Monday, March 26, 2012

Sandra Bullock & Heidi Klum Sure Can Party

What do you get when you put together two single mothers with a penchant for partying and nothing to do the night before St. Patrick's Day? You get Sandra Bullock and Heidi Klum trading shots of tequila. Last weekend, the pair went to dinner together at Mr. Chow. Who even knew they knew each other. Apparently they do and apparently they must have a great time at dinner, because they both decided to do two shots each before they got into a car. At least they had a driver. The bar is actually really close to the door at Mr. Chow, so I'm guessing they were passing it and one of them talked the other into it. It would be more fun if someone yelled it out and dared them, but the most exciting thing to ever have happen at that bar is the bartender dropping a glass or Luke Wilson getting hammered at noon. It is kind of fun to think of them slamming back a couple of shots though.


  1. Mr. Chow's is the new "Menopause Manor"

  2. Mr. Chow's is the new "Menopause Manor"

  3. Good One Anon853.... *rolling eyes*

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I'd party with them. My self-esteem would be a little damaged but they seem so fun and not conceited.

    Anon, you're kind of a moron.

  5. Nice to see them having a good time!

  6. Good for them! Sounds like they had some well-deserved fun!!!

  7. Eh nothing wrong with them having a little fun. Not like either of them was getting behind the wheel of a car. *cough*Lindsay*cough*

  8. The at least chat in relative privacy. After all, how many other patrons there know German. Were they throwing back Jager's Bombs?

  9. Love these two! I'll bet they had an awesome time. :)

  10. that's true.. they are both German aren't they? Doesn't Sandra speak it fluently because her mother is German? And I'm sure Heidi knows it..

  11. they actually seem like a pretty fun pair. If that's indeed Menopause Manor, Anon...I'll take it.

  12. I've always said that Heidi seems like she'd be really fun to sit and have a beer with.

  13. I love both of them. I don't see anything wrong with them having a little fun.

  14. What is going on with Mr. Chow's lately? I feel like no one was going there for the past 5 years, and now it's been mentioned in this blog at least three times in the last week or so... Weird...

  15. Is it Mr. Chow's in Manhattan?...cause I have reservations with co-workers there for tonite.

  16. There are two Mr. Chow's in Manhattan... I've only been to the one Tribeca, but I believe there is one in midtown as well.

  17. And I believe lately everyone has been going to the one in LA, not NYC.

  18. While watching Mad Men last night, I saw a couple of commercials for the movie Speed. Sandra's face looked soooooo different!

  19. Good for them! Sandra IS fluent due to her mother, IIRC, so I would bet they gossiped and giggled away in German and no one had a clue what they were saying. I would be they would be (an unpretentious) blast to hang out with, too.

  20. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I would love to hang out with them.

  21. I like them. Shut up, Anon.

  22. Good for them for going out and blowing off some steam. They look like they would be a lot of fun to hang out with. I think my cuteness quotient would be met for the day if their kids had a playdate too.

  23. I can't ever look at SB the same again after Himmmm's comment about what he saw her do at a party....

  24. Refresh my memory vega! Wasn't it something sexual?

  25. @vega Spill! Spill!....please?

  26. It was something to the effect that he saw her, her sister and some Asian chick at a bar party and SB downed about a full bottle of tequila and then went down on the Asian chick ... either that or she lost a contact under the table for about the same length of time the Asian chick was seemingly having a very good time....

  27. I like Sandra and Heidi, they can have all the fun they want!

  28. I've always had a bit of a thing for the Owen brothers. A little too much booze and some weed? I could live with it.

  29. Was she behind the blind where an actress and hubby used to have sex while he wore a Nazi outfit. Not sure! But i do like SB and always luvs Heidi!

  30. are they part of that "Mommy" club Enty referred to where they get together once a week and do the "three P's"? Petting Porn and i forget the rest....I'm new, sorry.....sounds like a way they could have met for sure!

  31. Maybe people are going to Mr. Chow now that China Chow has a new show or something? The one in LA is okay....

  32. Maybe people are going to Mr. Chow now that China Chow has a new show or something? The one in LA is okay....
