Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's A Party Down Reunion And Photobomb Session

If you have read this site at all, you know that I think Party Down is one of the greatest television shows that has ever existed. I am even willing to stand alone in this world and proclaim it. The two main stars are Adam Scott and Lizzy Caplan who are both amazing, and Lizzy does not work enough now but not for lack of people asking. She just refuses to take a paycheck if it is going to be crap. However, that does not mean she is not fun. AT the Eastbound And Down premiere party which is also a truly great show, Adam and Lizzy photobombed celebrities.


  1. I really hate when people stick their middle finger up in pictures. Grosses me right out.

  2. Uh, flipping the camera off when you're photobombing is extra douchey.

    A. Never heard of the show.

    B. Never, ever heard of the show on here.

    C. These photos make it look like a show I will never watch. Douchebags.

  3. @ Vicki Cupper - couldn't have said it better.

  4. This was the show Jane Lynch was on just before Glee. It was on the Starz channel. I haven't watched it, but by most accounts it was hilarious.

    Photobombing can be funny, but I agree with flipping the bird. That bothers me.

  5. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Loved, loved, loved Party Down, but I agree with the others Flipping the bird isn't classy. I know it's just a finger, but it's the way things are.

    I'm not sure how I feel about Lizzy. It was nice to see her on New Girl though. Good casting.

  6. I enjoy that Enty implied Adam Scott takes whatever paycheck presents itself, which is probably totally true god that piranha movie was useless.

  7. Agree with the, flipping the bird, part but I LOVE Adam Scott & Lizzy Caplan. This show is on Starz? When? What time? Is Aziz on it too?? I've never heard of it & feel ripped off.

  8. Alyssa, Piranha 3D was AWESOME! With, uh, 2 2-liter bottles of cheap Korean beer, chips, movie theater beer and an audience full of drunk people that knew it wasn't a Merchant Ivory film.


  9. Lizzy is Julia, Nick's gf in New Girl. Love that show. :) I seriously agree about Party down, but I get my Adam Scott fix on Parks & Rec

  10. Never heard of it, never heard Enty talk about it (but I've only been reading for about a year). However - just added it to Netflix. Adam Scott & Lizzy Caplan are both FUNNY and I need to watch this!

    @Dixie, laughing at you, you're being cute.

  11. Aren't the Real Whorewives on Starz, too? Is Enty sponsored by the network? Did his remote break? What's with all the Starz shows?

  12. Piranha rules. Just a mindless movie best watched with a few beers and no pretense. Jerry O'Connell as the Joe Francis rip-off was hilarious.

  13. LOVED Party Down. Great show. I don't really like Lizzy Caplan that much though. Don't know why. I liked her in Mean Girls but it was more the character. So then she got naked in True Blood it was confusing for me.

  14. Enty has mentioned it once or twice. I think it's hilarious, but forget that it's available on Netflix. Does anyone know if it's still in production?

  15. Party Down is AS awesome as Head Case

    and both get/got slim media coverage- so thanks Enty, for dedicating posts about em !!!:))

    Dont really care either way about the Bird flip. But that's possibly because I am interested in boning Adam Scott and he can do no wrong to me~

  16. LoL @EmEyeKay, how so? You guys all crack me up, every day. Doubt I'd like CDAN as much if you guys were as bitchy as some other readers on other sites. I kind of don't mind my news coming in "late" here b/c I admit that, yeah I've already read it on D-Listed and laughed my ass off, I still want to read it here too and laugh with and at all you guys. (I mean that in a nice way.)

    All the same to me!

  17. ^^ And BTW - YOU GUYS showed me that I COULD quit Perez Hilton and I'm proud to say I've been Perez free for... I don't know how long but Chrome finally scooted his site out of my 'most viewed' list! Woot!

  18. Best show ever. Enty, I will stand with you and proclaim it.

  19. I still think the next round of Reader Photos should be a "photobomb edition". You can send in pictures where you photobombed someone else, or someone photobombed you. Perhaps there could be a prize if there was a celebrity involved in said photobombing.

    Just a suggestion *L*.

  20. I loved Party Down, it was a sublime show with some great people. I'd like to see more of Lizzie Caplan, except I'm married and she would consider me a stalker. I like Adam on P&R but he kind of killed eveyone's buzz by leaving. My favorite episodes involve JK Simmons as the douchebag producre.

  21. @Dixie - because you sounded like an excited little kid - whowhatwherehowiwannago - I "heard" you while I was reading your post and it made me laugh. Also, b/c you wrote down everything that had just gone through my head!

    You've earned your Friends Don't Let Friends Read Perez bumpersticker. :)

  22. @Maja: GREAT idea!

  23. Have to agree that Party Down is hilarious. I could listen to Ron Donald talk about his dream of opening a Soup 'R Crackers all day long.

  24. I left Perez a long time ago too, got tired of a penis drawn on everything and *amazeballs*, Barf!

    Go to a photobomb website, and check out the animal photobombs, hilarious.

    Loved this show, we all need a good laugh.

  25. Party Down is so funny Adam Scott rocks!

    both seasons are streaming on netflix.

    @Audrey Starz canceled it after the second season. Plus, Adam Scott had signed on to Parks & Rec and wasn't coming back.
    Kinda killed it.

  26. Party Down was canceled as a tv show, but they are doing a movie, woo hoo!

    I love Lizzy Caplan. Only reason I'm still watching New Girl.

  27. I thought Party Down was HILARIOUS. And so is Eastbound and Down. Though season 1 of Eastbound was so much better than season 2. Either way, it's completely ridiculous and disgusting, but god it's funny. IF you have a dirty sense of humor, you'd like it. :)

  28. Enty most definitely HAS mentioned his love of Party Down multiple times. He's the reason we rented it. Loved it.

  29. @EmEyeKay - Definitely was sounding like an excited little kid, you nailed it on the head! :0] I can't help it - funny stuff does that to me.

    Totally need to get some "Friends Don't Let Friends Read Perez Hilton" stickers printed up for this group. That made me laugh for about 2 minutes straight.

    @Del Riser - Agreed. He said 'deplorable' one too many times for my taste. I also thought he was way funnier & more entertaining when he was (seemingly) true to himself & not some re-born ass kiss.

  30. I love Adam Scott and his middle finger, he could do no wrong. Every person on this post has made me lolololololllllllllll so much in the past few years. I am a big fan of "The League" with Nick Kroll (gut next to Aziz). Party Down being canceled or not picked up by someone else was a travesty upon the world. Lizzy seems like someone I would be friends with...her and Aubrey Plaza (April Ludgate). Love them. AND EASTBOUND AND DOWN...last season starting...devastated.

  31. ^I agree with you about Aubrey & Lizzy or their characters at least. I can't imagine they would be boring ladies to chill with.

  32. Late to the party... ha ha... but Adam Scott can DO NO WRONG, I don't care about his middle finger, he is yummy. So yummy. I don't care if he takes paychecks, he has a wife and kids and didn't work for a long time like he does now, but if those ever go away... call me Adam! I'd hang out with you on the set of Pirahna XXV!

    Otherwise Party Down is one of the most underrated cancelled shows ever-- you guys should really check it out. So hilarious. But you have to be ok with kind of dirty humor.
