Sunday, March 25, 2012

Camille Grammer Is Not Going To Return To RHBH

Ahh, Camille Grammer, you made Real Housewives-Beverly Hills' first season the best season ever of the franchise. Now you are not going to return for the third season and I think everyone is going to miss you. At the end of the first season, everyone hated you, but could not stop watching you. Then, because you are one shrewd person you saw your mistakes from season one, hired someone top help you through pitfalls and you got everyone to like you in Season 2. In Season 2 I thought of you as the puppet master. You were quiet when needed, but if the pot needed to be stirred, you knew exactly what to say and never got any blowback from it.

Camille says she does not want to expose her personal life anymore and will not return for season 3. I think she just wants her own show. We know she does not need the money but I think she enjoys the fame.


  1. Oh, I'll miss her. I hated her by the end of Season One, but I think you're right Enty and she hired someone to help present herself in a more attractive way for Season Two. But sometimes if we PRETEND to be someone better than we are, we BECOME that someone, and I'd like to think that is true for her--that she learned and grew from the entire experience. I wish her well.

  2. I'll miss her too. Her dinner party in season 1 with her crazy friend Allison was epic!

  3. I found her very off-putting, yet likable. She would appear to be caring and 'down to earth' after the divorce, but she walked with an attitude and all her friends were always 2 feet behind her. And DiDi was always concerned about Camille, but never vice-versa.

  4. I didn't watch much of season 2 but I think she came back to fix her image. She accomplished that so I don't think she wants a chance to screw that up. I liked her in S2. I think in S1 she was still reeling from being screwed over by Kelsey and that can mess you up, not that excuses her at all.

  5. I think we ALL loved to hate her. She made an awesomely complicated villain.

  6. I loved Camille! I'll take her over Kyle any day. At least Camille doesn't try to pretend to be this sweet and humble person. She came across as that typical Beverly Hills Housewife and owned it. Kyle on the other hand is horrible. Her 'nicey-nice' facade is so transparent and she's very judgmental and immature. And the lies about not using Botox are just getting ridiculous!

  7. No more Kim, no more Camille. That just means more Brandi!!!

  8. She definitely downplayed the attitude in Season 2 but you could still count on her for the occasionally bitchy jab.

    Based on the quote she gave re: the show, I got the feeling she and the show's producers couldn't come to terms on a $$ amount.

  9. Shes getting a real trannie look too, like Dickinson and Gilbert. Not good.

  10. I like Camille and will miss her! As for "stirring the pot" I'm glad she confronted Taylor, none of the other women didn't or couldn't. As for hiring someone, good for her at least she was not so much in her ego that she thought her image was okay (hear that Kyle and Taylor).

  11. I will miss her. I remember at one point during the end of the first season, she was sitting with her friends and doing her little "Mmm-hmmm" face, and I realized I had fallen in love with her! Against my will, totally against my will and against my better judgment. Then she turned into Ms Nice for Season Two. I hope she is happy wherever she ends up.

  12. @ Barton Fink - I know! I wanted to hate her too, but despite my best efforts......I just don't. I am also really jealous of her body, plastic or not.

    On a semi-related note, does anyone remember when Howard Stern would play explosive diarrhea sounds everytime he mentioned her name?

  13. Even when she was such a c*nt in Season 1 I liked her despite my better judgement, Season 2 just solidified it. I will miss her very much, she was definitely my favorite. Not gonna miss Kim...irritating. Wonder who else they are going to add, besides Marisa Zanuck

  14. I've never watched the show. I do love her coat in this picture, and the dress looks killer on that body.

  15. @Popcorn Sutton and Del Riser: One of the most terrible things about Camilla is her physical perfection. She's not young, and she might not even be so goodlooking, but girlfriend knows how to have her hair done and how to pick a jacket. When I wanted to hate her, I found myself saying things much like "oh, that jacket, oh my god" and that's how she conquers.

  16. I love Camille. I'm really going to miss her.

  17. I couldn't watch all of Season 2. I saw one of the reunion shows while trying to catch up online. I had to stop watching. Just *killed* me when Taylor complained Gigi (the dog) was tweeting mean things about her.

    The glances Camille and Lisa gave each other were priceless.

    I'd take Camille over Kyle any day. Kind of get the feeling Camille wouldn't manipulate her sister into doing the show so she'd have her own money (if Camille had a somewhat-famous sister).
