Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kim Kardashian To Press Charges Against Flour Bomb Tosser

Kim Kardashian is a whiner. So, someone threw a flour bomb at you for always wearing fur. You want to teach her a lesson? What about all those animals that died for you to wear fur? Would you like to experience what they do? I don't understand the need to press charges. Kim says it is to teach the woman a lesson. What about the debit card scam you and your family were apart of and were happy to take advantage of people until you were called out about it? Sweat shops? No problem? But a flour bomber. Oh, they need a lesson. I think not talking about you the past two months has been wonderful and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching people with actual talent take shots at you and the only thing you have been able to say is you don't think its fair. Fair? As in your entire family becoming multi-millionaires because you made a sex tape with the guy who killed Whitney Houston?


  1. I once told a woman wearing the fur that it would have been warmer if it was still on the cat!!

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  4. Shit, I don't mind this kind of KK post. I can see smoke from the words coming off my screen.

  5. Go Enty!!

    Can we go Spring Free KK?

  6. Somebody has to love these people, because even though we want Kardashian-free times, here, they're still getting more famous, more rich. Why is this? Who likes them? I don't understand. I really don't get it.

  7. Coming out of longtime Lurksville to say I despise this woman and I think she just made another huge PR mistake.

  8. Who is she gonna sue her Pimp Mom for setting this up to get fat ass a sympathy vote. Not buying it

  9. Enty, can we go another few months without talking about the K's?

  10. I think some people love to watch them to feel better about themselves, and some people watch them and think they can too become rich by being selfish, money-grubbing trash.

  11. ugh. there are few people who are a complete waste of space on this planet .. and she is one of them.

    hyporite with a capital H

    i can't stand them -- especially her ... i saw the video on TMZ and DEFINITELY heard her call the woman "bitch..."

    stay classy, Kim, stay classy.

  12. ** hypocrite

    (geez ... wake up!)

  13. Lovely summation of why we shouldn't care about her or her family. Other than offering numerous occasions for us to shake our heads in disbelief, she and her family have contributed *nothing* to the world we inhabit.

  14. Assault? She got flour bombed, not attacked with a bat. Maybe it's legally "assault", but pressing charges just makes her look like a bigger fame whore tham she already is.

    She'll let the public watch her get peed on, but the humiliation from get flour thrown all over her is just too much. Riiight. :l

  15. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ray J, despicable as he is, is no more responsible for Whitney's death than you are. And to suggest that is a bit disengenuous.

    And if the flour bomb were truly about Kim wearing fur, don't you think it would make more sense to do it when she was actually wearing fur? Besides, PETA has come out and said they were not behind this.

    1. I felt the same way about the ray j remark...and he wasnt her drug dealer or forced her to take drugs...I'm not saying he's an angel but to accuse him of something like that is wrong

    2. I felt the same way about the ray j remark...and he wasnt her drug dealer or forced her to take drugs...I'm not saying he's an angel but to accuse him of something like that is wrong

  16. I say sue, and watch all your dirty laundry come up every day in the press, because no one will on your side Kimmey..............
    P.S. You looked wonderful in flour...

  17. Whoa go get 'm Enty!!

  18. Agreed w/ Surfer that making an unfounded connection between Ray J. and Whitney's passing was probably not a good idea. I get that this was probably written in haste/anger, but still.

    I'd like to see this go to trial, watch the judge laugh at her and fine the defendant the cost of a dry cleaning bill. If the legal system can get her on some kinda Orly Taitz (Queen of the birther movement) to litigious wackoville, then I'm guessing this kinda stuff will stop. But I don't think it'll go that way - I agree with the others that this was probably all a pr stunt.

  19. ^ ...Orly Taitz _path_ to litigious wackoville....

  20. Why doesn't PETA go after an Olsen twin?

  21. While I think she deserved it, pouring stuff on people is still assualt. I can't understand why these ho bags have "fans" either but throwing stuff at people isn't the best way to make your point. I do, however, think the glitter bombs are innocuous. Should she sue..Meh, prolly best to let it go. As I recall she laughed it off at the time. I think maybe now that she knows evryone is now laughing AT her probably pushed her to do it. I'll bet pimp Mama Kris is behind that.

  22. She should have been flour bombed in Florida, no charges would be filed.

  23. @ Lola "She'll let the public watch her get peed on, but the humiliation from get flour thrown all over her is just too much." RIGHT?! WTF is wrong with this woman's priorities??

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  25. Irresponsible to put that out there about Ray J, Enty. Whitney Houston abused herself for years and had no one to blame but herself.

  26. She's such a clown! I'm a PETA member and I don't agree with some of their actions (even though PETA says they're not responsible for this). I wouldn't personally throw flour or paint over a fur wearer but when it comes to this famewhore nothing is off limits! I've never liked her simply b/c the few times I watched that horrible show she was so mean, selfish, and spoiled.

    My question is the same as an above poster's: Who the hell keeps this family on TV and in the mags? Who are their fans? I just don't understand. -_-

  27. I keep wondering if it was a PR stunt. Her mom would stop at nothing to keep them in the news.

  28. I'm glad she is suing those PETA idiots then maybe they will stop doing this stuff.

    I know if she had thrown that flour on me she would have had a bloody nose that's for sure.

    If you want to get you point across, you don't have to do these kind of stunts to people.

    I promise you Kim K or anybody else will not influence whether or not people wear fur or not.

    PETA are just using bully tactics.

  29. @ Worstcompanytoworkfor

    Peta wasn't behind the flour bomb.

    However, they and many others who learned of the incident showed public support for the young animal activist who did do the deed.

  30. I wouldn't sue someone for throwing flour on me. I don't expect to paid for having to take a shower. That isn't what the legal system is for. This can't be more humiliating than any thing done in her sex tape she leaked.

    I hope she does sue. This doesn't seem like PETA, its too nice, but I'd love for the person who did it to reveal in court that Kris was the one who hired her.

    I think it is irresponsible to say Ray J killed Whitney, although he might just very well have been her dealer at some point. He didn't make her take the drugs or was the reason she started years before she met him.

  31. PETA are just insane whackjobs. It's none of their business if people wear fur or not; no one needs their "permission" to do anything and they should just mind their own business! They care more about animals than about people!

    1. It should influence them. It is despicable to torture animals and it is not that people care more about animals, it is that we recognize that people like you don't care about them so someone has to look out or them. Wearing fur-unless doing it for survival-is abominable (especially bc of how the animals are tortured to get it).

  32. she isn't wearing fur but she is wearing leather pants.

    I do hope PETA pays for a good defense attorney for the woman. They jumped on the story as soon as they could for a free publicity.

    Anything that makes Kim look foolish is OK by me.

  33. Them is fightin words!

  34. i refuses to talk about Trashdashians but you're wrong Ray J: Whitney was not a saint and she was drugged before to meet him

  35. Can we continue to pretend the Kardashian's don't exist? As in any of them? I don't care if someone threw flour on Kim, she apparently doesn't mind being peed on, so isn't this at least a step up?

    This site is far better without any talk of Kardashians. Let's cut the Teen Mom crap, too.

  36. Again, PETA was not behind this incident (though they've done the same and more). I remember they did do some Olsen protest with signs reading "Fur Trolls" featuring unflattering caricatures of them. Kim should have been flour bombed in Paris, if not for her fur wrap, then just the hideous outfit in general!

  37. @sunnyside1213 - Where have you been!? Missed your posts!

    Enty is FIRED UP.

    I'm kind of torn on this, like I was with the SBC/Seacrest incident. The only reason it even seems a little bit ok is because it's KK and she's not a fan favorite.

  38. Can somebody give Kuntrashian a hoodie, a bag of Skittles, and a can of iced tea and turn her loose in the gated communities in Florida? We might get lucky.

    1. Yes. Oh yes. This comment takes me to my happy place.

      Why is it ok to murder a 16 year old boy in cold blood, but a person faces legal action for harmlessly tossing flour on a public urinal?

      K I'm back in my angry place.

    2. Ditto x three

  39. I think its wrong to yhrow things at people, no matter what your politics are. Dont think it does any good anyway. Bad move to sue, very bad. I dont think anyone has to worry, the K-dash's are headed down to Paris Hilton land, where no ones cares about u anymore. Its just natural progression of things, plus in both cases, the people involved are completely uninteresting. Goodbye!

  40. Why would she rather be peed on then flour bombed??

    Because being given a golden shower made her famous and rich. The flour bombing was a bad PR stunt done by either PimpMama Kris or Ryan Seacrest.

  41. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Everything in her life is so choreographed that if she was to say tomorrow that someone had robbed her at knife point I wouldn't believe her or feel sorry for her (and I have been so I know how traumatizing it is), and would just figure it was another fabricated storyline for one of her incredibly unnecessary reality shows. You're going to sue the actor your pimp, I mean mom, hired to keep you in the news cycle? Come on now. You're on your way down, accept it and start preparing for life as an escort.

  42. "Can somebody give Kuntrashian a hoodie, a bag of Skittles, and a can of iced tea and turn her loose in the gated communities in Florida? We might get lucky."

    But she's not black though. No dice.

    1. Be that as it may, she has had a lot of black in her. A mere technicality, I say.

      Why yes I am going to hell, and unfortunately I'll be seeing this trick there :(

  43. Enty's continued insistence that Whitney was murdered is really interesting to me, and particularly this post where he flat out accuses Ray J of it. Makes me wonder (for the millionth time) what and who he knows b/c he is not letting up on that at ALL when all other signs point to it being Whitney's own undoing. Ent doesn't strike me as the delusional stan type, you know?

    It's been rumored for years now that Ray J is a H'wood dealer (and it would explain how he's still able to exist in H'wood despite having no worthy career to speak of, not even of the omnipresent-reality-show kind). Maybe I really have read too much gossip over the years, but I think it's a bit naive at this point to not at least acknowledge that he possibly was Whitney's supplier. Whether one wants to believe he's a murderer is another thing, though.

    What I found suspect about it all is that when they first found her body they said there were no illegal drugs in the room, not enough prescription drugs in the room to assume she died from OD'ing on those, and not enough water in her lungs to say she drowned. But NOW we're told she had coke in her system and she drowned. Not to mention the fifty 'leven people who supposedly were the first to discover her body. Shit just doesn't add up.

    But would I say she was intentionally killed? IDK about that. I think she OD'ed and then someone was sent in to 'clean up' any evidence that would trace back to someone else.

  44. Oh, and the best part is Kim said, "If you're trying to promote non-violence towards animals... Why are you being violent to humans?". Haha! Is she serious? That "assault" caused her to have to change her outfit, there's a bit of a difference.
    P.S. I don't think Ray J should be held accountable, even if he did supply it for her. She had almost 20 years of drug problems.

  45. Ok I loathe the Kardashians. Absolutely despise them. The sooner they go the way of Paris Hilton the happier I will be. But flour bombers really piss me off, I'm sorry but they do. Not because I love wearing fur or anything - I've never worn fur in my life and never will - but I think the way PETA and friends go about getting their point across sometimes is wrong and it doesn't endear their causes to me.

  46. Why is it ok to murder a 16 year old boy in cold blood, but a person faces legal action for harmlessly tossing flour on a public urinal?

    Wait ... what? 16 year old boy?

  47. Margaux - I think Principessa was referring to Trayvon Martin(the young boy who was killed in Florida). Of course it's not okay, but it also has nothing to do with this thread.

  48. Holy crap, she really gets you guys going.

    She and her family, at I believe the urging of her mother, are money hungry fame whores. Those are pretty undeniable facts.

    I don't advocate attacking her physically, or hoping she gets shot or any of the other stuff I'm reading here.

    Karma is in fact a major bitch and the most serious damage that could be done to this woman and her ilk is that we just no longer speak or think about her. Too bad shunning is no longer in vogue.

  49. Hello!!!?

    Enty has been alluding to serious allegations against Ray J for weeks now.

    Obs he KNOWS something WE don't.

    Otherwise, WHY would he keep saying it?

    So to all of you who are blaming Whitney, do U have insider knowlege??

    No prob not.

    So why are you so sure she JUST od'ed?

    And as for PETA, they are a voice for animals who have NO voice. Sure, their tactics are aggressive, but so what? Kim got what she deserved, stupid bitch.

  50. Enty, i just bet I know how to make you smile.... you see that diet sweet mouth spray she's pushin.... chances are she's dumb enough to use it herself...... hopefully a lot!

    if you consumed enough of this stuff, cancer. I think in this case that would be justice. For pushin the crap in the first place!

    I would even bet she is dumb enough to use this crap after reading all the health warning's that she has read.

    AND she wears more leather than a cow!

  51. About Whitney, if I forget that we are talking huge megastar and just focus on what you have been saying I would think you are saying that he used the sex tapes he had of her to keep her on the junk, or at least in a very dark place emotionally, and if she were my friend then yes, I would blame him. He is scum.

  52. I'm glad she's pressing charges.

  53. Good for her.
    If you don't like her, don't watch her show(ssss), don't put up posts about her (hello??), don't publicize the Kardashian empire in any way. Fair enough.
    But throwing stuff at other people and then feeling all good about yourself for "taking a stand" - oh, puhleeze. This is one (small) step up from monkeys in the zoo throwing poo. Enough with the painless, smug, self-righteous uncivil disobedience.

  54. Wow. Enty - what a responsible comment. And, here, I thought you said Bobby Brown was to blame for Whitney's death? So, the men in Whitney's life killed her. Whitney, a grown woman, who CHOSE to surround herself with drug abusers, who CHOSE to ingest cocaine in one form or another for over 20 years, before she met Bobby, before she met Ray J, after Bobby was out of her life, and even though Ray J was in and out of her life the past couple years. Whitney, an self-sufficient, fully capable adult, has no responsibility towards her own choices, towards her own actions? Is that what you are trying to sell? Enty, can you please stop promoting that destructive, harmful line of thinking? It does NO ONE any good. It teaches people, especially addicts, that no one is accountable for their own actions, that a person's well-being is purely a victim of circumstance, that there is no free will in a person's ability to get clean and stay clean. Whitney may have loved to blame everyone else, most addicts do. The ones who don't are the only ones with a shot at getting and staying sober. Whitney killed Whitney, just as Whitney could have but tragically didn't save Whitney. It was up to her, and she made poor choices in terms of her surroundings and in terms of her own care. It's sad, but it's true. And, as far as the Kardashians, I don't like them one bit, but I never agree that violence and humiliation should be condoned. If this happened to me on the way to work, to court, because I was working on case someone didn't happen to like, would that be okay? Laws are in place for a reason, and vigilantism in any form, even the times we agree with it, is illegal for a reason. Also, Peta didn't even do this, so I'm not sure how you draw that this is about fur. It's about anger and hate and violence, as ridiculous as it seems. Not okay.

  55. It would have been forgotten sooner if KK had left it alone. Now those who didn't hear about it before will now.

    PETA has defended this same girl/woman in the past. Now she is being described as a PETA activist (see Khloes resignation from PETA).

    I am not a Kardashian fan or a PETA fan.
