Saturday, April 21, 2012

Suge Knight Thinks Tupac Is Alive

Coming to Coast To Coast soon will be Suge Knight. You remember Suge don't you? I'm pretty sure he is the one who set up Tupac to be killed and since then has had karma issues that have turned him from an almost billionaire to a guy driving a five year old Chevy and looking for anything he can get. Suge was interviewed about the hologram from last weekend at Coachella and Suge told KDAY that no one has really ever seen Tupac's body and that he thinks Tupac might still be alive. Hmm. I was wondering how he keeps releasing new music each year. So, Suge was in the driver's seat when Tupac was killed and he says no one ever saw the body. Did it disappear right before his eyes?


  1. I wish Suge was right. I love Tupac's music!

  2. Suge Knight is an absolutely horrible human being.

  3. He is, living in secret with Elvis.

  4. I don't know, if you were setting someone up to be shot would you want to be sitting next them as it was happening?

  5. @Serena - sitting next to Tupac helped Suge look innocent. I'm glad he's not wealthy anymore.

  6. Chris Rock said it best. "Yo, Tupac was gunned down on the Vegas strip after a Mike Tyson fight. Now how many witnesses do you need to see some shit, before you arrest somebody. More people saw Tupac get shot than the last episode of Seinfeld. You can find Saddam Hussein in a hole in Iraq, but you can't tell me who shot Tupac?!"

  7. Suge Knight is a disgusting thug who will say anything for money/attention. He can't handle the fact that people don't fear him anymore. And yes, he was present for the shooting to look innocent. I hope that karma is choking that bitch every fucking day.

  8. If he is so broke, how does he afford rooms at the Four Seasons ATL?

  9. Why does anyone care whether a THUG is dead or alive?

  10. Suge Knight is the lowest form of human, but he was sitting next to Tupac and was actually shot, too. It's more likely that Diddy ordered the hit.

  11. Due Diligence, to alot of men in my generation, Tupac was an american patriot on the level of Malcolm X.

  12. Suge is an ass, but it wouldn't be a huge shock if Pac faked his death.

  13. Who hasn't seen his autopsy photo? Pac's dead and Suge had a hand in it.

    Karma's a big ol sweaty bitch.

  14. Sarah, I've been saying that for years.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Maybe the Tupac hologram has been around longer than we know....cue creepy music.....

  17. @MrWolf - I think he would have served as a better role model if he had been against drug dealing/criminal activity all together rather than just trying to stop it in the Hood.

  18. I dont think diddy had anything to do with pac being shot. Diddy is not a thug! He was just pretending like a lot of rappers do. I believe suge has knowledge on who killed pac. Thats why his life has never been the same since.

  19. What's a Tupac? A flabby waist?

  20. OMG lazyday, that was hilarious!

  21. Suge's down with Scoob and they know the hologram was projected by Old Man Schiffley who runs the Abandoned Paper Mill.

  22. It was definitely Suge, he hadn't paid Tupac everything he owed him and didn't want to. I think Enty is so right on when he says that karma has paid him back! Still, I wish his mom had some answers and some peace.

  23. Apparently, East Coast v West Coast is lost on you

    East Coast- Biggie and Diddy

    West Coast - Suge and Tupac

    Suge put the hit on Biggie. Tipac killed in retaliation while with Suge

    My god people, at least get the back story correct.

  24. ^No, there is actually a lot of speculation that he was involved. The conspiracy theorists at least.

  25. No, there really isn't,and he wasn't, bit whatever. Believe what you wish.

  26. Sorry but Diddy doesn't HAVE to be a thug...he can afford them on his payroll. You really think a man in his position has never gotten his hands dirty? Please.

    Diddy has taken himself mainstream and distanced himself from his past publicly, but do you remember the nightclub shooting with Jennifer Lopez? That's what broke them up. He had Shyne take the fall for that mess. You can bet he's supporting Shyne as we speak as a result.
    Diddy had a lot to gain from Tupac being killed.

    Not to mention that Tupac was Death Row's star, why would anyone all about the money take out their main source of revenue. Tupac was also integral in Suge's plan to set up an east coast branch of Death Row.

  27. It was suge in the library with a candlestick.

  28. The amazing thing would not be that Tupas is still alive but that after 15 years he still looks as good as he did when he died. I wasn't into that scene but was always amazed at how dang beautiful he was (is?), phew!

  29. I loved Tupac's music! Suge is scary AND crazy.

  30. According to witnesses Suge HELD Tupac in his seat during the shooting. Tupac tried to jump into the back seat to escape the bullets and Suge held him down. Suge Knight has stated that he did that to protect Tupac from getting hit more.


    Suge did it. Tupac was going to leave Death Row and Suge wasn't having it. Suge had bailed Tupac out of jail in 1995 with the condition that Tupac record 3 albums for Death Row Records. Tupac had recently completed his end of the deal and was going to start his own record company. Remember, this is the same man who held Vanilla Ice off a balcony by his ankles until he signed over publishing rights. Seems like a perfect suspect.

  31. @Unknown wow so basically Suge used Tupac as a human sheild.

    Glad all the misery that has rained down on him and hope it keeps on raining.

  32. I'll buy that Suge used him as a human shield, but I'm not buying that anyone would order a hit on the car they're in for the person riding next to them. Those aren't good odds. It's not like those thugs are snipers.

  33. Suge Knight is not a rational human being. He is a crazed (by numerous accounts) felon.

    I would not put it past him for a second to arrange a hit in which he delivers the mark to his fate.

  34. Suge ordered it, neither murder will be "solved" because they had cops in LA and Vegas on the payroll

  35. @whocaresnow12 Uh, you need to get the backstory straight. Biggie was shot 6 months after Tupac was.

  36. @whocaresnow12 plus, diddy left shyne to rot in jail shyne gave that interview to rolling stone a few years ago and said he hasnt heard from diddy since the night of the club shooting

  37. @Ingrid Superstar....LMFAO!

  38. Ever since I was a little girl I loved Tupac and always wrote "TUPAC STILL LIVES" in all my textbooks thru 23 now and maddd people came out the woodwork cuz of this hologram asking how I was doing lol

    Also, does anyone remember the blind about Paris hilton giving Suge a lap dance at a club, someone tried to take a picture and he broke the camera and had the guy beat up or sometin?
