Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Your Turn

This was actually the topic of discussion the other night when I was out with friends. Do you think Eddie Cibrian would ever cheat on LeAnn Rimes? Brandi Glanville says he will. I say I am 50/50 on it. Here is the thing. Brandi is way more attractive than LeAnn Rimes so I am guessing Eddie left because of money and greater fame? At this point he is not getting much acting work and appears content to go on vacation once a month and follow his wife to her occasional show she performs. When she goes on a full blown tour it is interesting to see whether she leaves him at home. I think she is scared he will cheat. I don't know if he is willing to take the chance of giving everything up. Do you think he will cheat?


  1. Once a person has crossed that moral line and is willing to cheat, they will be willing to do it again.

    Yeah, he will cheat. And LeAnn strikes me as the type who will be mad, but will let him get away with it out of fear of being alone.

  2. I'm not sure I agree with this statement: "Brandi is way more attractive than LeAnn Rimes so I am guessing Eddie left because of money and greater fame?" I understand that a lot of people don't like LeAnn, but maybe he just got along with her better or feels a deeper connection to her than Brandi. Looks are not everything.

  3. Oh, and, yes he will cheat again.

  4. Of course he will cheat! He not only cheated with LeAnn but Brandi came across one of his mistresses at Lisa's party, this was about 3 episodes before the finale on Real Housewives. I believe she said "one of his mistresses", maybe there were more?

  5. Wouldn't be surprised if he was doing it right now at this very moment.

    With Brandi.

  6. Yes, I think he would if he thought there was no way he'd be caught.

    They actually look pretty happy in their pictures but my opinion is he is one of those people that cheat as a game and not looking to find someone else to love.

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    He'll be more clever...for awhile.

    I agree that he likes that lifestyle!

  8. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Sure he will. It's not about the looks or money or quality of the blow jobs, it's about getting away with it. It's like a drug. I got away with it. Got to do it again!

  9. one of the sites estimated LeAnns wealth to be about 30 million. Edide is smart enough to know to stay on the money train & keep it in his pants. For now. Now 10 years from now and the pre-nup is off the tables is a whole 'nother story.

  10. Once a cheater, always a cheater. The problem is with the cheater regardless of who they happen to be with.

  11. Yes, eventually he will.

  12. If he would cheat on the mother of his children while he was married to her, YES he will cheat again. His moral compass is pointed south!

  13. yes, he isn't that bright so he will cheat again....possibly with Brandi

  14. They both will....

  15. I agree with Vicki, he's probably already cheating. Leann seems completely insecure about it and deep down probably knows it will happen too

  16. Yes. Once a cheater always a cheater

  17. Once you cheat, you can always cheat.

    LeAnn may have money, but how do you explain the constant insecurity she displays? She knows that Eddie will cheat on her. Her copying Brandi's moves all the time. That chick is running scared. She knows it's just a matter of time, unless he's gone and done it already.

  18. Maybe LeAnn beats him to the punch and cheats first?

  19. once a cheater...

  20. 150% YES!!! Absolutely!!! No doubt in my mind. Once a cheater, always a cheater. It's in his nature. He cheated on Brandi with the waitress...and then cheated on Brandi and the waitress with Leanne. It doesn't matter that Leanne has money. He will do it on the sly and try not to get caught. He will feed Leanne lies, and because she's so in love, she'll believe him. He's a dirt bag.

  21. I totally disagree that once a cheater, always a cheater. Some people cheat because they're unhappy in their current relationship, and it's an easy way out. I've cheated in a relationship before and so has my current fiance, but I feel certain that neither of us will cheat on each other. Call me naive if you want, but that's what I believe.

    But maybe y'all are talking about marriages, specifically? Someone who would cheat within the institution of marriage? Even then, not everyone's Jesse James.

    As for these tricks, yeah, he might cheat again. For me what disgusts me about this pair is not so much that they fell in love while he was married, but that they LIED about it for SO long in the media when everyone knew what was going on. It was pretty insulting.

  22. Yeah, I kinda do.. Might all depend on the pre-nup sitch.

  23. @ Audrey's comment--I wholeheartedly agree, except that in H'wood looks ARE everything, of course trumped only by money.

    Even Brandi said early on RHOBH that she hoped to find a man "because she doesn't have much *hot* time left at her age," or something similar.

    These GD women and their low self-worth piss me off. Their worth is tied only to their looks. Pathetic. (case in point--Demi Moore).

  24. They will be done with each other soon enough, cheating or no.

    She seems the type who would move on to someone with money because he does not have more than looks to keep her happy.

  25. Anonymous11:18 AM

    He will absolutely cheat.

  26. When a man marries his mistress it creates a job opportunity.
    James Goldsmith

  27. If he had just cheated with LeAnn, I would say maybe not. But she was not the first, so yes, I think he will.

  28. If you marry a man who cheated on his wife what you get is a man that cheats on his wife.

    They may in fact be a good match for now. He needs her money and she needs his adoration.

  29. I don't believe in "once a cheater, always a cheater" either. I think people can change. Do I think Eddie Cibrian will change? No.

  30. ^^What Maja said. Also, I don't understand why the question is only about whether Eddie will cheat again - let's not forget that LeAnn was also married when they got together...

  31. He's probably already cheated on Speedbump. I think he's addicted to the chase and conquest.

  32. He'll cheat if he doesn't think he will get caught

  33. Anonymous12:42 PM

    He probably already is...

  34. no f**king idea and above all i don't care

  35. @ RocketQueen - agreed. I've never cheated, but my fiance did with me. He was completely unhappy in his marriage and knew he married for the wrong reasons. We knew we were meant to be together from almost the moment we met. It's been over 10 years now. Let the darts fly...but you can't conquer true love.

  36. If you'll cheat for me, you'll cheat on me.

  37. It's probably hard to cheat on someone if you are never apart. That said, I think he would if he knew he could get away with it, but I don't think she would. Guys like that tend to beat women down until they feel like they're nothing unless they're with that person.

  38. Oh yeah, I also disagree with the once and cheater always a cheater saying. How dreadful to think like that.

  39. After a few years with her - Yes he will.

  40. He's probably cheating now, the question isn't whether he will cheat, it's how long he will stay?

    You know she's getting older, her career kinda over, her bank account's not that full... he's got to be thinking, maybe it's time to be start trading up...

    Who knows, maybe this time it will be someone who can actually help his career. But you gotta be kidding yourself if you think he's been keeping it in his pants all this time! Puh-leeze!

  41. I think people can change, it's possible he's genuinely happy now and willing to work harder for this marriage than the last. It's possible. But not likely. He seems like a douche.

  42. Of course he'll cheat, but only if he is absolutely certain he won't get caught.

    Vicki, I don't think there's a chance in hell that Brandi would sleep with him. She is so over him.

  43. Maybe Eddie and LeeAnn connect on a deeper level? I'm stretching here, but it's possible it might not be all about looks or money. Sometimes people "click" with each other. I mean, they're both attention bastards - to each his own.

    That being said, my theory is that if a man can justify cheating once, he can probably justify cheating again. Then again, this is not always the case - more often than not, but not always.

  44. I don't think he will cheat for at least a few years. LeAnn has $$$ and he doesn't. I think he wants to enjoy mooching off her for the time being. But a few years from now, yup, he will not be able to resist. He will cheat. He is that kind of person. A user and a pig.

    I think Brandi would take Eddie back in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to get back at LeAnn. All three of them are obsessed with each other. I feel sorry for the kids because this is very unhealthy.

  45. There are definitely cases of people who are utterly miserable in their current relationships cheating, then getting out of the bad relationship and mending their ways, so it's not it's not a done deal that once a cheater, always a cheater. However, given Eddie's, ahem, history, methinks he's definitely an example of "if he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you."

  46. Brandi may be passably more attractive than Leanne, but she is also a hot mess. Maybe Eddie was just miserable with Brandi, and fell in love with Leanne.

    You people aren't very romantic!

  47. i completely disagree with the "once a cheater, always a cheater" notion because it really depends on the situation.

    someone can cheat once, be completely honest about it to his/her partner at the time, and not do it again.

    relationships are fluid, people make mistakes, and people move on. it seems that people are far too quick to throw someone away if he/she makes a mistake.

    chronic "mistakes" are another thing...

  48. When a man marries his mistress, a position opens up.

  49. He knows where his bread is buttered - for now...And when was the last time she was on a "full blown tour"? Oh, and she doesn't parade around practically naked for nothing...

  50. funny how he is branded a cheater - but Leeann was cheating on her husband too! Maybe she's cheating even now.

    But having seen RHOBH, Brandi is tough to take, she can be a real witch. Maybe he was looking for an outlet to all that nastiness that comes out of Brandi's mouth - he met a sweet southern girl, and maybe now they're happy.

  51. I'm trying to figure out how this was a "topic of discussion." I mean, how often do people "discuss" whether (or not) the sun will rise?
    I imagine everyone going around the table saying, "Yup, probably."

  52. Jayne, I don't count what she did as cheating since their marriage was a total fake.

  53. Yes, of course he will cheat, and probably already has.

  54. Kinda late to this .. but .. I have an opinion on it so why not.

    I think he will cheat again because he is a greedy, "better deal" kinda guy. Sadly for him, his days of being able to pull that sh*t are coming to an end because he is simply not going to be that attractive for too much longer.

    As for cheating, it is rarely black and white. Some people are serial cheaters and will never not cheat. Some people cheat once and that is that. I wish the world was black and white .. but the older I get the more I realize it is just a million shades of grey.

  55. Yes, he probably will based on what BG has said about him.
