololol @iheartjacksparrow.

  15. I watched the whole show, he has that skeezy bad boy thing that young girls go for. I do think it was interesting he said that Britney was cheating on Justin with him. He just had to get that last shot in.

    Overall he is pretty gross now.

  16. Thanks. Now I want bread pudding.

  17. Iheartjacksparrow - I saw that in Vegas but it was over crab legs LOL

    I'm another who immediately thinks of Jason Alexander ----> George Costanza

  18. The best thing for her probably would have been to be with someone like him and to take a few years off to lead some kind of normal life.
    She never had a chance to just be a normal person.

  19. Bread pudding is awesome..with or without hard sauce!

  20. This happened 8 years ago. Jesus, dude, let it go.
