Sunday, April 22, 2012

Neil Diamond Gets Married

Neil Diamond is 71 years old but it didn't stop him from getting married again. I guess at that age you have to decide whether you are ready to settle down again or just want someone to keep you company as you get older because you don't want to be old and alone. Diamond married his 41 year old manager. It is Neil's third marriage and if he is happy, then I'm happy for him.It also gives me a chance to post a clip from Lost & Found where David Spade does a tribute to Neil.


  1. I grew up with this guys music But I always got him conused with Neil Sedaka.

  2. David does a better job than Britney Spears.

  3. I'm sorry but she's only 41 years old? O_o

  4. She looks like his other wives...and yes she looks way way older

  5. One of the greatest songwriters of our generation.

    Mazel Tov!

  6. I didn't realize he was getting married to Tori Spelling.

  7. That's disgusting. 30 year age difference. What would people be saying if it were in the reverse and the girl was 71 and the guy was 41? It would be completely unacceptable and frowned upon.
