Friday, May 04, 2012

Anna Paquin Defends Her Bisexuality

Anna Paquin has given an interview and talks about how that even though she is married and pregnant that she is bisexual and that she is not just making it up. Were people accusing her of making it up? I thought the whole thing of being a bisexual is that you were equally attracted to men and women so why wouldn't you ever get married or have kids? How does that make you any less bisexual? I think the big issue is that people never believe that someone can be bisexual and that they are really gay and just experiment. Again though, isn't that being bisexual?


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I didn't buy it either when I was younger b/c a lot of my gay friends hid behind it before really coming out as full blown gay but then you meet people who really are and it's not just a phase or confusion or a coverup for the truth and you grow to accept and understand it in a serious fashion.

  2. Well, I enjoy having sex with both sexes. I only feel comfortable showing intimacy with women, however. I guess that would make me bisexual with a lean towards hetero? I dunno.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      @Exton I think most people probably lean more one way than the other but it doesn't make their attraction to the other one any less valid. I think that's where people have the most trouble in finding acceptance unless they're just straight up bigots.

  3. OMG!!!

    (I just deleted my rant, it's pointless to say anything.)

  4. Why does anyone care?

    So she says she's attracted to women and married to a man. Just because she married doesn't mean she's any less attracted to women.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      @mikey Honestly, b/c so many female celebrities like to play into the male fantasy of two women being together and so play up the bicuriosity/bisexuality card in interviews, I wouldn't be surprised that someone who is truly bisexual and doesn't trade on it except to promote acceptance, would be offended and feel the need to explain that it's real and not just something played up for hetero males to get turned on by.

  5. Gender as with all things is fluid, why do some people feel the need to label everything or put things in nice little boxes??? Good for you AP!

  6. I think bisexuality is legit, although they tend to lean more in one direction when it comes to romantic involvement. There are some who believe as long as they are attracted and it feels good, what difference does it make.

  7. She is gorgeous! I adore her.

    I'm married with kids but have always considered myself attracted to both sexes. I happened to fall in love with a man, but I am definitely still attracted to women. I like how she said it was just a biographical detail. Why can we be one or the other? People fall in love with who they love and I think more people could identify as being bisexual if it weren't for all of the hangups and stereotypes involved.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Very well put @MontanaMarriott.

  10. There are two things going on here, 1) fans' reaction to her statement of bisexuality. I agree with Diana as to the possible reason why she's defending it.

    2) Enty's questions about bisexual vs. homo vs. hetero. On this point, I completely agree with Montana. No more labels.

  11. "Again though, isn't that being bisexual?"

    No. That implies one attraction has less importance or weight than the other. Sexuality is not black or white, but many (oh, it pains me to say this, given the book's success) shades of grey in between. It's not always static, but fluid. You can be attracted to a person, not their plumbing. Saying what you said above perpetuates a stereotype that being bisexual is just uncertainty, confusion, or just for a little fun on the side.

    Good for Anna for standing up for herself.

  12. Maybe people feel like, "Oh how can she be married to a man if she's still attracted to women?" But to me it's the same as me being straight and married, but I'm still attracted to other men. I just don't act on it or want to. Just like her. She's found her love. Done.

    1. Great comment, totally how I feel about it!

  13. When I was in the Navy we had a term for some of our fellow sailors. Trisexual. Because they would try anything sexual. I absolutely believe there are people who revel in the pleasure and don't care one way or the other who or what they are participating in or with.

  14. I didn't think anybody cared. Isn't that the attitude we're always moving toward?

    "I'm gay/bisexual/trisexual/omnisexual/asexual."


  15. Totally agree with the sexuality being fluid comments. It would be the sole exception in nature if it wasn't subject to the Bell Curve continuum like every other aspect of human nature is.

  16. I'm always suspicious of women who say they're bi but seem to only be with men. But its a bit ridiculous that I am suspicious of it since I am one of those women who is married to a man but physically and emotionally attracted to both sexes. And I'm sure that people would be suspicious of me too since most of my relationships and sexual encounters with women were only known to a select few. I have had a lot of hate directed at me from lesbians who say I'm just pretending, or using women (not from lesbians I've known in real life, most of whom are amazing wonderful people, but on message/discussion boards - I suppose on the Internet people's nasty streak comes out).

    Honestly though, now that I'm married I never even really bring it up. I don't think that being bisexual is an excuse for cheating on your spouse or sleeping with other people, even openly, so I guess I am now for all practical purposes mono sexual - only with one person so it really doesn't matter anymore if I am straight or bi.

  17. See this is why I come here. I love this little community and their open mindedness. Mwah to all of you.

  18. Never would've suspected Paquin being bisexual. Well, whatever works for her.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. True Blood is back next month, I suspect that's why she's clearing up some issues. Not because she wants to promote awareness but because she wants to/has to promote her show.

  21. I think she thought she'd get more attention from her Bisexuality than she has....
    Anna sit down, people really don't care.

  22. I feel sorry for celeb kids when their parents talk in the press about their sexuality. I mean, I don't want to even think about my parents having sex, much less read about it!!!!! Has nothing to do with the bisexual thing, just EEEEK!

  23. if you are bisexual; don't get married. going into a marriage knowing that the other person cannot meet all of your sexual needs is asking for trouble. you will forever be wanting what you cannot have.

  24. No one person can meet all your needs. It's no different than a straight person marrying another straight person.

  25. I know Portia Rossi was basically harassed at a lesbian bar in Canada -- "WTF are YOU doing here?" "I heard it was a good place to meet women ..." -- I think at the very end of Ally McBeal, before it was well known that she is out. As at least bisexual, maybe lesbian, I forget. Well my point is I too am not a butchy bisexual and got shit too from yes within the Queer community itself until I clearly was dating a woman for some time. It is what it is.

  26. homosexuality/bisexuality is wrong in every since of the way.

  27. @raychelle, so is judging those who had nothing more to do with who they are than you did.

  28. @angel, i am in no way judging her, i am merely being factual about the sin that she is involved in...homosexuality/bisexuality is a sin. God did not create man to be with man nor woman to be with woman, were were created in his image to procreate and you can't do that with same sexes. the Lord destroyed the cities sodom and gomorrah because of the wickedness from the sins of the flesh produced. it amazes me how people get so outraged and upset because kids who are brought up in this lifestyle are so out of control and rebellious. the fact is that anyone involved in this lifestyle and gives in to the demonic spirit behind this type of behavior will spend eternity in hell. God hates the sin of homosexuality not the person that is involved in it because he loves us all but it's the very sin that he hates. people can be delivered from it, some just choose not to for a numerous of reasons.

    1. Instead of saying all of that, you could have just posted, "Hey everyone! I need attention!!!"

      And before you go pointing out what you believe to be the sins of others, take a nice long look at your life. There is only one person who has ever lived a sin-free life, sweetie.

  29. It's easy to say "people can be delivered from it." Let me ask.. could you change from a heterosexual female (I assume) to a lesbian if God himself commanded you to? Didn't think so.. food for thought :)

  30. @angel, that's just it, God wouldn't command me to be a lesbian because that's not how he made me. and thank you for that "food for thought" because it helped me shed even more light to those in darkness concerning this subject.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Oh good lord and by lord I mean the one that doesn't judge on trivial things like sexual orientation. This is exactly why I believe in god but detest religion.

  34. raychelle, that's a cop out. You stated people can be delivered from it, people who have no more control over what attracts them sexually than you do, so if God made you hetero then it's only fair to say he made others who they are too.

    The problem with fundamentalists is that once they believe they're saved, they seem to think they have arrived and now have a license to play God. Finding fault with others is far easier and more comfortable than focusing on correcting their own; I'll give them that.

  35. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Completely off topic but how do you delete a comment? I'm on my phone which is the devil by the way (turned the word texted into infected for whatever reason) so maybe that's why I can't figure it out.

  36. Ok, you'll notice a small garbage can icon just to the right of the time in the bottom left hand corner of your comment. Depress that and it will bring you to a popup page asking you to confirm that you want to delete it. Press the orange delete button to confirm it, and your comment will be gone after you refresh the page.

  37. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Thanks!!!! I have to switch to the full site to do it but at least now I know how. Wow, that's a lot of ads. Do they have ad-blocker for iPhone? ;p

  38. You're most welcome :)

    Try this:

    It's CDAN mobile and contains no ads.

  39. @angel & @DianaofThemyscira, i am saved by his amazing job as a christian is to not be holier than though but to teach of His goodness and mercies to others. religion has nothing to do with believing in the truths from the word of God. god made us in his image and likeness therefore he didn't make me a lesbian nor did he you if you are of such. he didn't make the thief a thief nor the liar the liar, etc. people can and have been delivered from the spirit of homosexuality; there's testimonies all over the world regarding this. one of the major problems of this world today is people are becoming so detached from truth and enabling and encouraging people to live in a life of sin. again, homosexuality is wrong it's a sin...there's no other way to look at it. god doesn't hate the sinner but he hates the sin that they are involved in. the god i serve, shed his blood on calvary so that those who are in bondage to such demonic spirits as homosexuality can be delivered and set free. He gives a way out and deliverance awaits those who want it the others who don't want it then makes the decision to live eternity in hell.

    1. He didn't get me to sign a fucking form to state I wanted to be a white, heterosexual female and I'm assuming no one else did either.

      So if no one chose how can you judge?

      1) that book you are so keen on says judge not lest ye be judged. How about you pay attention?
      2) you could just have easily been a homosexual because it's all luck of the draw. How about some perspective? No? A little logic perhaps?

      Religion annoys me. Religious people who think they have a right to force it down my throat annoy me more.

  40. Wasn't this skeezer rumored to be a mix in to the costar's marriage, and married his for PR since he knocked her up?

  41. fire and brimstone, oh my !

    Sodom and Gomorrah sites were located on a fault line along the eastern side of a plain south of the Dead Sea. There are subterranean deposits of a petroleum-based substance called bitumen, similar to asphalt, in that region. That material normally contains a high percentage of sulfur. and pressure from an earthquake could have caused the bitumen deposits to be forced out of the earth through a fault line. As it gushed out of the earth it could have been ignited by a spark or surface fire. It would then fall to earth as a burning, fiery mass.

    Archaeologists found that buildings used to bury the dead in that region were burned by a fire that started on the roof.

  42. I just can't wrap my brain around a "Saved Christian" coming to a GOSSIP site about Hollyweird and all its salacious goings on. Isn't gossip non Christian like?
    I'll bet you also eat pork and shrimp and mix materials too.
    Quit picking and choosing.

  43. Ok, last comment on the subject. People CHOOSE to lie. They CHOOSE to steal. They DO NOT choose what attracts them sexually, any more than people choose which colors attract them, what flowers attract them, etc etc etc. Those are things that just occur to you, things you DISCOVER about yourself, not things you choose. Homosexuality is not a demonic spirit, and as long as you continue to insist it is, you will only do more damage than good when you try to 'minister' to them. At least argue that it's a tendency IF YOU MUST, but leave language like demons out of the discussion. People don't will themselves to have a certain sexual attraction the way they willfully lie, or willfully steal. Seriously, you need to get your facts straight if you're going to attempt to counsel others. We have too many gay teens committing suicide as it is. And no, I'm not lesbian.

  44. @RenoBlondee - Not necessarily. I am definitely more a spiritual Catholic than a religious one (if that makes any sense), but I can read gossip and not have to say twenty Hail Marys. My thoughts are more along the lines of: gay people are just that, people. I like all people unless they are assholes.

    I'm not really sure what's going on with raychelle up there, to be honest.

  45. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Science over magic wins it every time.

    Last I checked Jesus died for our sins so we're all saved regardless of what we do or what we believe or don't believe.

    If homosexuality is such big no-no Moses would've written it down along with the other 10 commandments.

    If god gave us free will why are people who claim they come in the name of god always so quick and willing to oppress that freedom?

    I don't actually care what you have to say, freedom of selective reading and not giving a shit.

  46. @Popcorn
    Well, I did mean more of a devout, fundamentalist type that takes the bible so literally like raychelle seems to be.
    Hope I didn't offend you. :)
    I used to be a very, very uptight conservative Christian and, well, now I'm not.

  47. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I have several cousins who work in different sciences and who also go to church regularly. They don't let science get in the way of their faith nor their faith get in the way of their science. I wish more people could have that balanced approach to life instead of being so incredibly literal and unevolved.

  48. Raychelle, I wasn't going to comment, but since you brought up Sodom and Gomorrah...

    The only reason Lot was saved from the fiery destruction was because he not only sheltered the angels from the men who wanted them, but he also sent his daughters to be gang raped instead.
    So I'm sorry, but if you want to use that biblical example of why homosexuality is wrong, you lose the argument.
    Love as you will, and as long as it's consentual, use your bits as you will.

    I am agnostic, but did read the old testament (I once worked at the desk of a very boring hotel, lol)

  49. god bless you all especially angel--i'll be praying for you and you will come to know the truth i promise you that. i hope you all have a great weekend!!!

  50. @Raychelle - Usually I stay out of conflicts between commenters here (which is why I haven't weighed in on any of the "Who the fuck is Enty?" topics that have been posted here almost daily) but I think you're on the wrong site. Of course you're welcome here and free to write whatever you want but I think a lot of us come here to get away from statements such as yours. Well, I certainly do anyway.

    Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable on a Kirk Cameron fan forum or something. Religion says a lot of things are sinful. Eating shellfish (bad news if you've ever been to a Red Lobster) working on the Sabbath (bad news for hospital staff) and mixing fabrics together (bad news for Vera Wang.) UGH! So these people are going straight to hell now? Where they're going to burn for eternity? I've seen fire destroy large homes in 20 minutes so wouldn't fire destroy a human being - one made from flesh, blood molecules and bone - in maybe 2-3 minutes tops? Where does the "all of eternity" aspect come into it? I never could figure that out.

    Yeeesh. I need to watch last night's "Parks And Recreation" again.

  51. Sorry, I'm bi. I've known this since I was in middle school- it's just who I am. I'm attracted to who a person is, not genitalia they have. I'm married to a man (the love of my life) and we have kids... and I still get crap when I say I'm bi because people tell me that I chose to be straight.

    Your sexual identity is tied to who you're emotionally and physically attracted to- not who you're with at the moment. Saying that someone should stop saying they're bi because they're involved with a man would be like asking someone to stop saying they were straight because they're married. It... just doesn't make sense. Seriously.

    I'm not suspicious of her saying she's bi. Before True Blood, it wasn't like anyone really followed Anna's personal life. She could have been involved with anyone and we wouldn't have known.

  52. It's interesting how fundamentalists claim to speak for God. I find it incredibly hypocritical. God made all of us..Did he make a mistake when he made homosexuals? Cuz that sounds like what they're saying. I've said it before but I believe people hide their prejudice behind religious dogma.

    I have been in love with both and I married a man who understands who I am. That doesn't give me a license to cheat. I have been conflicted over it and it's taken me a long time to comes to terms with who I am and why I have these feelings even though I've always had a large group of gay friends. And even my lesbian friends have been accepting. When I tell them and it's not something I freely express.

    Good for Anna for standing up for who she is and letting the din of ignorant people stay in the background.

  53. @JBE - is it just me or does Parks & Rec keep getting better and better?? I am MAD at Chris Treager (sp??) though! I lit-trally ( see what I did there?) yelled 'nooooo' at my t.v. at the end of the episode.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      @dixie Yes!!! I fell asleep during 30 rock but was up on running in time for Parks. Best comedy and network show at the moment (granted I don't watch a lot network stuff)

  54. @Popcorn, LOVE the distinction you made between spiritual and religious name-your-faith. I came to the same realization awhile back myself, and decided spirituality was by far more genuine.

  55. I prefer "Hypersexual" to "Bisexual".

  56. Actually Ingrid, I prefer the term sexual opportunist. (JK)

  57. Hi All,
    I believe you are born with your sexual orientation, just as you are born with your eye colour. I happen to be heterosexual. The sad part of the bigotry to me is one of my dear friends told me about her gang rape before she told me she was bisexual. I don't care what you do as long as everyone is legal and consenting. Big hugs to everybody. I also support gay marriage, which to me is just marriage. My husband feels the same way about this as I do, which is one of the many reasons why I married him.

  58. Raychelle, we will pray for you to become more Christlike in your acceptance of others and to be less of a sanctimonious prig. "Christians" like you are the reason Christians like me are almost embarrassed to admit that we go to church regularly, pray and read the Bible. We're afraid of being mistaken for assholes like you. (yes, that was judgmental. I'll live with it.)

  59. Great comment JW, thank you.

    I wish I had thought to ask rachelle how many she succeeded in transforming, or I guess she'd use the word 'convert', from gay to straight by advising them they have been invaded by a demon and will go to hell if they don't change what's beyond their control. Zero of course, but I'm sure the rationale is that they just aren't praying hard enough. Whatever.

  60. Raychelle, troll o' the day.

    What did Jesus say about homosexuality? Oh right--not a thing. How 'bout that.

    If you're basing your judgements on the Old Testament, then I certainly hope you're not mixing fabrics in your outfits, nor saying a word in church if you're female. Otherwise you will burn in hell forever and ever. Amen. Oh, and your kids? If they sass back? Stone them. To death. Deuteronomy 21:18

  61. Rachelle is gone, off to troll another site. I'm surprised you guys bothered with her. At least I don't ever remember seeing her name before.

  62. I think her fire and brimstone sermonizing got under everyone's skin. I know it did mine. The number of gay teen suicides breaks my heart, and approaches like hers certainly aren't helping the situation. You're right though. There's no reasoning with a closed mind.

  63. It's sweet how much Christians care about the future of homosexuals.

  64. @angel- she gives Christianity a bad name,and I think it is done with intent :)

  65. JasonBlueEyes...

    I work at a place where I have to schedule appointments 7 days a week. I absolutely *LOVE* the people who say: Sunday? Maybe in the afternoon, because I have to go to church in the morning.

    I always think: Maybe if you planned ahead, or made just a little bit of a sacrifice, the SOMEONE else could have Sunday off for their church or their Sabbath or their family. EVERY once in a while, I have someone who says: I'm not going to make someone work on a Sunday. I always say "Thank you".

    Yes, this Catholic girl does go to church on Sunday, and, no, I don't do other things that I could easily do another day of the week.

    ALSO: I do believe in the Sanctity of marriage. I just believe that EVERYONE has a right to that! (This issue is big in NC right now)

  66. I don't comment but read often. I am glad you but the beat down on that religious idiot. People like that make me really... Really... Pissed off at all things religion. Get over yourselves all religious folks! Darwin only figured out evolution 200 some years ago! In 2 thousand years people will laugh and laugh at other people worshiping their burning wooden crosses!

  67. Religion is like blind gossip.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, based on their knowledge or beliefs.

    No one can say someone else is right or wrong.

    No one knows which, if any, opinions are the correct answer.

  68. Raychelle, sorry to hear about your botched lobotomy. Do those things ever go as planned?

  69. For all those who made comments to my post, ponder on these Scriptures to read the truth for yourselves.

    @DianaofThemyscira, just to educate you a little, Moses didn't write the 10 commandments, GOD did.

    @JW, i pray the Lord doesn't become ashamed of you the way you are of Him when it comes to telling the truth regarding His word.

    @Angel, have I become your enemy because I told you the truth (That's Scriptural)

    Leviticus 18:22
    You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.

    Leviticus 20:13
    If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.

    1 Corinthians 6:9–10
    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; dneither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor 1effeminate, nor homosexuals,
    nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will ainherit the kingdom of God.

    Romans 1:26–28
    For this reason God gave them over to bdegrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, amen with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit 1to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,

    Revelation 22:14-15
    Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

    Again, just as my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, i am not condeming no one because of the sin that they are in, i am merely telling the truth to free those who are in bondage to a demonic spirit in this case, homosexuality. demonic oppression causes people to commit suicide not someone telling the truth. The Lord tells us that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. People have become too relaxed with living outside the word of God and because of this and their rebellion to the word of God, they will spend eternity in Hell.

  70. Thanks sweet pea! I was born and raised a Christian and continued by choice to go to Bible college after high school. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on religion, relationships and even nature. Get over yourself.

  71. Good Lord rachelle. Stop, just stop. You're not going to win anyone over, much less 'help' any gay people with your rigid Do As I Say Or Else mentality.

    I have the utmost respect for true Christians and in fact consider myself one. I believe in God, and I believe Christ his son made reparation for our sins. Regarding the Bible, I mostly focus on Christ's words in the New Testament. They convey both a patient understanding of our weakness and a tender desire to forgive. He reveals a God who inspires one to live a better life; not one who tries scaring you into it. HUGE difference, the difference between attracting people and chasing them away.

    THINK and stop brow beating us with the Bible. It's NOT a weapon!

  72. Raychelle hate speech is not preaching and your own God will judge you for this intolerance.

  73. @renoblondee - It was the gossip being non-Christian line that I just wanted to clarify. Although, I guess it's all subjective. No offense taken.

    @angel - I have found that it really works for me. I am not a fan of religion being used as a tool for hate, bigotry, etc.

    Agent**It, I completely agree.

  74. Yeah well, Raychelle the Lord spoke to me too and he told me to tell you to shut the fuck up. He doesn't need crackpots like you for his PR.
    Go ahead and pray for me while you're at it. That should keep you busy for a while.

  75. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I thought Charleton Heston wrote the ten commandments!?

  76. Raychelle, who are you to know what God is thinking? And don't quote the Bible because we know the Bible was written by humans, many of them with agendas. There were many books written by apostles that never made it into the Bible. "I am merely telling the truth"? You interpret what you want to fit your agenda. God made EVERYONE. Period. It's like the idiots who say married women must have children because the Bible says "Go forth and prosper". That was said after the flood - when there were supposedly a handful of people on the planet. That doesn't apply today!

    I believe that God looks down upon the Earth and people like you and shakes his head in bewilderment. I'm done.

  77. Oooh, I love random quotes from the Bible. So sorry I missed it! :(

    How about...

    Ruth 1:16 - 17 "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me."

    How about...
    1 Samuel 18:1 "...the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul"

    Isn't that the very definition of marriage.

  78. Raychelle, why don't you just go all out and spew out the corollary that everyone who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as their saviour is going to burn in hell. Piss off the Jews, Muslims and Buddhists as well as the gays.
    I'm not ashamed of God. I'm ashamed of people like you who twist the message of love into a message of hatred, all under the guise of helping us all see the error of our ways. Let's see who has to answer to what, come judgment day.

  79. Amen to everyone who stood up and defended.

    Raychelle your backward thinking is one of the reasons so many wars have been fought in the name of God. You can pull out as many Biblical quotes as you like. No doubt given to you by some spiritual leader you follow, but it will always come across as a message of hate. If Jesus taught anything it was forgiveness and acceptance. Mary Magdelane was a prostitute you realize. That's fornication and let me peruse my King James for some quotes on THAT subject. Or how I interpret it, I should say.

    Self righteous people bug the shit outta me and apparently most folks here on this subject. Someone you love, whether you know or accept it or not, is gay. Would your soul rest knowing you accepting them could possibly prevent them from commiting suicide? That's a heavy burden to bear.

    So before you judge anymore think long and hard about what YOU would do if their life depended on you to love them "like Jesus". And realize that maybe God's image could possibly, just possibly INCLUDE bi or homo or transexual or black (because the religious nutjobs also found scripture to support that prejudice as well) or whatever else you dislike. But go ahead, search scripture to support your black, black heart of hate.

    You wanna pray? Pray for your soul because you're the one who needs to learn a lot about what love really means.

  80. I have a friend from high school who said she knew she was a lesbian as a little kid. In high school she slept with a few of the gay guys and declared them (these are her words, not mine) "too faggy for her." Now she sleeps with women and older men---she likes them their 70's. She doesn't consider herself bisexual.
    I think the sexuality lines are really not clean cut. It is the person you are attracted to, not the sex of the person.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. @Sherry, you got to the crux of the issue here, and rachelle's blind spot, beautifully - God's unconditional Love for all his children. Thank you for sharing.

  83. @angel, I wasn't going to comment any further but I felt the need to correct you in your erroneous understanding or wisdom, however you want to classify it, my sister in my Christ. You indicated that you focus mainly on Christ's words in the New Testament, but without a doubt, Christ is the merger of the Old Testament and the New Testament; one rests and depends on the other. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment and revelation of the Old Testament; to have knowledge of one without the other is to have knowledge without understanding. I say this in all love to you, reread the Scriptures and pray for a deeper revelation because there’s lot more that He has to share with you. Just to concentrate on the words written in red, allows you to miss the other parts of Christ—remember Christ is the word of God; the whole word not just what was written in red.

    Now in regards to the Bible not being a weaponry, I have to correct you once again because it also states in the New Testament that the word is SHARPER than a two edged sword but if that's too strong for you, it also states in Ephesians 6:10-18 where God instructs us to put on the full amour of God including taken up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit which is the WORD OF GOD. Jesus Christ is the burden bearer, yoke destroying power of God also known as the Word. We have no greater weaponry as a believer than the light of the Son of God and once He shines upon YOU, you can come out of that place that you are hiding in.

    One last thing, the God I serve is definitely a God of love; one who is full of mercy and kindness for all people including those who turn their backs on Him and water down his word because of fear of offending others. As a result of Him being a God of love, he doesn’t hate person who is a homosexual but what he does hate is the sin that they are involved in; remember I said previously that, he loves the sinner but He hates the sin that they are entangled in. It is my job and yours too if you consider yourself a true Christian (one who lives by the word of God and the principles of God) to love those who are in error but teach them the correct way to go so that they don’t end up spending eternity in hell. It is our mandate as Christians to fulfill the great commission of Christ but if that’s not your objective, you probably want to reevaluate who you really are serving. I don’t have a “do as I say mentality “but I do have the word of God and if it comes across as such then you need to take it up with God because I am only repeating what is in His word. I am only sharing with you and others the truth because the truth is designed to set us free. A lot of times, people don’t want to hear the truth because the truth is very convicting and it causes us to challenge ourselves including our thinking process. Thank God that He is merciful and loving enough to grace us with forgiveness when we sincerely repent to Him after we’ve come into the knowledge of His truths.

    Peace to your spirit and I thank God for opening your eyes to His truths so that you won’t be a hindrance to someone who needs to know the truth regarding the word of God.

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  86. @Sherry,
    Let me educate you as well, firstly, the Scriptures that I posted came straight from the Word of God. When you know the word of God and it’s embedded in you, you don’t necessarily need a “spiritual leader “to tell you these things. The Bible clearly tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15 that we are to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (KJV).
    Secondly, regarding your hate statement, Jesus stated in John 15:18,” "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” (me in this sentence is God’s word). God’s message always seem to come across as hate especially to those who don’t have the revelation of it or those whose mindsets are contrary to the word of God. Which category do you fit in? Jesus hates the sin that oppresses His people, he doesn’t hate his people but he hates the very that keeps his people in bondage. That’s why he makes it known to us that our warfare is not a natural one but one in the spirit; the real war is between light and darkness. You are not my enemy but the demonic spirit that is causing you to be blinded by the truths that what I hate. Jesus shed blood on Calvary so that we can be free.
    Lastly, as far as Mary Magdalene is concerned, you were correct in stating that she was a prostitute and that Jesus loved her and showed compassion towards her but again, the revelation that you failed to get the understanding of is off. The way MM was brought to Jesus was in sin/adultery, in other words, the deeds of her flesh. This was the same Mary Magdalene that later broke her alabaster box symbolizing that she was tired of her lifestyle (prostitutes in that time frame had to perfume themselves for their next client/customer/trick) therefore; her precious valuable oil in the alabaster box symbolized her lifestyle. She could not stop doing what she was doing despite the persecution and judgment of people because like homosexuality her prostitution was her lifestyle. After she broke the alabaster box and surrendered her life, will and worship at Jesus’s feet, the Bible states that He cast the seven demons out of her and when they left her it was then that her lifestyle changed. To make it even clearer, the demons were her lifestyle and when they were cast out, that lifestyle was cast out. She no longer wanted to satisfy the desires of her flesh, she no longer wanted to commit sexual immoralities and so forth. She was delivered and set free by the power of God when she worshipped at Jesus’s feet. She received new direction and from that point this woman, who thought her lifestyle of a prostitute was natural, found herself a servant of holiness, righteousness and purified, changed by the power of His word. This is evident that Jesus loves us through our issues whatever they might be and when we surrender at His feet, sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness, then we are changed by his word like Mary Magdalene. As a result of Jesus’ resurrection, God uses us to relay messages the His Son has risen, He is alive and He has all power in His hand. This is also evident because that once prostitute who was delivered and changed began spreading the good news of the gospel about Jesus Christ and her testimony of freedom encouraged others to be freed from their sins.

    Jesus loves the homosexual just like he love Mary Magdalene, and just as he freed her from those demonic spirits, the same can be done for the homosexuals whenever they decide to break their alabaster boxes.

  87. rachelle, give it up. Your primary objective here is having the LAST WORD and BEING RIGHT. You have a religious superiority complex, and your attitude is condescending.

    You didn't mention a single word about God's LOVE until we castigated you for your judgmental and punitive outlook.

    I really don't care at this point, but I entreat you to do everyone a favor and keep your religion to yourself, and definitely don't counsel any gays. You are not cut out for it.

  88. @angel, you didn't hear the love part because you were too busy focusing on being a watered down Christian and not wanting to offending anyone. Christ is love and I follow Him and His principles..go back and reread through my posts and you will realize that not once did I say that I hated someone who was gay.I can't hate because of who I follow and who I serve. what i do hate though is the fact that you are hurting but know that only God's grace and time can help and heal you. that's why i said i was praying for you and will continue to do so. i want you to know that there's no wound deep enough that the redeeming blood of Christ can't flow to. He loves and so do I. Peace to your spirit.

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  90. Raychelle, God called, he's ashamed of you.

    Homosexuality isn't a sin, but ignorance should be. As if God would be so petty to think loving someone of the same sex is sinful. Your words mean nothing to me, as do your prayers. I pity you and the hate you have in your heart. One day, you will know the truth as I do. In the mean time, worry less about what other people are doing, who they love, and if they can marry.

  91. Lisa (not original): exactly! Since those unfamiliar will not look up the verses, both are said among same-sex partnerships. (And, oddly, the first passage has been written into a song sung at many Christian heterosexual weddings.)

    I grew up being taught to think as raychelle does, and then, after meeting gay people, moved onto thinking that some people ARE born gay, with no "choice" involved, but because of how I was raised I believed they were "meant" to be abstinent for life because it would be a sin to act on their natural inclinations. And abstinent for life is not so bad....
    Anyway, when I found out that homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom, in virtually all species, at about the rate it does for humans, the tide turned and my mind changed. Clearly, God creates life as it is, and it can't be sin to live as created.

    In the few cases where a same-sex attraction is chosen (I do know people who are lesbian because abuse from a father or a gang-rape has left them unable to trust or love men), who am I and who is anyone to question a choice that personal? If someone has found someone to love and trust, especially after pain and hurt, be happy for them.

    "Jesus made me, so Jesus save me from people discussing me!"

  92. Rose what exactly is YOUR truth because you've already started off thinking in error. Homosexuality IS a sin. have i become your enemy too because i told the truth? i want repeat myself you can go and reread my posts for deeper enlightment.

  93. Rachelle, oh so now I'm a watered down Christian huh.. and who are YOU to JUDGE me little Miss High and Mighty?

    Cramming your views down the throats of people is all you know how to do. It's arrogant, insensitive, and decidedly not how to influence people in a positive way, which is the only way your efforts will ever mean anything.

    It's like I said at the start..

    The problem with fundamentalists is that once they believe they're saved, they seem to think they have arrived and now have a license to play God. Finding fault with others is far easier and more comfortable than focusing on their correcting own; I'll give them that.

  94. And what that I'm officially done with you raychelle. It's a good thing for me zealots like you aren't in the majority as examples of God's love, or I wouldn't believe he or it was real. Cya

  95. @angel a watered down christian in MY definition is someone who knows the truth but won't stand on it because they are afraid they will offend someone. if you offend someone stating the truths of God then so be it. you stated you were a christian well then stand on God's truths which is the word of God. in the book of Revelation the Lord speaks about people being lukewarm (Revelation 3:16)i haven't said anything that wasn't in the Bible. i didn't make up the Scriptures i only proclaim them so that people can be free from their sins and walk in freedom. God has a work for you sweetie, He is waiting for your submission to Him and I will be praying for you in that area. Regardless of what your past may be and trust me I have one too, the BLOOD cleanses us from it all so that He can use us to do his work. Again, i will pray for your healing and know that God can fill the voids. I love you my sister. i wish i was near you so that i could give you a hug but since i'm not, i'll send out a spiritual one to. Peace to your spirit and may the blood of Jesus do a quick work in and through you.

  96. You are still judging me, still cramming your views down our throats, and YOU KNOW BETTER raychelle, we got that.

    "First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the splinter from your brother's eye."

    You still have a long way to go. Best wishes on your journey to spiritual healing.

  97. @angel, you have me curious now. The Word of God says the Spirit of the Lord speaks expressively. Your spirit keeps expressing the word judgment. What in you feels guilty per confession of your own mouth. you said you were a Christian, therefore we serve the same God and the bible says the spirit always agrees with the word. Why are you in disagreement of His word?

  98. raychelle, the last word is yours. You always have to be right, so this is pointless. I'm done.

  99. Wow. I often wonder what life was like before that book that was written by a bunch of middle eastern men was ever published and heralded as the infallible instruction/operator's manual for human existence.

  100. i want to help you it's not about having the last word. let me ask you a question, are you born again? i know that God has something great for you but the devil doesn't want your mind liberated.

  101. The Hounds of Hell don't have anything on you.
    I'll give you that. Good day.

  102. @angel, can we be friends? I mean that as sincere as I can be.

  103. I said this yesterday and nothing has changed.

    @angel- she gives Christianity a bad name,and I think it is done with intent :)

    Just don't respond:)

  104. Raychelle, you know how you said God wrote the 10 commandments. Apparently he must have thought lying was a bigger sin than homosexuality. And make no mistake about it Raychelle, you are a liar. You quote the bible and yet, I'll bet you chow down on pork and shrimp or at the very least have no issue with people who do. I'll also bet that I can find polyester in your closet and your husband probably shaves. I've never gotten a clear answer as how those verse in Leviticus have no meaning to the bible thumpers but the ones having to do with sex are front and center. Oh, and wait Raychelle, maybe before we can take you seriously perhaps you can explain how you are on this website in the face of the admonitions against gossips (i.e. Timothy and Romans)
    Raychelle, you've given us your definition of watered down Christian. If you'd like a visual illustration of MY definition of a douche, go check a mirror.

  105. God bless you @Agent**It...Just like the devil trying to be a distraction when there is peace in the making.

  106. @JW i don't normally respond to ignorance but since you request my heart. the word of God says that it is light that shines in darkness. The word of God must have frightened you and that's what happens when you live in darkness. Be of good cheer, there's enough Blood for you too. Love you.

  107. Raychelle, explain how you eat pork, shrimp, wear polyester and associate with men who shave. If you can explain that dichotomy, I'll listen to you on the gay thing.

  108. I'll give you a question for a question except mine has revelance: Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night and inquire of His goodness, power and grace?Answer that and then I will tell you why you got involved in this conversation and why you are giving me the opportunity to minister to you child of God.

  109. whoops @ Agent**It. I was, um, distracted, lol. Yep, I think a 100% failure rate speaks volumns - to anyone with even a sliver of self-awareness :)

  110. I didn't have to be born again, as God made me just fine the first time around.

    Raychelle, I'm still laughing too hard at your newest posts to go back and read what you wrote. Pray for us all, it won't make a difference. God doesn't grant wishes for hate.

    I continue to pity you. You are not any closer to God because you believe homosexuality is a sin. You aren't any smarter than the rest of us. God doesn't love you more.

    The truth is God doesn't give a fuck who you marry or love. There is no God that would create a group of people and then tell them it's ok to love the same sex, but just not have sex. That's a sin. He covered the basics, no murder, no stealing, no sleeping with your neighbor's wife. Nothing about no sleeping with your neighbor's husband if you are a man.

  111. Ah Raychelle, I asked you to rationally explain the irrational and you failed. You are unable to answer the question and that simply proves to me that Satan can quote scripture for his own purposes.
    You are the devil himself and to you I say, Get thee behind me, Satan.

  112. @Rose, meditate on this Scripture and when you hear the voice of God speak to your concerning this Scripture then you can conversate with me. I pray the Blood of Jesus washes your filthy fouled mouth.

    Revelation 22:14-15
    Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

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  114. @JW what you asked was foolish and i am instructed by the word of God not to answer foolish questions because it makes one seems wise in his own eyes. you admitted that your question was irrational i am not going to answer nonsense as such. if you are still hungry for truth answer my rational question.

  115. She's a self-righteous bully, and has already obtained far too much undeserved attention.

    I invite you all to join me on the Peace Out Train leaving the station immediately ;)

  116. I'm not running from the light raychelle, I'm slamming the door on self-righteous ignorance. *SLAM*

  117. Sweetie, you know conversate isn't a word right? Even so, I don't need your permission or to abide by your rules to participate in a conversation.

    raychelle, I think we get it. You can't answer any logical question, you can only spew nonsense and use the bible to hide behind. I'm sorry for giving you too much credit. I should have known better, it's common for hateful people to not actually understand why they stand for and where it truly comes from.

    God bless *you*. You need it more than I do.

  118. @angel you will remember our conversation whether it will be you will meet someone by the name of Raychelle or whether you will receive a visitation while you sleep. the lord will prove to you that He died for you to live righteous i Him and not be afraid to stand on His truths. you may slam the door on me but you will soon be knocking on the door of the Lord for your healing and the amazing thing is that He will give it to you. As a matter of fact it's already there, you just have to recieve it by faith.

  119. "You will know them by their fruits."

    You really think you know it all, and lack humility in your dealings with others on spiritual matters.

    I'll remember our conversations alright, as a stark reminder of what NOT to do.

  120. Angel, I'll hop on board with you. The train is pulling out of crazy town.

    Obviously, the lord said nothing about punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

  121. @Rose especially on your behalf, I will inquire of the Lord to tell me why His truths and His glory cannot be seen above all the carnal mindsets that were involved in this post. In truth, if homosexuality is not a sin; then it is therefore righteousness and if it is righteousness then our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is not only a lover of the souls of the people he died for but he is a participator in that same homosexual immoral action. This we know is not true but If anyone reading this believes that the Lord would make love to you sexually and fulfill your fleshly desires, then there is a special place for you and I promise you that you will not find the Jesus that died for you there. I ask Jesus now in the presence of your minds and your faith to please help you to realize that God died for the liberty of the souls of people and their eternal life had nothing to do with the flesh but everything to do with our spirit.

  122. @Rose, that's what's wrong with some people, they get caught up things that don't even matter. I'm not here to please grammar teachers or those who always speak and write so eloquently but my main concern is where your soul will reside when your time expires. I'm praying for you but the Bible states that not all will be saved, "The angels will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." You have the opportunity to determine where you will make your bed. Bless you and I pray the Blood of Jesus over your carnal mindset.

  123. @angel, you never did answer the question as to whether you were born again but then again your silent response revealed it all...deliverance awaits you... you shouldn't carry that hurt around because it stifles your spirit from growning. your name should be some kind of indication that you have a calling on your life but you are running from it because of your past hurts. stop letting people influence you, stand on you own and begin by standing on His word and His truths. If you are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of you in the presence of His father. Peace to your spirit.

  124. *Holding the door open for Rose to hop on*



  125. If this helps you any Raychelle, I AM born again. Somehow I feel you'll have some more Scripture as to how I've abandoned my saviour and how to help me get away from my wickedness. Please spare me. Very few if any of us will be good enough for you. That is certainly the impression you've left us all with. Hmmm, whar would Jesus do? Oh wait, he had a flock that loved him. Before you spew anymore nonsense think long and hard as to why YOU have won no fans, made no converts.

    This stream ends here as no one will reply. All aboard everyone.

  126. My question wasn't irrational. It was a request for a rational explanation to the irrational paradox of how you can ignore some of Leviticus and put so much stock in other parts. You are really doing a piss poor job of proselytizing. I've given you the opportunity to convert my thought if you can explain why you can eat pork but Anna Paquin can't sleep with women. It's both a simple and rational question. Can you answer it?

  127. @Sherry, it was NOT my intent to make fans. I was commissioned to tell the truth and that's what I did. Have I become your enemy because I told you the truth? Everyone has read the Scriptures--the Word of God-- that I posted therefore; it is up to you and the rest of the crew to determine how you deal with the wisdom and knowledge that God has shared with you in His word. P.S. my born again sister in Christ, be careful who you hop on the "train" with because some of the passengers are destined for a different location and it is their job to take all those with them who don't know any better.

  128. @JW perhaps 1 Timothy 4:4 may offer you an explanation for your question. It is stated as follow: For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

  129. Oooh, that works for me. God created women and sex. So, using that reasoning if I can ignore Leviticus with respect to pork because God created it, then I can accept a same sex relationship with thanksgiving.
    So, you eat at your table, I'll eat at mine.

  130. @JW God did create women and sex but your error comes into play when you think that he created women to be with women. go back and reread the Scriptures that i posted. you should see exactly how the Lord feels about that type of set up. Now you answer my question: Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night and inquire of His goodness, power and grace?

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  132. He created pork too. But go back and read Leviticus and you'll see exactly how he feels about you eating pork. Sister, tell me how you can eat pork and wear polyester.
    Nicodemus came to question Jesus to get an explanation as to why he should believe. The difference in this situation is Jesus answered the question. You are skirting it.

  133. It's a simple question,Sister. Can you not answer it.

  134. Time to let this thread die. All that's being accomplished at this point is validation of rachelle's presence with attention that she obviously can't get enough of.

    There's nothing left so say, so I'll contribute a golden nugget of objectivity.

    If you're too self absorbed to be useful as a good example, there's always a Plan B: you automatically become useful a poor one. toot toot wink

  135. @JW thank you for your answer because it just revealed the spirit that has you in bondage. there is so much for you to learn so that you can be set free. deliverance awaits you and there's enough Blood for your salvation as well. let me leave you with this: generational curses are meant to be broken.

  136. @phoenix what you said made absolutely no sense at all (lol). Bless God and i pray blessings upon you life.

  137. So, the short answer is no. You can't answer it. You hypocritical fool. And now, I end my conversation with you.

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  140. @JW deliverance awaits you and the blood of Jesus was shed for you as well. You can walk in liberty but you have to be willing to walk away from it. again i say, generational curses are meant to be broken and it can start with you. i can help you in your deliverance but i am not going to entertain that spirit that is operating through you. Satan the Lord Jesus rebukes you and commands you to remove your hands from JW so that she can walk in freedom and liberty.

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. We are validating raychelle by responding as she takes it upon herself to judge us time and again.

    She's clearly incorrigible. Time to implement the Don't Feed The Trolls Policy folks.

    PLEASE, thank you.

  143. It has been a blessing sharing the Word of God with you all. Many of you didn’t like being told the truth because the truth challenges everything that you’ve being trying to defend. God’s word (not mine) is designed to bring conviction, correction, deliverance and healing so that His people can walk in liberty of the things that is oppressing them. There's something in the Word of God for everyone because the Lord loves us all. When you know better you do better and then you are to help those who you see straying by the wayside or else the Blood will be on your hands.

    Blessings to you all and I pray that your mindset will line up with the word of God so that you can walk in liberty and truth. In the name of Jesus, I apply the Blood of Jesus to your minds so that the demonic spirits that are oppressing you will cease their actions so that you can hear the truth and act upon it. In Jesus' Name I pray Amen.

    For those who desire to be saved, set free and delivered from your sinful life then pray this prayer and believe by faith that you have been accepted into the kingdom of God.

    Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

    I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sins.

    You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

    Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

    Lord Jesus, transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

    Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me and for giving me eternal life. I trust you for my salvation and I love you for your amazing grace. In Jesus Name I pray Amen.

    If you have just prayed this prayer, know that the angels in heaven are rejoicing and welcoming you into the kingdom of God. In order to strengthen yourself, find a Bible based church and study the word of God so that your salvation won't be compromised. Salvation doesn't mean that you are perfect but it does mean that you allow God to transform you into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. It won't be an overnight process so if you slip up and fall back then know that God is merciful enough to forgive you of your sins when you sincerely repent of them.

    Blessings and peace to you all!!!!!

  144. Yeah, just gotta have the last word like they said, huh raychelle. You are some kind of pushy chick. Be sure to let the door hit your obnoxious ass on the way out and find somewhere else to take your problems out on.

  145. OMG, I don't believe that. She did delete her final comment above from further up and repost it so she'd get the last word, lol. I don't think I've ever encountered someone more desperate for attention my life.

    1. @JW &Angel. You two have been a panacea to my soul. Some sad pathetic crackpot sits in what they believe to be triumph and smug self righteous satisfaction purely because they believe themselves to be the " chosen one" to deliver a message on a gossip site. But you stood up for what you knew was hypocrisy and for that I thank you.

  146. Maybe she's a Kardashian.

  147. JW as we say in the south: It's like singing to a pig. It just wastes you time and annoys the pig.

  148. lmao! I loathe the Kardashians.

    You know JW, the most upsetting thing about raychelle is that I know various people with little spiritual background who have come into contact with religious zealots like her, and were so turned off by the experience that they became avowed atheists. And there are a lot more just like her out there. They have a cult mentality, and just like her their rude audacity is truly appalling. It makes me furious. Christ acted nothing like that, but they don't care because they think they know better.

  149. Sherry, I'm very grateful to have benefited from your rational and sane contributions to the conversation too. Thank you very much :)

  150. Angel, it's exactly as I said above, I'm almost reluctant to tell someone, particularly if I'm on a first date or something, that I'm a regular churchgoer because the first thing they think is that I'm going to be a bible thumping ass like her.
    In fact, my denomination in Canada, which is the largest Protestant denomination in Canada - the United Church, not only performs same sex marriages but also specifically denotes some of our churches as affirming churches to welcome gays and lesbians. Even if you don't go to a specific affirming church, you are welcome anywhere.
    And yet, apparently my entire church, a whole denomination of theological scholars and ordained ministers have got it completely wrong and are going to hell.
    Like I said, some people will have more to answer for on judgment day for their hatred and hypocrisy than others will have for whom they have loved.

  151. It really is all about unconditional love yes. You are blinder than the blind if you think communicating anything less is going to convince someone to give God a chance, and they have to be willing to give him a chance before they'll listen to anything he has to say.

    It's not our place to judge anyone. Christ even commanded that we don't. But then you have the raychelles who swear they have been 'commissioned' by him to do otherwise. They are delusional and do so much more harm than good it sickens me.

  152. Oh, and parroting an endless stream of memorized Bible verses is about as moving as watching paint dry, becomes disturbing when presented back to back in a threatening fashion, and becomes downright alarming when forced down your throat.

    rachelle didn't warm a single heart to God's love, and that tells me she isn't warm with God's love in her heart either. Nothing speaks louder than a good example, and she was just relentlessly offensive.

  153. I am real real late to this, but I have to say this:

    Rachelle, I'm Catholic. Born, raised, still am.

    We all know what the truth is. But you need some compassion along with the truth.

    No mortal knows what's in the deepest recesses of someone's heart. Only God does. Only God has the last say. And God's mercy is limitless.

    Finally, check this old school video out and take the message to heart:

  154. I'm a Christian and currently embarrassed by rachelle.

    Good golly, sister, what about tact? Love? Respect? There are several themes of the bible but the greatest commandment and theme of Jesus is that of love. Coming on a gossip site to condemn an entire group of people's perogatve and saying its not Christian is really missing the mark. Lighten up, sister.

    God also said not to gossip or slander your neighbor. While I'm a faithful cdan reader I don't really go around bragging of my love of Hollywood gossip. So take a look in the mirror and do some soul searching with God. Love is the answer. Not hate. Please think about it. Tact.

  155. I'm a Christian and currently embarrassed by rachelle.

    Good golly, sister, what about tact? Love? Respect? There are several themes of the bible but the greatest commandment and theme of Jesus is that of love. Coming on a gossip site to condemn an entire group of people's perogatve and saying its not Christian is really missing the mark. Lighten up, sister.

    God also said not to gossip or slander your neighbor. While I'm a faithful cdan reader I don't really go around bragging of my love of Hollywood gossip. So take a look in the mirror and do some soul searching with God. Love is the answer. Not hate. Please think about it. Tact.

  156. Oh goody! Does this mean I get to look forward to more of raychelle's open mindedness every time she gets a gay Google alert?

    I somehow missed that Anna was pregnant!?

  157. I have some more to say, though I doubt this git is reading it:

    My stepson is bi or gay. He went to church as a kid. He knows the Commandments and Scripture. So someone like you, rachelle, isn't going to have any effect on him.

    He probably was "born that way" - no one has any way of knowing - but a difficult childhood surely contributed to it. Divorce, absent and flaky mother, doesn't get along with father or grandfather. There's a very deep psychological void which he may be trying to heal with gay relationships. Notice I'm saying "may" because I have no way of knowing the whole truth.

    Preaching Scripture at someone like this isn't going to heal his past and psychological scars AT ALL. Only God can do that, and only HE can ask God to do that, not some nosybody who has no clue about his past.

    So once again..."The moral of this story is: Who are you to judge?
    There's only one true judge, and that's God. So chill, and let my Father do His job." - Salt 'N Pepa

  158. Oh but wait my brethren. She wasn't "judging" she was "educating" us on God's good word. Be careful now or we'll all get another rounds of religious edumacatin'.

  159. To all:

    Nam Myho Renge Kyo
