Monday, April 23, 2012

Catherine Zeta Jones Does Her Part For Children's School

She is not like Victoria Beckham in the sense that Catherine Zeta Jones isn't sitting around making baked goods. Nope. Not going to get that from her. I don't think he is going to take a sign up sheet and sell popcorn tins or chocolate on a movie set. What you will get from her though is a performance to raise money for her children's school. See, this way Catherine feels like she is doing something but also still gets to be star without doing anything so demeaning as to turning on a stove or reading a recipe. Over the weekend Catherine performed some songs and raised money and probably feels like she sacrificed enough for ten years worth of not doing anything nice again. I have a feeling she will probably remind her children of it everytime they complain.


  1. least she tried.

  2. least she tried.

  3. Am I the only one who is seeing a nastier tone to the postings of late? The lady helped raise money for her kids' school in a way that she and others probably enjoyed. Why criticize her for that?

  4. Hey, I'm quite sure she raised more money performing than she could have selling candy bars or cookies. She has the talent - why not use it to help the school.

  5. Can't hate on her for using whats shes got for fund raising.

    Maybe if she did this for a struggling school might be better.

    But I wonder if this is supposed to point us towards a blind?

  6. A lot of stars wouldn't do this for a number of reasons. Good for her for sucking it up and doing something good for her kids school.

  7. So funny, I came to post what so many of you already said. She raised money for the school in a way that probably pulled in a lot more than a bake sale... Good for her - why kvetch about that?

  8. Yeah, I think this is cool and don't get the snark.

  9. @iknowpeople, you are not alone. Why complain about this? Unnecessary snark.

  10. I think hers was a noble effort as well. So maybe she can't cook but she can sing and she did something active. She didn't just throw money at them.

  11. Agreed, not hating on CZJ - I'll bet she had a LOT more fun singing/performing than Victoria would!!!

    Everyone has their skills, to each their own.

  12. I'm sure the other parents appreciated not having to sell magazines, candy, or other stupid knick knacks to raise money. Good for her.

  13. This post is a joke, right?

    I highly doubt she didn't bake cupcakes because she finds the task demeaning. Most likely she thought a live performance would be something different and special she could do.

    Parents contribute the best way they can. Acting, singing and dancing is what she does, and she probably does it way better than she bakes.

  14. I love her! Yes, she may be an entitled snobby bitch, but she is gorgeous and talented as well.

    I remember reading an interview with her and Zellwegger during the Chicago press tour. RZ got to the interview first and was all skinny and sipping chamomille tea in a sweats and refused to talk about anything but the movie. CZJ got there late, was wearing a skin tight black dress and ordered a bottle of red wine and a t-bone steak all for herself, all the while cracking jokes and being fabulous. I've loved her ever since.

  15. Uh, Enty? You seriously think Posh bakes those things herself?

  16. And Enty would you want to hear Posh sing? By herself?

  17. @Trixie: that is awesome

    Im a huge fan since El Zorro. She was (and is) insanely gorgeous

  18. I don't get it, either. There are so many parents who don't do crap for school (and not all of them can!), so don't rip on someone who spends time doing something that will benefit the students.

    PTA 101: find the parent's talent and put it to use!

  19. Well, if you think back to Hmmmm's post regarding the dirty deeds of the Douglas family, maybe Enty has some inside scoop regarding CZJ?

    I just wished she would have left her face alone. And that goes for you too Renee Z.

  20. I like CZJ too. I took it as Enty was saying that what she did was nice but maybe she isnt nice normally. But whatever!

  21. It was a nice thing she did.

  22. I'm not a CZJ fan, but I don't think there's anything to mock here. She probably raised far more doing this than making cupcakes or selling chocolate.

    I went to a school with a few children of famous people (more sports people than anything) and we have our fair share of well-known alums, but nothing like this ever happened. (Perhaps if Eminem's daughter hadn't been turned down...)

  23. Somebody must have watched "America's Sweethearts" on cable last night.

  24. Did she kick her legs up in the air like she did in CHICAGO because I would have loved to have seen her do that in front of a bunch of kids. I'm sure the dads wouldn't have minded.

  25. Looking hot, sounding good while raising money for your kids school? Sounds like she is doing what she does best, and giving her kids an unforgettable memory in the process. Go CZJ! Not all mommies are the stay at home and bake the goodies for the bake sale type.

  26. Ok, what about the fact that the school probably costs a fortune in tuition. So what are they raising money for? Thats my question!

  27. auntliddy - private schools are the *worst* at having fundraisers to milk parents out of more money. Tuition is just the start of the cost of private school.

  28. It sounds like there's something we don't know. I still think it's great that she helped the school.

  29. Nice to see all the favorable comments. Good for CZJ!

  30. Tuition is needed to build and maintain facilities, pay for scholarships, and finance special programs.

    Yes, tuition costs a lot at private schools, but it doesn't cover everything. They don't get state or federal money.

  31. good for her! I hated bake sales, popcorn sales, cookie dough sales, coupon book sales, candle sales, pizza sales, fruit sales, wrapping paper sales, etc. etc. when my kids were in school. if i could sing like CZJ, i would have gone that route, too!!

  32. I like CZJ and it's nice to see a celebrity mom doing something for the kids.

  33. CZJ is still gorgeous, and her showing up in that dress and singing is going to raise a hell of of a lot more money than baking chocolate chip cookies would. So she got all the attention for an hour or so, big deal. Good for her for helping the school. I'm sure she made the day of a whole lot of people by showing up.

  34. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I'd pay just to stare at her, she's so beautiful. I'd pay more if she sang All That Jazz.

    I can't bake to save my life (I can cook, can't bake) so if there was something I was actually good at (there's not), I'd do that.

    And add me to the list of people who don't for a second believe Victoria B baked anything.

  35. Do you think her kids were embarrassed or are they still young enough to think it's really cool?

    The only way she could've raised more money than with a performance was with an equal opportunity kissing booth. i'm sure she could've gotten their chef or nanny to make cupcakes if that was the only goal.
