Monday, March 26, 2012

Hunger Games Is 3rd Best Opening Weekend Of All Time

Hunger Games was supposed to open really big this weekend, but no one expected it to open like it did. The movie is now the all time record holder for biggest opening weekend of a non-sequel and the third best opening of all time. Apparently Hunger Games fans outnumber Twilight fans by a lot. Did anyone see the movie who did not read the books? From someone who read all the books, I wonder if you found it as interesting or were disappointed with the ending? I feel like the ending could have been better, but obviously I know there are going to be two sequels, but if you had not read the books, and did not know that, would you feel the same way. The movie was over 2 hours long but I felt like it could have been longer because it seemed they still cut so much from the book, but then I realized it was mostly details they cut and no huge main plot lines. I'm just surprised that with the sucking up of box office cash, that any other movies managed to have anyone attend them at all. It was also nice to see what happens when you take a series of books and actually cast people in them who know how to act. You get good movies.


  1. This shows that Twilight fans can't use the excuse the bad acting and quality of the films because of bias. THG is also young adult novel and it got great reviews but it also stars an actress that can act and is thankful for the opportunity unlike Kristen Lipbiter Stewart.She acts as if she's sacrifying herself for us. Ughhhhh.

  2. I really thought this was some mini-series that had knights & dragons. No idea why. Still haven't figured out what the movie IS about but that is because I don't care at all. :^[

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    @DixieTheNoble82 - I think it's like Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" only with teenagers and in the future.

    Honestly, I got as far as taking a look inside the book on Amazon and it just did not grab me, so I haven't even read the books, and don't plan to see the movie, even if it comes on HBO. I think the Twilight series ruined me. I did read those books, and enjoyed them to an extent, but I have not yet been able to sit through even the first movie because it was so bad. I think I'm over "young adult" novels and movies.

  4. I read the books and am currently finishing up book three thanks to this blog and Enty who kept talking about them. I liked the movie, although I have to agree with Enty had I not read the book, the ending would have been lost on me. Also I felt there were some things that lacking I just could not put my finger on it but it was still a great flick.

  5. I call bull_ _ _ _. Just a hyped-up teenage SNUFF film. And a copy of a Japanese one at that.

    Let's make hundreds of millions of $$$ showing teenage murders as bloodsport.

    Pimp-Mammas Dina and Kris don't look quite so horrid in comparison.

  6. I can't get past the fact that apparently Miley's boyfriend can act!

    Couldn't get a sitter this weekend so didn't make it to the theater but looking forward to it. LOVED the books :)

  7. @Syko - I had to look that one up too (embarrassing) but it sounded interesting enough. Thanks for the info.

    I'd be way more inclined to check out the Hunger Games books before seeing the movie but the problem is my ADD. I can barely make it through the commercials on T.V. let alone an average length movie. This one sounds like imma need to pop a few addys before jumping in.

  8. I'm not a big fan of Josh Hutcherson's acting because he always seems to over-act to me. Also, Jennifer and him seem like such an unlikely pairing. It's put a damper on my interest in seeing the film. I'd be interested in what others thought of him in this role and the movie overall, and thanks.

  9. *And since I know it isn't about knights & dragons now, I'm slightly more interested in checking it out.

  10. Josh was good. I've never seen him (or most of the younger actors) in anything prior to HG, but overall the acting was fantastic. It was a good film, I have terrible ADD in movies (I usually fall asleep) and was interested throughout. The movie was not as good as the book, but that's to be someone mentioned, the books had so much detail they couldn't include.

    Not a fan of Twilight - the books or the movies. Big fan of Hunger Games. I also think the box office reflects HG appeal to both male and female fans.

    Also, a friend of mine is a big fan of that Japanese novel HG is accused of copying and he loved the HG film. Just saying...give it a chance.

  11. I read all three books in two days. I was initially skeptical about them due to the hype and the way "Twilight" tainted young adult fiction. Boredom and curiosity about the movie hype led me to read the first book and I was hooked. I immediately bought the last two and whipped through them to find out what happened.

    I thought the beginning of the movie was better than the last half. They did the sets, costumes and overall mood and atmosphere of District 12 and the Capitol really well. I enjoyed the extra scenes they put in with President Snow to flush out the machinations of the Capitol for the movie audience who aren't aware of the subtext. My main complaint is they spent way too much screen time on the training sessions before the Games and then they rushed through the Games way too fast. My boyfriend who hasn't read the books said he enjoyed it, but didn't know why they rushed through the arena part since that was the main reason for the movie. The deaths were downplayed, but it was still not comfortable to watch on screen because let's face it, it's kids killing kids.

    I was disappointed in the ending because they left out a certain part in the book which I believe showed how psychologically damaged and traumatized Katniss was when she got out of the arena. Leaving it out muted--if not nullified--the emotional impact of all they had endured in the Games. The relationships Katniss had with the characters in the arena also weren't built up sufficiently well enough to feel why she would have the reactions she did to certain events or people.

    The acting was pretty good and the characters well cast. I wish Woody Harrelson was more drunk as Haymitch and that the chemistry between Josh and Jennifer was better. Jennifer Lawrence was spot on as Katniss. I can't help but think that the movie would have had a much stronger emotional impact if it were in the hands of another director who isn't afraid to disturb the audience and to make them feel and think about what they just saw. I'm still going to watch the other movies though, hope they don't screw them up.

  12. The first book reminded me of The Lottery.

  13. If you haven't read the books, do it! They are really great. They are the first books in a while that I couldn't put down. I went opening night with about 8 or 9 other people--the majority of us had read the series. Everyone liked the movie and felt like it was one of the best adaptations we had seen of a book to a movie. Even though they cut out some things and changed some details, none were so extreme that they changed the story or the message. Also, even with the cutting it was still LONG.

  14. I just cannot bring myself to ever read a young adult genre'd book. And anything with major hype makes me less and less likely to want to have anything to do with it.

  15. @Aly, are you serious? It's called FICTION. If young adults who read the books or see the movies and think this is anything but complete fantasy fiction, then their parents are not doing a very good job being, you know, PARENTS. I know it's tough to have to TALK to kids about right and wrong, but somebody's has to do it. I'm so sick of that completely moot argument re: entertainment. Jesus.

  16. There will actually be three more movies -- Mockingjay will be split into two movies.

    I think reading the book before helps a lot so viewers can understand the ending, and also so little things make more sense, such as when Rue helps Katniss with the medicinal leaves.

  17. I read YA books with the short one. It's good to know what my tween is reading. So far there's no interest in THG, but it's popular at school.

    I saw the latest Twilight movie over the weekend. I laughed out loud when Bella was walking down the aisle. Now I know why you guys make fun of Kristin's lip-biting. Have never seen such an uncomfortable moment! It hurt to watch.

  18. Sigh. When I finish the White Hotel (don't even ask why I am reading that), I will read THG. Everyone keeps telling me I'll love it, and I don't like to watch a movie based on a book without reading the book first.

  19. Not the type of book I'm interested in but when it comes on HBO or whatever I'll probably watch it.

  20. Before I read the book I too thought it was similiar to the Japanese movie, "Battle Royale" other than children fighting to the death, it is not. I am glad I gave it a chance.

  21. I read the books and the only thing I wish they would've added to the movie was the ending in the book. It was a pretty huge cliffhanger in the book and was surprised they left it out of the movie.

    Other than that all the acting was superb. A lot of people rag on Josh H. but I loved him as Peeta. The only other movie I've seen him in was "The Kids Are Alright" with Julianne Moore & Annette Bening. Kid really held his own with those two so I didn't see why he wouldn't be good enough for THG.

  22. I saw the film Friday afternoon, I went based on the hype and good reviews and not knowing much of the plotline. I agree on the Shirley Jackson connection. It also reminded me of the 80's movie with Arnold Schwartzenegger, the Running Man.
    I almost bought the second and third book at Target this weekend couldn't avoid the huge display.
    I'll definitely see the sequels.

  23. Jolene Jolene, I'm with Aly on this one. The whole premise of this is kids killing kids. Not appealing to me and the movie/book's popularity is unsettling. My young teen doesn't want to see it and I'm so relieved.

  24. I'm surprised people are complaining about the chemistry between Jen and Josh. The characters aren't supposed to have a lot of chemistry, at least from Jen's side. He's not her one true, ultimate, all-consuming, completely ridiculous love, like in Twilight.

  25. I'm so tired of hearing the comparisons to Battle Royale and people complaining about the deaths. Reminds me of the people complaining about how Harry Potter would warp the minds of young children & make them want to start practicing Wicca.

    I loved the books, but since the movies never translate well, I went in with not high expectations. I was very pleased. I thought the casting was awesome and it flowed smoothly. It definitely could have been longer, but they can't include everything.

  26. I've read all 3 books and loved them to death. I can't wait to see the movie, but I'm waiting for the dust to settle a bit. I rarely go to the theater anymore, because of the people that go. In NYC its even worse. The people are so obnoxious there. They ruin it for the people who actually want to see the movie. They talk during the movie...loudly, their phones are ringing, they put their feet up on the back of your chair, they eat popcorn like they haven't eaten in weeks. This is why I hate the movies. I only go to the movies now when it's a HUGE action packed movie which is better on a larger screen.

  27. I saw it with my HG virgin boyfriend. He didn't like it - thought it was a schoolgirl's fantasy. But I had talked up the movie so much that I think he didn't want to like it. :(

    I liked it, but the book was much better. I missed the interaction between Peeta and Katniss during training - that set up their relationship and the in-game tension. I also thought the ending should have adhered more closely to the book, from the last contestant begging for death onward.

    On the plus side:
    - Acting was excellent from JL and Josh Hutcherson. JL's acting was fantastic - so much of it was non-verbal during the games. I hadn't liked the casting choice for Peeta before the movie, but he won me over.
    - I liked how they added in more of the President Snow/gamemaster interaction
    - Great visuals, especially showing the poverty of District 12
    - Not much Liam Hemsworth. He's the most wooden of the cast, and as a character, the most one-dimensional

  28. I'll never understand why people judge a book, movie, whatever without watching/reading it first. Maybe it's just me but I like to actually be informed before I form an opinion. *shrugs* Whatevs.

    I loved the books but I'm not a huge moviegoer anymore. If I'm getting a sitter to go out, I'm gonna go to a fantastic place for dinner & get my drink on, not sit in a dark room where I can't talk with my DH. I might have to make an exception for THG though. ;)

  29. Haha @chopchop - I am with you about the sitter and getting my dinner / drink on. Well, I am also with you because of that picture of Clay Matthews, but that is neither here nor there.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. @crila I don't live in NYC, but I have 2 very good friends who do, and since I live close enough, I visit enough and I can sympathize with you regarding 1 of my 2 last movies seen in the city. One of them was last year, the Fright Night remake. Saw it mid day on a Saturday at Kips Bay. Basically had theater to ourselves. The other was summer 2010, went to see Inception at the AMC in Times Square opening night. Big mistake. My friends and I thought we were safe, we had sat in front of a few cute girls who looked early - mid 20's, so didn't think they'd be too annoying. Not only did they talk through the whole movie about everything but the movie, but as it was summer, I had the girl behind me's filthy bare feet up on my chair and about 5 inches from my face for about 2/3 of the film. Good times indeed.

  32. Only disappointment: no scenes with Cinna's shirt off. :p...then it would have been a school girls fantasy

  33. MCP

    I liked it a lot. I had also read the books and yes, some things were left out (her District 11 connection, elements of the final death scene, the leg, etc.). I was OK with it...I didn't feel it hurt the adaptation.

    My only complaint – and concern for the sequels – is that the romantic betrayal at the end of the book isn’t there. I think that is an important part of the sequels to come. I agree that Peeta is not her “all consuming love.” Her feelings for Peeta are much more complex which is good (those of you who have read all three books may or may not agree). I believe most of us would be lying if we say we have an “all consuming/fairy tale” love in our lives. There is more to it than that…and Collins teaches young girls that it is OK to love yourself and your family as much as you love a boy. I like that sentiment. Plus…Katniss is a badass who saves the boy. Who doesn’t like that in a movie!

  34. Oh yeah...and I forgot...Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence were excellent.

    That said, Stanley Tucci was f**king awesome. Do you think Ryan Seacrest even knows he is almost that...what's the word...horrendous.

  35. I did not read the books, but did see the movie. I thought it was good, but disturbing.

    I did not like the shakey camerawork.

    I love Lenny, but he cannot act. The movie came to a screeching holt when he was on screen. Mama said!

  36. First of all, HG is NOTHING like Twilight and I hate that it gets grouped together as such. Just because its a YA series and it got a lot of hype doesn't mean its the same. Not even close. And yes, as previously stated I think the box office numbers show that there's a much wider appeal to HG.

    Second, enough with the pretentious "this is a rip-off" remarks. Seriously. You can compare SO many things now days and see similarities. Unless you've read ALL the novels this is compared to: The Lottery, Battle Royale, The Running Man, Lord of the Flies, etc. etc. than I don't think its fair to make any comparisons. And if you HAVE read them all then you would know that while they have similarities they also have numerous differences. And if you say HG is a rip off of Battle Royale, then you have to acknowledge that THAT is a rip off of any of the others mentioned that came before it. You just end up sounding like you read the complaint somewhere, are regurgitating what you read and want to be able to hold your nose high in the air and look down on people who are silly enough to buy into the hype. Get over yourself.

    That is all.

  37. Hey all,

    I loved the movie. I was pleasantly surprised by Josh Hutcherson... I thought he did a lot with the little he was given.

    I think the challenge with this movie is that so much of what happens is Katniss' internal dialog. I believe they had to sober up Haymitch somewhat because they needed to visually convey what Katniss intuits in the book.

    HG v. Twilight? Hmmm.. It's like comparing sci-fi to harlequin romance. HG really has some interesting points about violence as entertainment, oppression, etc.... Twilight? Um... Don't go in the sun if you are a sparkly vampire? Love between a werewolf and a newborn is NOT creepy (haha)

    Anyway, I liked the books so was prepared to like the movie -- however, I ended up thinking it was just a *good* movie -- so well cast, etc. I'm interested in what non-readers thought?

  38. woah looks like we got some HG fans in here.

    I just downloaded the book so I am interested in reading the books before I see the movie. But from friends who have seen it and read the series they were happy with the movie.

    I just hope the studio doesn't get greedy and split the last book into 2 movies. Just 3 movies would be nice.

    Oh who am I kidding, of course they will be greedy is my guess.

  39. I was pleasently surprised how well the movie turned out...I had my doubts how it was going to play on screen.

    @fijigrrl...Definitely impressed with Josh's acting, I really felt he played Peeta well. Also agree that it was difficult since most of it was Katniss' internal dialogue.

    @seachica...felt that Liam was definitely wooden, couldn't have said it better myself.

    Took hubby, who was actually very impressed with the movie....he really liked it, but did have quite a few questions. Just enough action to keep him interested.

    I thought they did a really good job at handling the kid on kid violence, felt it was just enough to get the idea but not too much to offend people.

  40. Went with my sister and mom yesterday. My mom and I have read them, my sister has not. We all three really enjoyed this film. I thought Jennifer was fierce. Just spot on! I loved Stanley Tucci so freakin' much, he was hilarious! I had been curious about Woody's performance, but he totally nailed it. I thought visually Josh was not right for the part, but he did well with his acting.
    I think I might have to go back and reread these books now.

    And HI @bnl!!!!!! Missed ya!

  41. I appreciate the reviews and am intrigued that most feel Josh is developing as an actor. I'll definitely be seeing it.

  42. I think the lack of sound during the killings went a long way towards reducing the trauma of seeing children killing children.

    I have to say I wasn't expecting a whole lot from this movie. I thought it would be kind of bad, but that all my friends who had seen it were just hyped that the book had been made into a movie.

    Instead, we got a good movie based off of a good book. I wish more adaptations were done this well.

  43. I personally thought it was one of the best book adaptions I have ever seen. I mean, Harry Potter is a great series but they DID cut major plot points, from nearly every movie. The Hunger Games did details that could be overlooked and things that couldn't be done because it was told from inside Katniss' mind in the book. Also, my mom did not read them and is not a big fan of sci-fi/fantasy but she indulges me cause she loves me. She came with me to the midnight showing expecting to fall asleep during it. TO her surprise (and mine), she stayed awake and was enthralled the whole time. She loved it! It was a great movie :)

  44. @fijigirl - Twilight's whole theme is "wait until marriage to have sex" and "as a girl, you don't need to do anything other than simper over a guy."

  45. I loved the books and thought they did a great job with the movie...that said I think that the lack of characterization might make the film less enjoyyable for those who haven't read the books. After the movie ended my husband said that he didn't really care who won the games or understand why I loved Peeta and Haymitch so much and I realized that much of what I thought of the characters was not shown in the movie. (Love this site btw, long time lurker)

  46. My HG virgin boyfriend loved it and is stealing my book tonight. I agree with missing the Rue scenes and the ending. But it is what it is. I love Jennifer Lawrence and have seen all her films and will continue to do so

  47. The writing in the Twilight books was woeful.

    At least the Hunger Games was a really well written book, that helps massively too.

  48. I just started the second book and am so glad to hear the reviews for the movie are positive (well, mostly). I do have to say that I thought the book was just okay though, but I think a lot of that had to with my aversion to all things sci-fi, semi sci-fi and teen lit related. While reading it, I did think it would make a good movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it and I rarely go to the movies. The last movie I saw in the theater was Bruno....

  49. I read the books my son has not, we went to see the movie and he loved it.

    I thought it was good but maybe could have been better.

  50. I didn't read the books, so like a lot of other people I was worried it was somewhat like Twilight (which I have managed to avoid - both in books and film). I saw Teem Peeta/Team Gale and cringed...
    However, my girlfriends and I decided to see it over the wknd. I thought w/10 friends, I could enjoy their company and possibly get a good nap...haha

    I was looking forward to seeing Lenny, but little Rue just stole my heart! I hope she has a long and SAFE career in Hollywierd. Seeing Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid's son grown up and learning to act made us feel old, but it was nice to see Woody from Cheers and Lenny Kravitz!! Lol

    I have seen plenty of fb posts talking about how this movie touched them and they took a step back, but we were too busy enjoying all the nods to other books, movies and reality tv. Survivor, The Truman Show, Big Brother, The Wizard of Oz, Romeo and Juliet - and there were probably 20-30 other nods that I didn't list.

    If you want to see the dark, it is right there in front of you, but if you want to go in and be drawn in, to a good film and see what all the fuss is about, I don't think you will be sorry.

  51. I've red all three books and loved it!! This was after finishing the Millenium series ( girl with the dragon tatoo etc) and the two series are polar opposites and THG was able to compete. THG is not at all like that crap fest twilight series.

    I'm so sad that the movie is not yet released in South Africa, we only going to get it sometime mid April. Boo Hoo !!

  52. I really liked it. Even though I've read the book and knew what was coming I still tensed up during the bloodbath.

    Only thing missing was character development of Peeta.

    It did better than Twilght because it's a better story. It's a disturbing plot but Interesting to see how desensitized the world is becoming.

  53. Jennifer was GREAT. Really showed what a piece of crap the Twilight movies are.

  54. Also, HG appeals to boys and even men. Not too many of those in a Twilight theatre.

  55. I took my boyfreind with me to see the movie even though we wee supposed to see 21 jump street lol and it's true men will be just as intrigued when they watch this movie. The killing is hard to watch for me, but my guy was definately shocked that he liked it! I havent read the books but you guys' comments about the books make me want to do a comparison now! And just a thought...the BV about this movie...does anyone feel like it may be glimmer or whatever the blonde chick from District 1's name is who was on kato's team instead of Jennifer Lawrence who submitted that BV to Enty????

  56. @timebob - I heard they were splitting the last book into 2 films & thought the same (re: it being greedy).
