Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tim Tebow Says No To Katy Perry

Despite how much Katy Perry's parents want to set her up with Tim Tebow and despite Katy Perry wanting to see Tim Tebow's peacock, apparently Tim Tebow has no interest in Katy. The guy was doing something noble and altruistic again by reading to kids and sharing how he overcame dyslexia when one of the kids who will probably work for a tabloid when they get older asked if Tim had a thing with Katy. Tim laughed and said he did not have a thing for or with Katy. I guess he does not want to show her his peacock. It's ok. He has others he can show it to.


  1. O_o Others? Was that a hint or what?

  2. He probably thought of Russell and all the possible STD's and decided to pass....

  3. So this fucker is the second cumming of Jesus?

    Rick AnalDisharge would approve.

  4. You know, now that the hype is over, I am growing to respect Tebow for living his beliefs. I just hope he's the real deal, and isn't showing his peacock to others.

    Katy Perry doesn't have a chance with someone truly religious, despite what her parents want. I get the feeling that there are two Katy Perry's -- the one that her parents think she is, and the one that she really is.

  5. @RenoBlondee - Wasn't he a popular guess for a BI about 'So & so is all religious but is actually a big slut ball, blah blah blah.'?

  6. @Dixie, he was. I hope it's not true though. It would be refreshing to find an evangelical who actually lives their lives the way they expect me to live my life.

  7. I can't look at him without thinking of Jimmy Fallon as David Bowie singing "Tim Tebow to Jesus Christ".

  8. Katy's gorgeous, why not?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. good. I think KP is mediocre looking at best. i will never understand how she is famous.

    Tebow is a talented athlete and very handsome. I do not know much about his beliefs, so I will not comment on him as a person.

  11. @Seachica - It would be but sadly I don't think it's going to be him. I can't help but think of him as a fake ever since reading that blind. I know that is really judgmental of me but it is what it is.

  12. ^^Just my opinion though.

  13. Did you see the big ol Herpes sore on his mouth (allegedly) when he was doing interviews towards the end of the season?!?!?!

  14. I saw the cold sore, G W Gal

  15. I got cold sores when I was a kid. Didn't make me a slut. LOL

  16. I was about to say: someone having a cold sore doesn't necessarily mean one caught it from sex. Kids get them all the time from drinking behind each other and whatnot.

  17. I don't think Katy is cut out to be a ballers wife, regardless the game.

    On the other subject ^^ did you know there are 8 types of herp?!?!?!?!?

  18. lol I don't think anyone implied him having a cold sore makes him a slut. It drove my bf crazy in the runup games to the Superbowl - that cold sore was all he could see!

  19. _+_=_, yeah and 6 of them are named after Paris Hilton.

  20. There is talk of him running for political office in the future.


  21. Anonymous12:36 PM

    This post is based on some kid asking him if he was with Katy Perry and he said no to a kid. Seriously, is there more to this? Am I the only one seeing this?

  22. Jason...can't possibly be worse than Perry, Bachman or Santorum?

  23. Cold sores and genital herpes are caused by two different herpesviruses (herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, respectively) in almost 100 percent of cases.

    I'm no Katy Perry fan, but I get the feeling that Tim Tebow and his family would probably regard her as "damaged goods" and unworthy of his attention. I'm sad to say that that's the mindset I've encountered among evangelicals when it comes to divorced women.

  24. So, if it isn't Katy, who is the lucky boy?

  25. To be fair I do not believe that was a cold sore on TT in the playoffs. He took a hit right after a pass and the bottom part of his helmet hit his lip causing bleeding, swelling and eventually a scab. It happened in either the game where they played the Pats in the regular season or their last regular season game against the Bills. So while the athiest/cynic in me would be delighted to know of yet another phony evangelical selling their lifestyle to others when they can't even live it themselves, him taking that hit and bleeding right after is on film, so I don't think its a cold sore.

    F I watch too much ESPN.

  26. I think he is probably looking for someone a little simpler. Katy Perry doesn't strike me as the right mix for him.

  27. Yeah, I get the sense that Katy is not playing for his team....

  28. That wasn't a herpes sore that Tebow had.

    He took a huge hit in a previous game that split his lip.

    (And also, most people are infected with the herpes virus in the first 2 years of life - by people kissing them as babies or letting them touch their faces during a breakout or touching them with their contaminated hands).

  29. Sorry you guys, but a *straight* guy that turns down Katy Perry = NOT STRAIGHT.

    Even guys that are worried about STD's will wear a condom if it means they'll "get some".

    So, yeah.

  30. "To be fair I do not believe that was a cold sore on TT in the playoffs. He took a hit right after a pass and the bottom part of his helmet hit his lip causing bleeding, swelling and eventually a scab. It happened in either the game where they played the Pats in the regular season or their last regular season game against the Bills. So while the athiest/cynic in me would be delighted to know of yet another phony evangelical selling their lifestyle to others when they can't even live it themselves, him taking that hit and bleeding right after is on film, so I don't think its a cold sore."

    How is the cold sore a proof of anyone's lifestyle?

  31. Katy is too much for him, he does need someone boring and generic pretty.

    I want Katy to get back with her ex: Travie McCoy (hawt). But it looks/sounds like a big fat NO after reading some things on the world wide web.

  32. I doubt anyone is that interested in getting Russell Brands' sloppy seconds...
