Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Did You Know Nicole Richie's Daughter Is Famous?

Nicole Richie gave some interview to Flare and wants you to know world that she is keeping Harlow sheltered and protected and that Harlow has no idea that Harlow is famous. Umm. Thanks?

I had no idea Harlow was famous either until Nicole told me Harlow was famous. Apparently because she is the daughter of Nicole and Joel Madden that makes her famous. See, it is exactly that kind of thinking that created Paris Hilton. Instead of being famous for being famous though, Nicole is willing Harlow to fame by telling us that Harlow is famous therefore she must be famous and we all need to start bowing soon.

Harlow is also famous because she has two clothing lines named after her. Really? That is the judge now? a middling fashion line that people would have trouble identifying in a store if it was staring directly at them has made Harlow famous?

Nicole would also like you to know that she wakes up at 5:30am everyday so she can be by herself. I just go to the bathroom.


  1. Excuse me while I go vomit! Ugh. This chick needs to go away!

  2. I don't know why you keep posting about this person. Utterly uninteresting individual.

  3. You mean the phantom clothing line?? Whatever. Get over yourself.

  4. Well hey, Nicole is famous for being adopted by Lionel Richie, so I guess I can see her...logic...?

  5. Well yeah, that Wendy chick gets mobbed everytime she leaves the house. Poor thing has to wear wigs over her red braids and can't smile so people don't see her dimples. It's just such a freaking burden!

  6. Bitter, party of one? Your table's ready.

  7. What a pretentious little twat.

  8. Anonymous6:52 AM

    To be fair, it's Flare magazine. It's a shitty magazine from Canada where she probably figured she can say whatever nonsense she wants and it won't matter, hillbilly Canadians will eat it up.

    She really is full of her own self-importance, isn't she. Everyone gets on Gwyneth Paltrow but she can act and sing. This thing does nothing. Except "design."

  9. Seriously...you're taking time out of your day to write about her 'unfamous' daughter so...

  10. Lol bigmama

    Nicole richie does realize that she chose to put her daughter in the limelight, right? Self involved twat

  11. It's hard to say anything about kids, but I just have to about hers. Nicole's kids are unfortunate looking. I'll leave it at that.

  12. On the 5:30a wake-up: my mom did the same thing. It's called being a mother, dearie. The difference is you have a housekeeper and a nanny and probably a driver; my mom got up at 5:30a to have some alone time while she did the laundry and chores.

  13. I used to like her when she was on The Simple Life. I guess when compared to Paris Hilton she comes off favorably.

    She's smart, she's funny, she's rich and privileged. She has no reason to be so damned bitchy.

  14. The last few news items about Nicole have made me dislike her more. Much more.

  15. Oh, and when reading post, I was thinking, "Her daughter... Willow??"

    She's so famous that I couldn't even recall her name.

  16. Nicole,
    Keep telling yourself that...

  17. i guess when many paps follow you every day,you can say "i'm famous"

  18. She wants fame for herself so bad.

    Poor thing, she always comes of as so desperate. And mean.

  19. Anonymous8:10 AM

    @Figgy: That's exactly what I was going to post....

  20. Perhaps she has her confused with Jean Harlow.

  21. @Anita_Mark - last time I checked we aren't hillbillies. Insulting one's nationality is just lowbrow.

  22. Harlow is famous? I didn't know that.

    I think Nicole looks amazing these days, but she is such a bitch.

  23. why is this a thing? famous means being widely or well known. and here you are, enty, posting about her by name because YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS. the kid IS famous...not successful or deserving or accomplished or any other version of the word. but she IS "famous," in the same way parasite hilton is famous, for what it's worth because people know who she is. she's listed by name in rags. she probably has her own wikipedia page. either way, nicole richie is still a vapid twat.

  24. Suri's famous, Ivy Blue is famous, Gwen's kids are famous....

  25. Nicole comes for the school of if you scream it loud enough and over and over people will believe you are both famous and a successful fashion designer. Oh, and that your husband doesn't cheat on you on other continents.

  26. Anonymous9:31 AM

    @Momma Bear, I am Canadian, born and raised. I'm assuming that was her train of thought. She can say anything she wants up here, it won't make it back to anyone that matters. Like when actors do commercials in Japan and other countries, as long as it doesn't get back to the States, they don't care.

  27. I like her suit. Can't think of anywhere but a magazine cover where you could wear it, but I like it.

  28. Yeah, those commercials in Japan and articles in Canada never make it back to the States. Lucky for these celebrities there is no internet where everything shows up eventually.

  29. I get what she is saying.Harlow is famous enough to get her picture taken, it's in the magazines. I think she means that Harlow is a little girl and doesn't have any concept of that.

  30. Nicole and Joel were at the Ryan Adams gig at the Sydney Opera House last night - as were Nicole and Keith. No word as to whether Delta there too.

  31. The only time I ever noticed Harlow was when Nicole posed with her on the cover of PEOPLE magazine, which was Nicole's own choice.

    Her kids aren't that cute and I don't know anyone who gushes over them the way they gush over, say, Violet Affleck (who is adorable). I don't think anyone cares about Nicole's children except Nicole's hardcore fans, and there aren't very many of those left anyways.
