Friday, April 27, 2012

Molly Ringwald Offered The Julia Roberts Role In Pretty Woman - Turned It Down

Molly Ringwald was on redditt yesterday and answered a bunch of questions from people on the site. Unlike other people who have gone on the site, she actually answered questions and didn't run away after five seconds.

It is a pretty fascinating read. Here are some of the highlights.

Hi Molly!
I read this on IMDB about breakfast club:
"John Hughes almost fired Judd Nelson because of his negative attitude towards Molly Ringwald off camera. Paul Gleason convinced Hughes that Nelson was a great actor and was merely trying to stay in character."
Is this true? What kind of behavior was going on? How has this impacted the making of the movie?

This is true. I think Judd was doing the method actor thing during rehearsals. He was wearing Bender's clothes and trying to annoy me. I was fine but John Hughes was very protective of me. We ended up having a powwow, led by Ally. I remember her telling me, "We have to get him focused. Like a laser!" I think a bunch of us including myself called John and asked him to reconsider. I am thankful he did.

Hey, is it true you were offered to be the "Pretty Woman" but declined so Julia Roberts took the part?

I think I saw an early draft and it was called "$3,000". I don't specifically remember turning it down. The script was okay but I gotta say, Julia Roberts is what makes that movie. It was her part. Every actor hopes for a part that lets them shine like that.

If you want to read the rest of it, click here. (Thanks Annie)


  1. I LOVE Molly! I obsessed on her and those movies. That seemed to be a magical era of teen films. Miss the brilliance of John Hughes. We need more Molly in films!

    Enty, thanks for starting out my Friday on a happy note!

  2. +1 in thanking Annie. I just finished reading through the link. Molly seems really, really nice/grounded. The Annette Funicello of my generation - that's meant as a compliment.

  3. Woody Harrelson had the best AMA ever. Ever.

  4. Is there a link to the Woody AMA?

    Loved reading Molly's. Now there is a child star who grew up nice, grounded, and funny. It CAN be done.

  5. Can't see Molly Ringwald as Pretty Woman.

    I loved the Brat Pack movies but Molly's never been my favorite. Does she live in America again? I thought she moved to France a long time ago.

  6. She was perfect at the time, had the 80s look down pat but she was a pretty bad actress. The only thing she could do convincingly was pout.

  7. Anonymous10:00 AM

    (I'm reposting this again as I posted this late last night on yesterdays post and i don't think a lot of people seen it)

    Was reading a new article on Ontd about that guy who hacked into everyone's emails and went to prison. He talks a bit about closeted Actors, Scarjo and Ryans relationship, Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried. It's a really interesting read.

    I really hope Enty does a post about it, I would love to hear his take on it all, i personally feel like the guy needs some kind of therapy, and i really hope he does a tell all book ;P

    Heres the article:

    @Agent**it- You're Welcome :)
    @Susan- You're Welcome sweetie :) am with you in beliveing that guy is crazy and needs mental help, it's like he was doing it for so long he lost touch of reality, poor guy :(

    Apologies to enty for posting off topic, sorry, but i feel like Cdan readers would find this interesting.

  8. i love that her tone seems so incredibly gracious...why haven't any of her people ever played up that angle?! fans love that!

    idk seaward...did you ever read the ama from the nyc mta employee that shared the low down about nyc's subway system? it was a fascinating read...from the gore of suicide bodies sawed in half, to the politics involved in creating (or killing) the lines/routes w/in money & no-money neighborhoods, to the truth about what lies under grand central station (and no, not just the private elevator car that took president roosevelt up to the waldorf-astoria). 'twas a wild, wild read.

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Molly Ringwald as Viv Babe?!? Say what? Julia Roberts irks me to no end, but she owns that role. And Shelby in Steel Magnolias.

    Molly Ringwald. OMG. I loved her back in the day. I love her in Pretty in Pink when she's all up in Andrew McCartney's face and is like, "Say it. Just say it. You're ashamed to be seen with me. You're ashamed to go out with me."

    And hello. She had Jake Ryan.

    She was sooooooooo typecast. But those Brat Pack movies are the shit. Everyone always seemed so old to me. They straight up looked like adults in high school. Isn't it funny how everyone looks so old to you when you're like 12?

  11. She was so astonishingly beautiful as a young girl. Still a show-stopper.

  12. Well, I was being facetious haha. Woody's actually was horrible, but had that one amazing question. I think my favorite celeb AMAs were Zach Braff, David Wain, and Matt Johnson. As for normal people AMAs, there are sooooo many good ones. I love the novelty account that puts all the questions and answers in table format.
    Jesus, I haven't been to reddit in ages. I'm getting all nostalgic.

  13. I grew up with her and John Hughes movies and I worshipped the ground she walked on. So glad to hear she's a nice person!

  14. What a gracious and grounded woman, a true professional! Apparently being a child actor is not the kiss of death if you do it right.

  15. I meant Andrew McCarthy. OK. Nap time.

  16. Sigh i loved her and Andrew McCarthy his look of shame melts my stone cold heart

  17. Sigh i loved her and Andrew McCarthy his look of shame melts my stone cold heart

  18. @Alissa: thanks!! :)

  19. For anyone needing a Molly fix, she is on The Secret Life of the American Teenager on ABC Family Mondays at 8pm and 10pm Eastern. She's not in every episode, but pops up pretty often. She plays the lead character's mom.

    Yes, I am secure enough to admit that I watch that show.

  20. How did you manage to get hotter with age?
    I drink the blood of Kristen Stewart.

  21. She looks real pretty in that picture.

  22. Maja- that was my favorite part in the interview too ;-)

    Also, when she said her and her husband (who is a smoking HOT french dude) went to her daughter's 80's themed school dance and her husband dressed up like Jake Ryan.
    OMG- can you imagine going to an 80's themed party and seeing the real freaking Molly Ringwald there? *mind blown*

    Oh! Also when she was asked if she was Team Duckie or Team Blaine and she said she was TEAM JAMES SPADER!!!
    I totally agree- dude was the sexiest he's evah been in that movie.

  23. Oh! Jasmine--Be still my heart....YES on the James Spader. He looked like he was a 30-year old investment banker in "Pretty in Pink" (they made him a Senior, but still), but he was so, so HOT in that! His character was supposed to be evil, but my teenage self kept getting a little verklempt whenever he came on screen....maybe James Spader is the reason I dated pretty assholes for so long! lol

  24. Libby- GURL we ALL dated pretty assholes because of Spader's character in that movie ;-) FACT haha

    If you saw him in Secretary years ago you can still tell he's "got it" as far as smoldering aloof charisma goes. Though obviously now he's looking a hot mess, sigh.

  25. She turned down BLUE VELVET too. I believe she called it Pornographic.

    There is a great book I read last year about the Brat Pack called "Don't You Forget About Me." Molly's relationship with John got pretty strained after PIP and they never worked together or hardly even spoke. They made amends before he died though, which was very good.

  26. The original PRETTY WOMAN script was much darker and grittier than the Disnified one that was ultimately filmed. Richard Gere's role was offered to Al Pacino. I can understand Molly turning this down. She would have read the script sometime in late 88' (PW was filmed in the spring of 89') and Molly had her first huge flop after trying to go adult in James Toback's THE PICK UP ARTIST. She opted for the family-friendly BETSY'S WEDDING instead. By the way, PICK UP ARTIST isn't a bad movie. It has Harvey Keitel and a bunch of future SOPRANOS actors in it. And it has RDJ. Who here doesn't love him? ;)

  27. I never cared for Molly -- I know, I know...take away my Gen X membership card -- but I admit that she's always sounded very cool and grounded.

  28. Enty, you need to edit your link code to open links in a new window so I'm not taken away from your site!


  29. I love her more that I ever did before.

  30. it's an old story:Michelle Pfeiffer and Demi Moore refused the role also

  31. just in case anyone hasn't seen this yet. Molly also did an Op-Ed piece after John Hughes died. Worth a look.

  32. So I guess my more-than-a-faint resemblance to James Spader explains why I get laid so much by ladies of a certain age.

    Thank you, Jim. Thanks ever so much.

  33. B Profane..Send your picture and phone #..*L*
    I think the way she responds to the Pretty Woman question is very classy. Yeah, the movie may have become that but it wasn't when she was offered it and she sadmitted (typo and it stays) that Julia owned the role. That there is class.
    I swear, I never saw James Spader until "Sex, Lies and Videotape" but he had me then..Yum and I'm not even into blonds.

  34. "I just became gay for Molly Ringwald."
    Seriously. Fucking. Awesome.

  35. John Hughes movies defined my generation. I loved Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club, but Pretty in Pink never did it for me. I remember when John Hughes movies were EVERYWHERE!

    I remember when Molly was on the first season of Facts of Life. She got fired.


  36. I've never thought of Molly as attractive or as a good actress, but she comes across as a bright, thoughtful and good person, which puts her head and shoulders over the vast majority of the people we read about on this site. I think John Hughes would be very proud of the woman his young star grew up to be.

  37. It always seemed like Molly went out of her way to look ugly, and I could never understand why.

  38. Hated Pretty In Pink but loved 16 Candles. Anthony Michael Hall owned that movie.

  39. @Sherry--I actually look about ten years younger than Spader these days. Not smoking will do that.

  40. I loved reading her responses. Thanks for sharing this.
