Monday, March 26, 2012

Queen Elizabeth Invited To Wedding - Actually Shows Up

You don't have to be named Kate Middleton or be a Prince to get Queen Elizabeth to your wedding. Just make sure you have a a great buffet, plenty of booze and the Queen will show up and get her groove on. John & Frances Canning realized they were getting married the same weekend the Queen would be in town for her Diamond Jubilee tour. So, they invited her. The couple got married and when they had their receiving line, the Queen was standing it in with her husband. But did they bring a gift? I bet they did. I know it was basically crashing the wedding, but somehow I think the Queen probably brought a gift.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    How charmingly cool is that? Love it! I can totally see the Queen enjoying a drink and asking for the DJ to play 'God Save the Queen' by the Sex Pistols. That's how it's playing in my mind. :-D

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That's awesome, I love it.

  3. Awkward...*L* I like that she showed up though.

  4. Why would it be crashing if she was invited?

  5. I think it's a great story - and makes for a great wedding album!

  6. Are they somebody special or regular everyday folks? Thats awesome either way just thought they were connected to Royalty or Parliament somehow.

  7. I thought it was a big thing to NOT shake the queen's hand. But the queen led in with her arm out. So is it ok to shake hands with royalty if they initiate but not if they don't? Or does it have to do with the setting?

  8. I just hope they didn't play "Common People" at the reception...

  9. Is it me or is the Queen becoming a lot more relaxed as she gets older? I think this is so awesome!

    Reminds of a movie Patrick Dempsey and Kelly Lynch made where they invited the Pope to their wedding - and he accepted.

    Layna Day - Your comment reminded me of the SNL sketch where Fred Armisen plays the Queen (who wishes to be called "Deborah") and Bill Hader plays Prince Phillip. I always love when they do that!

    1. Yes! I love that they have a band...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I wrote a letter to Betty. And I received a Reply. Sweet

  12. I think that's awesome. I'd be freaking out if a queen (any old queen) showed up at my wedding! (I mean royalty by queen)

  13. It's ok as long as the royal initiates physical contact. This is so cool. If it had been Brooklyn, the bride's grandmother would have been up in QEII's face, telling her to sit down, but first meet her bridge club. And the royals would leave with a doggy bag of chopped liver and a box of cake.

  14. That's hilarious! What a great wedding story for them.

  15. long live the queen! she rocks.

  16. If, when?, I am queen, I will do this all the time.

  17. If, when?, I am queen, I will do this all the time.

  18. This is the coolest story! I hope celebs take not of this. That is just great.

  19. Very cool! I'm a British history buff and QEII is my second favorite queen behind Victoria. I named my daughter Victoria Elizabeth.

  20. The Queen rules!!


  21. That is pretty cool.

  22. I love it; very smart PR move. The queen has always been my favorite of the royals. I hope she lives as long as her mother did; keep Charles off the throne as long as possible.

  23. Cool. Also, second what Reese said.

  24. I would love to have Prince Phillip at my wedding. I'd let him make a speech.

  25. She is just so cool. Betcha Camilla and Charles wouldn't do this, even if they were walking by the door of the wedding. Kate would have to talk Will into it, but he'd do it. Harry would go in and do the Electric Slide.

  26. I read somewhere the Queen really loves weddings, so maybe she just wanted to hang out.

    As for etiquette: wait for her to extend a hand, and then shake. Do not squeeze. She's an old lady.

  27. Now, see, and everyone who skipped that chapter in their etiquette books on how to greet the queen because it would never happen is eating crow :)

  28. I love this story!

    Long live the Queen!!
