Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Steven Tyler & Jennifer Lopez Have A Sense Of Humor - Ryan Seacrest Is Still Scarred

Do you get the feeling that Ryan Seacrest wishes he had not acted like a little baby when Sacha Baron Cohen dropped the ashes all over him on the red carpet? The guy was freaking out and saw no humor at all in the situation. He acted like his life was ruined.

Anyway, last night on American Idol. Steven Tyler shows he has a sense of humor and that Jennifer Lopez is perfectly willing to make fun of herself or at least not worry if other people make fun of her. Watch as Steven reveals his nipple and then asks, "Who am I?"


  1. Seacrest is an itty, bitty control freak with a massive Napoleanic complex.

  2. As much as I don't care for her.... I swear that woman gets more beautiful the older she gets. Actresses in their 40's need to call her for her doctor's phone # for sure.

  3. ^I meant the actresses that look all tight and worked on, and not natural.

  4. I know RenoBlondee, it just kills me to admit it because I cannot stand her, but JLo looks fantastic. Shoot.

    I didn't think Ryan Seacrest handled it that badly (I know, this has been discussed at length already) but maybe he was worse off-camera.

  5. Randy's collar is made from Natalie Portman's Oscar dress? WTF?

  6. Jennifer Lopez is an attention whore. She loves that he referenced it because it kept the chatter going.

  7. "The guy was freaking out and saw no humor at all in the situation."

    Why should he? It wasn't funny.

  8. I thought he handled it well all things considered.

    Jennifer looks better now than ever.

  9. From what I've heard, Jennifer Lopez is a huge prima donna and bitch...but yeah, she does look very, very good. Perhaps it's with the help of a little nip and tuck here and there, but at least it was done well.

    However, Demi Moore used to be like that - you guess she had had something done because she looked so good, and then she just took it that one little step too far and became tight faced and strange looking. Take note, J-Lo. Don't overdo it.

  10. I thought it was a stupid prank and not the least bit funny.

    It is painful to admit but JLo does look good. Maybe I need a boyfriend 1/2 my age.....

  11. it may not have been the funniest thing ever but Ryan didn't have to act all pissy about it. also after he changed into his spare tux jacket he could have dropped it but no, he made sure to tell every person he "interviewed" about it.

  12. I don't feel sorry for Ryan at all. He's one of the main reasons I stopped watching "Idol." I got tired of watching him be so incredibly rude to hopeful contestants who clearly had various mental amd emotional problems. It's bad enough they're being exploited by the show at all, but he makes it far worse. This was pure, Grade A kharma served up to him. See how he likes it!

  13. I must have been watching a different version of E because I didn't see Ryan get pissy and I didn't see him change jackets. The one he had on looked pretty dirty to me for the last few minutes they were on before ABC booted them off the red carpet.

    American Idol is sleezy from the top down. If it wanted to be legit and classy, it would never waste our time with bad auditions that are intended for a national audience to laugh at. And America just laps up that cruelty.

  14. I've never found Sacha Boring Whatever funny.

  15. Ryan acted just fine -- his $5,000 suit was f*cking ruined on the red carpet in the only exclusive half hour his station had for doing interviews with celebrities attending the Academy Awards. WTF? No seriously, drop it already. No way in f*cking hell would SBC be cool with some ass doing the same to his wife on the red carpet, or even to himself when he wasn't in stupid costume but a tux.

  16. I don't think jlo's incident is a fair comparison to Ryan's run-in with SBC. Jlo's was barely a blip on the radar of the during and after Oscar buzz.
