Saturday, April 14, 2012

More Fail Videos

This is supposed to be the best 18 fail videos ever on You Tube. It is a great video but I think they are missing some really good ones.


  1. That poor bride! That is horrible, but also about the funniest one.

    Can someone explain to me what happened in the one about the lady talking to a girl about her dad having thc in his system and then got punched? Don't get it.

  2. The wedding one is fake z

  3. I've definitely seen better fails, but some of these are good.

  4. We're obviously mostly not interested in these videos, Enty. Give it up...

  5. I like the fail videos! I always watch them. This one wasn't too bad, wasn't the best, either.

  6. You might not be interested Prada, but some people are. If you don't want to see them then don't click "play".

  7. I guess I'd rather see him invest more energy in bringing us more interesting videos like the Tina Fey one... :) I just don't think this appeals to most of the demographic for thus blog but you're right...I'll just skip them in the future.
