Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Paula Deen Accused Of Racism And Sexual Harassment

Paula Deen is not having the best few months. The foil of Antohny Bourdain and millions of others for shilling pills for a pharmaceutical company to time her diabetes announcement, now she is being sued and in the lawsuit is accused of being a big fan of the N word. Oh, and her brother Bubba likes to join in. The two biggest examples in the lawsuit are, when asked what servers should wear, Deen replied, "Well what I would really like is a bunch of little n***ers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around. Now, that would be a true Southern wedding wouldn't it? But we can't do that because the media would be on me about that."

The woman who is suing says that Paula's brother would hit on her and watch porn in the small office they shared. She also says that Bubba once made a remark about Obama which was, "They should send President Obama to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico so he could n***er-rig it."

Paula and Bubba seem like really warm folks don't they? I wonder what Al Roker would have to say. I bet Paula Deen doesn't sit down with him again.


  1. Perhaps it isn't true.

    I have no feeling toward Paula Deen so I don't have an opinion other than wondering if she can be sued for racism if it isn't directed at the employee.

  2. Are we really surprised by this? I would like to say it sounds like she's taken one too many frozen turkeys to the head, but come on, she's Southern.

    I hope it ruins her, but it won't.

  3. This could easily be true. It could also not be true, and the fact that the woman saying it also wants a bunch of money from Paula Deen has to enter into the equation.

    When someone is accused of racism or anti-Semitism, or rape, a little mud always sticks to the accused regardless of the motives and/or truthfulness of the accuser. For example, Halle Berry calling her baby-daddy a racist in the middle of their custody fight. Plenty of people seem to believe her.

    I have no doubt that there are plenty of nasty racists in the world. But I'm also sure there are people ready to exploit society's disgust for them.

  4. She might be Southern, but does that make her a racist? I hope it isn't true as I find her brand of crazy hilarious. I thought she was well liked by the other Savannah-nites. I'll reserve more judgement when more allegations come to light.

  5. @ Ms. Cool she's being sued with her brother for the sexual harrassment. The racism is being brought up to add to the allegations about the type of work environment it allegedly was.

    On the one hand, if the lawsuit is frivolous, the racism allegation could easily be false. On the other hand, Deen is old AND southern. So it wouldn't exactly be surprising.

  6. Vicky - I am Southern and I am NOT racist. I know a good many southerners who are NOT racist. While I will agree that there is a larger element of that to be found around here, I think your comment is unfair. Another generalizing remark. Frankly, I have heard the contrary about her but that doesn't mean I am correct either. I just don't think it is fair to assume she is, based on her region. That is almost the same as saying all White Republican Males are racist. While I personally am a Democrat and it would be tempting to lob that particular ball at them, I don't because it is unfair.

  7. Yeah, please don't paint all Southerners as racist.

    I was once (unfortunately) married to an Irish Catholic from Buffalo, NY whose family could "pick a 'Jew' out of 100 people," so the regional racism argument can go both ways.

  8. it will all come out in the wash.

  9. It's a shame if it's true and even worse if she's being falsely accused. I'm Black and even when I have been subjected to some really inappropriate comments at work or school I've tended not to complain b/c people always believe you're playing the race card (and also b/c you can't fight stupid!). It makes me furious when people use allegations of racism just to gain leverage in a lawsuit or other dispute - it makes all of the real instances seem less believable/serious. I don't know if that's the case here. If she is a racist then people should know. I wouldn't give my business to any person known to have racist views b/c I personally find them disgusting.

    As for the Southern comment, I'm a Philadelphia native but I lived in NC for 3 years. I only experienced one instance of being called the n-word while down South and found everyone else to be very kind and warm. Unfortunately, Philadelphia on the other hand is very segregated and can be a very racist place if you are White, Black, Latino, Italian, Irish, Jewish etc. and you walk into the wrong part of the city. I think racism is everywhere; some places just get a worse reputation than others.

  10. Yikes! If this happened it is really disgraceful. I agree that we should not assume that all southerners are racist. As others have mentioned though, there are often regional quirks with racism. I'm mixed, my husband is white. We briefly lived in West Virginia (long story). While I was treated well at work and made some good friends, he was harassed and called names for being married to me.

  11. I will await judgement on this pending due process. There is a reason for the judicial system. I am not a fan of Paula and don't know the brother.

    If it turns out true, I will certainly make a judgement. If it turns out false or unfounded, then sad if this tarnishes innocent people.

    I hope the system finds the truth.

  12. Try living in the Florida panhandle, Georgia or Texas while being brown skinned...soooo much overt and institutionalized racism.

  13. I've got 2 words for you, Paula; RAW BUTTER

  14. This makes me think of the query: are you a snob

    Yes I am

    I would NEVER eat in a restaurant called Uncle Bubba's

  15. This post seems to assume that the allegations in the lawsuit are true which any actual lawyer knows is a bullshit assumption to make.

  16. Seems like these unproven allegations are a cue for a lot of people to freely talk down southerners. And no, I'm not a southerner but I can't help but notice that this is one of the last tolerated bigotries left, dumping on southerners.

  17. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Nice generalization, Vicki. Way to show your ignorance.

  18. @Amartel - Yes, I have noticed that as well. My husband is amused by it and will even layer his accent if he detects someone talking down to him because of where he is from. I have a snobby sister who treats him like a idiot because of where he grew up.

    I am not a "born in the south" southerner. I was raised military but my extended family comes from the Low Country regions. I have lived down here for almost 10 years now and consider myself adopted in. :)

  19. Re: The "Southern People are Racist" convo

    Yes, Vicky, all Southern people are racist. Big Mama, you didn't know that we all just love Jeff Foxworthy, drop out of school after 6th grade, and use cow teeth for our dentures (which we get at 25, from doing all the soda and the crack)? And don't deny that we all gather after the church picnic (the Thursday service, not the Sunday one) to celebrate the we were the only region in the history of the entire world that ever had slaves.

    Vicky, I'm sure you said what you did as a throw away statement. I'm sure that you didn't give it much thought, and surely you didn't say it with the intention of offending the 37% of the American population.

    And that makes it worse. You're encouraging an idea that is damaging and outdated. Paula Deen and her kind are making us look bad enough- we certainly don't need snotty, offhanded remarks calling us out on irelevant sterotypes.

    Now if you don't mind I'll take my leave of this soapbox here and get back to playing my banjo.

  20. I'm black and I hope it isn't true...I love Paula and her show...and her boys, but you just never know about people.

  21. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Amen to that, MforMayhem.

  22. While all Southern people may not be racist, I would place bets that MANY people named Bubba (or Jeb for that matter)and have Southern roots, probably are really into the N-word and some other lovely racist gems.

    Honestly, not surprised. Her accent takes me back to plantations and slavery, if you wanna know the truth.

  23. I don't buy these claims AT ALL. Complete bullshit, it sounds like. And if you watch Deen interact with people of all races and nationalities, she shows love to everyone. She has many employees who are black, and she seems to treat them with love and respect.

    Assuming people from the South are racist is so incredibly narrowminded.

  24. I could take or leave Paula Deen and her bacon wrapped everything, but I think she's savvy as hell and took her "awww, shucks" schtick all the way to the bank. That said, I would hope she's not stupid enough to say something that could hurt her empire. She might spout off around her family and close friends but it would be stupid to say something that damaging around others and she doesn't strike me as stupid.

  25. Her "Hey ya'll, I'm Paula Deen!" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. She has crazy eyes in every single picture that I have ever seen of her.

    I am Team Bourdain

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I really hope these allegations are not true, she is not a stupid woman and I cannot see her being that careless around people who could turn around and use it against her but you just never know what people really think sometimes.

  28. btw - to the person who made mention of taking bets on men named Bubba being racist....I'll take that bet! My husbands uncle is named Bubba (I swear by my mason jar of sweet tea) and he married a African American woman a few years back. Lovely couple.

  29. Racism doesnt surprise me and i still love butter!

  30. Vicki..Usually you're pretty funny but you hit a nerve this time. I too am from the south and my mama raised me right. There was never any use of the N word in our house and we were taught everyone is the same. All my friends (birds of a feather)feel the same way. Have I heard friends (former) and family (extended) use the word? Yes. Recently? Uhm NO.

    I think this person is just kicking up dust to get money. I am always suspect of lawsuits from nobodies to somebodies. They are seem supicious to me.

  31. I know an asian man named Bubba- since birth- and he's married to an african american as well!

    as for Deen, everyone thought Martha Stewart was nice as pie at one point too. What you see isn't always what you get on tv.

  32. Its not fair to either believe the lawsuit or not believe it. Just because she has a sweet accent and good recipes doesnt really mean anything! Im not saying that she said all that shit either but to completly say its false especially when u dont know her personally isnt right!

  33. *Applause* to BigMama & MforMayhem!!!

    @jbdean_79 "pervasive and unspoken" is exactly how I've had people describe it to me up north as well. I definitely think it's more outspoken in the south, but is it really any better when someone is "whispering" racist remarks?

    This post made my stomach drop and my heart hurt that she may have said something so ugly.
    I hope this isn't true.

  34. If anyone ever doubt the level of racism in northern states, please just go online and peruse the NYPost and the comments relating to any story dealing with a person of color or The President. As a matter of fact; go read this very item about Paula Deen in Page Six and get a gander of the lovely comments left by the kind people. And I don't think the majority of the readers of the NYPost are from down south either.

  35. My husband and I call our dog "Bubba" and she loves us both dearly. He is Korean an I'm white.

  36. I have to add to jbdean_79 and Bubbles comments. I was raised in South, moved to West Coast, and most recently moved to the Midwest. I have never seen the level of racism that has been spewed at me here in the Midwest. Apparently since I am white, many people assume I have their beliefs and reveal their racist side. GROSS ignorant f*ckers. It isn't everyone, of course, but it is crazy rampant.

  37. If you want an interesting perspective, go to Youtube and listen to a song called "Rednecks," by Randy Newman. It illustrates a lot of what y'all have been saying.

  38. Oh and, be prepared to hear "the N-word" repeatedly in the song if you do listen.

  39. Not a fan of the Deen. She just hits the wrong nerve for me. After this whole diabetes clusterfuck, I can believe anything. Not saying this is true, just that if it is, I would not be surprised based on the fact she was deceitful about her medical condition and whored herself out to the Big Pharm.

  40. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Midwesterners are the most racist mo-fos in the U.S. Main reason why I left.

    Paula Deen always looks like Tara Reid in the face to me.
