Sunday, April 15, 2012

Courtney Love Apologizes To The Bean

Now that Courtney Love managed to get a week's worth of attention like she wanted, she decided to apologize to Frances Bean Cobain for the comments she made about her daughter getting hit on by Dave Grohl. Hell, not just hit on she said Dave and her daughter had sex and stuck by it and repeated it and got tons of publicity and then after her ego was satisfied said sorry. Oh and that she still loves Frances.

"Bean, sorry I believed the gossip. Mommy loves you." Of course she does. Until next time when Courtney is not getting enough attention or alters all her meds and drugs.


  1. Even if she believed it to be true, she's just broadcasting her crazy by announcing it.

  2. She's just nasty and sad.

  3. Courtney, discussing your child's sex life on twitter is not the way to win them over.

  4. Just imagine having this batshit mother! Poor kid!

  5. No one deserves her as a mother.

    How would she like it if Frances believed the gossip that Courtney had Kurt murdered?

  6. somewhere in hell there is a seat empty with Courtney's name on it next to Joan Crawford.

  7. "Sorry I believed the gossip"??? Isn't she the one who started the gossip?

  8. It's amazing that with a mother like THAT, that Frances turned out so well adjusted.

    I feel bad for her.

  9. It's -- it's indefensible that she keeps at it. Heredity, tragedy and chemical dependency have done a number on Courtney Love. I still admire her style and her knowledge of fashion, but I wish she had someone in her life that she trusted who could tell her periodically to get a more adult perspective on things.

  10. There was a very brief time in the mid 90's where Courtney could have had it all. But just like Lohan, she loved her drugs more than she liked to work. It's a shame really because the camera loved her in the few movies she was in. She had that "thing" that Madonna never had.

  11. So true, @Basil. She was really talented.

  12. @Basil: when she dated Ed Norton!

  13. I spent last night with someone who's as insane as Courtney Love when she's going off on a crazy rant. I have a headache and feel sick to my stomach today. I know EXACTLY how Frances Bean must have felt being around her mom. My sympathies to her for sure.

  14. It seems like Frances has made the healthy choice to surround herself with supportive, sane people and cut her crazy mother out. Good for her. People like Courtney Love - whom I liked enormously at one point and used to root for - are just exhausting and toxic.

  15. omg, I didn't realize she said they had sex too. Unreal. Frances knows exactly what she's doing and why re: barring Courtney from her life. Sadly, in a situation like this, it's all she can do.

  16. I wonder if Courtney has any true friends, or anyone that truly cares about her. It's a sad, sad situation.

  17. Thanks to these Frances Bean posts I won't be able to see, think or hear "well adjusted" without thinking of Frances Bean Cobain.

    It's amazing how well adjusted she turned out, all things considering.

  18. What a hole...a gaping,, narcissistic hole.

  19. Well adjusted, but uses her fathers name for her gain. Pulling the "don't you know who I am"? At the bus station.

    Nobody in the world is well adjusted. Some people are just more "self-aware", and have learned to cope.

  20. She must have sobered up long enough to realize she messed up

  21. @Barton & @Basil: Seconded, thirded, etc. The sad part is that I do think she really does love her daughter, but she's so damaged at this point by factors both within and outside her control that she's just not capable of a good (or even somewhat stable) relationship with her. I hope Frances is able to break the generational stretch of piss-poor parenting should she ever have a child, for both of their sakes. (I'll never forget reading the interview from around 1992 where the writer told how Linda Carroll had photos of every one of her children and stepchildren on display except for Courtney, and based on everything I've ever seen him post or read about him, Hank Harrison isn't someone I'd ever want to admit was my biological father. Talk about the genetic/parental booby prize...)

  22. So many of you called this @robin (love the blog btw) that is exactly what I was thinking in terms of her childhood. Any chance that this has nothing to do with the original members of hole reuniting last weekend or her friendship with Sam lufti? Doubtful.
