Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Assistant On The View Shot Over A Sandwich

When I saw that an assistant on The View had been shot over a sandwich, I wondered if Star Jones was back on the show or off her "diet." Hey, just because you have the surgery doesn't mean you don't want to eat and can't gain weight back. Lourdes Guillen was ordering a sandwich and some people said she was taking too long to order so they shot her. Lourdes attempted to shield her cousin and was almost killed. Lourdes is in the hospital and still has a bullet lodged in her stomach.


  1. Was this in New York?

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM


  3. Guns and crazy people not a good mix

  4. Shit is the food that good! That poor girl. Not to make this funny but it reminded me of curb ur enthusiam when larry was waiting at the ice cream parlor and the customer in front of him was taking too long. But seriously i hope she is ok and that fucker that shot her gets thrown in jail!

  5. Horrible! Fucking guns. The second amendment needs to be repealed.

    1. This was in NYC where it's impossible to get a permit, and possession of a gun is a mandatory year in jail. When guns are outlawed only outlaws have guns.

    2. Thank you for attempting to educate, Vicki, who is clearly an idiot.

  6. holy shit! that's ridiculous...

  7. holy cow, that is a little overkill (no pun intended) wouldn't you say. I get impatient when waiting for someone taking forever in line but shooting them?!

  8. WTF is wrong with people?
    Shooting an innocent person just because they made you wait a bit longer in line for food has got to be the stupidest reason (as if they had one) to shoot someone, I hope these idiots are caught and prosecuted with the maximum sentence possible, unfuckingbelievable!

  9. There is a lot more to the story - her cousin was shot twice and she was shot shielding him from being shot a third time. He was the one taking too long to order, not her.

  10. Um, sorry....would comment on the horror of this story, but am being distracted by the lovely Joel McHale.

  11. That is awful! I hope she makes it through this.
    Side note: Is that Bob Harper with her?

  12. ^Oh my word, it's Joel??!!! Oops!

  13. The geniuses in our state's legislature are DYING to pass an open carry law, a la Arizona. Yup, that's just what we need - wing nuts running around with sidearms strapped to their waists. At least they defeated the open carry, no permit required bill they were pondering. The Reddest State in the Union at work, folks! Good grief!

    1. Why don't you do some research on the crime rates in states with conceal carry laws? You may be surprised to find that thugs are less likely to victimize an armed citizenry. Be a victim though...police are just minutes away, right.

    2. @The - realize I'm picking up this thread late in the day, but had to add: sure, I was being a smartass in my previous post, but the fact of the matter is that it frightens me to think about a bunch of barely trained, armed citizens taking the law into their own hands.

      My husband is 20+ years in law enforcement, and is firmly against Joe Citizen carrying a concealed weapon. The day or two you spent in class to get a permit does not make you ready to carry a deadly weapon to the mall.

      And, I know damn well criminals don't obtain guns legally. But letting anyone who attends a two day course carry a weapon isn't the answer, either.

    3. A guy with a concealed weapon was able to stop a man from going on a stabbing rampage in Utah just a few days ago. I guess it can't always be bad...

  14. uhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

  15. Yeah, but more guns are definitely the answer. Let's all be armed so at the slightest inconvenience, we can just blast each other. Love the 2nd Amendment.

    1. Better than being a victim.

  16. Yes this was in New York.

    In other NYC news, "homebody" Lindsay Lohan partied her ass off here last night until 5.30am.

    And yes, more guns are clearly the answer. Guns for everybody!

    A gun for YOU! and A gun for YOU! and A gun for YOU!

  17. @Seachica, I was thinking the same thing. I love me some Joel McHale. Excellent picture choice Enty.

    This is such a sad and crazy story. There are people out there who are absolute monsters.

  18. I've WANTED to do this many times. But I didn't.

  19. Just proves you aren't batshit crazy, Maja. If we all did what we wanted, there would be a body trail at least a mile long behind each of us.

  20. There has got to be more to the story. I refuse to believe someone was shot in what was probably a gourmet sandwich shot over taking too long to order a sandwich. Sure, crazier things have happened, but this is just weird.

  21. crazy/beautiful -- no I don't think it was a gourmet sandwich shop, I think it was a bodega (that's a street deli) and I believe it was at night and not in Manhattan proper (in another borough I think)

  22. @hunter
    Jesus. I guess people really are that fucked up.

  23. Enty, like the commenters, are cold and cruel. Which creates a society where someone could get shot for ordering too slow. Side eye to you Maya. With a J

  24. Did Joel McHale shoot someone? I always assumed that pistol he waves around on The Soup was a prop.

  25. Punkin, what are you talking about? Nobody on here shot her. Enty didn't shoot her. We're all actually fucking horrified that this happened.

  26. Punkin - what? Snide comments posted anonymously on an entertainment blog don't in any way lead to gun violence. That seems silly just to write in a sentence.

    I suspect that most here are wonderful folks in real life. Hell, the level of compassion found on this blog in the made-up world of cyberspace is very often inspiring.

    We get all our snark out here because we have to act civil in real life; at least I do.

  27. The Post says the shooting happened at 5:20 am on Sunday in Bushwick (Brooklyn) outside a bodega. Lourdes was with two other people, and the initial attach was on one of her companions.

    Not to blame victims, but 5:30 on Sunday morning you are generally going to run across leftover drunks/druggies from Saturday night, especially in a fairly dangerous neighborhood. That said, there are too many guns in the city, even with laws against carrying. And to top it off, there are 8 million people living here - not all of them are honest and sane. Glad no fatalities - hope they catch the attackers.

  28. Yes because I believe every word that I read on the internet and hold each of you to every thing you type right down to the letter. *sarcasm button pressed for those that need things spelled out to them.

  29. There has to be more to this story. Bushwick's not the greatest area, but it's certainly not the worst place in New York.

    I hope everyone involved recovers.

  30. I understand this completely. Next up: people who walk slowly blocking the middle of the grocery store aisle.

  31. There could definitely be more to the story, but people have killed for less. Monsters.

  32. I think punkin is kidding.

    Oh God, imagine being armed in a grocery store, especially on a Saturday afternoon?

    But seriously, I was just in Vegas and went to The Gun Store and we shot a bunch of ridiculous weapons. It was fun but I could not imagine pointing it at a living thing and pulling the trigger.

  33. If you're going to shoot two people because they're slow, you might as well get your damn sandwich. I mean, WTF?

  34. WTF???? This world is becoming too much.

  35. Wow...this is just sad, I hope she recovers and they catch the person who did this.

    There was also an article (my cousin posted it on facebook) about letting a man drown in 3 feet of water because the supervisors were afraid of germs and thought it to be unsafe even when the firemen and bystanders wanted to go in and rescue him. This was in the UK. They were talked out of rescuing him, that is sad too.

  36. This is what happens when there are just too many psychopaths in the world running free. It's getting worse, not better, and there is no education about the situation. I'll take a double order of guns please!

  37. The idea behind rescinding the 2nd Amendment seems to involve the idea that once guns are banned, people like this shooter won't have guns; unfortunately, the reality is more likely that ONLY people like this shooter will have guns. People who disobey existing laws disobey new laws, as well.

  38. Wow. There are some gun nuts up in this bitch. My sister is a teacher in a small town in IA. Some loony cop came in last week and spoke with them. He wanted to put armed guards with machine guns outside the school, and have every teacher packing heat. It's just insane.

    I could maybe see conceal/carry if you live in a dangerous area. But most of us don't. People are just:

    A) Brainwashed by the NRA - "Someone's going to get you!" & "Someone's going to take your guns away"
    B) In love with the idea that they're Wyatt Earp/John Wayne. "Someday, man. Someday. Someday I'll be the hero. I'll save everybody. Some bad guy will try to hurt people, and I'll take 'em down. I'll be the hero." (See Mark Wahlberg's 9/11 comments)

  39. @figgy - Yes! The grocery store aisle hoggers. Pick a side! I'm getting punchy just thinking about them.

    I cannot believe someone was shot over taking too long to order a sandwich. Stories like these make me want to invest in a bubble for my little one. I hope that Lourdes is okay.

  40. My boyfriend carries (not openly) and I am probably getting my CPL this summer. We live on the outskirts of Detroit.. not a safe are and a TON of idiots are around. However OPEN carrying is absolutey DUMB and we both disagree with that. You're just asking for trouble when you open carry

  41. What? I said I DIDN'T do that!


  42. Holy shit, Batman. Somebody must have really loved that Sopranos episode where Christopher shot the guy in the foot because he was taking too long filling his bakery order. I'll bet the shooter in this case was just itching to try that out. If this poor woman never got it somebody else was going to. Probably even a teenager or someone younger.

  43. OMG. The get rid of the 2nd amendment mindset is beyond frightening to me. Holy shit. P.S. I'm not brainwashed or have a need to be a hero. Just a need to protect myself from rape, burglaries, ordering a sandwich....But hey, yeah, that stuff only happens in "dangerous" places, right? Criminals prey on fools like you. lol

  44. According to the NY Post, she and her cousin were with a group of people who got into it, including fighting, with another group of people while in a deli at 5am after a night of partying. (No clue who started what and it sounds like the slow ordering was only the first issue.) Dollars to donuts the guns were bought in Virginia and brought up 95 to NYC.

  45. Oh, and a bunch of NY cops were recently arrested for smuggling guns from Virginia to NYC. What a world.

  46. How DO the weirdos find this blog?

  47. What it the f&cking hell??!!

  48. And, OH MY GOD, my eyes can't stop rolling after reading this thread.

  49. I agree with all the people saying More Guns! Guns will solve everything! There will be no more random shootings with more guns! Now people will shoot bullets at each other and that's how babies will be made!

  50. May I ask how many of you have hand guns in your homes?

    I am not from US but all of my friends in LA and NY have hand guns and this seemed normal to them.

    Is this usual?

  51. These comments disgust me. People want to repeal a constitutional amendment because they don't like guns. I don't like the NY Times, MSNBC, or CNN. Should we therefore repeal the First Amendment? Others refer to gun owners as "wing nuts". And so on. Guess what? As a gun owner (and I also carry) I resent that. I have a spotless criminal record-which by the way is required to carry a gun legally. I spent 10 years in the military. And oh by the way, guns are, in case some of you aren't aware, INANIMATE FUCKING OBJECTS. They are not to blame, it's the assholes shooting people because they take too long to order a sandwich who are to blame. Do you people understand that?

    Years ago, an elderly couple in Detroit was murdered. I recall reading about it at the time, but only years later found out that they were the grandparents of one of my friends, and that my friend's mother was a childhood friend of my dad. Why is this significant? Because they were both around 90 years old, and they were beaten to death with a fry pan. When frying pans are illegal, only outlaws will have frying pans, right?

    Here's another viewpoint: There were multiple shots fired. Suppose, after the first shot was fired, someone else in line pulled their gun and shot the shooter. Ms. Guillen would be okay, and her cousin would be in better shape also. And a person who clearly has serious issues, and probably needs to be removed from the gene pool would be gone- or perhaps would have been wounded and left unable to do any more damage.

    Look people: I assure you that every single gun owner I know has no intention of shooting anyone for the hell of it. People only carry because there are people in this world who WILL shoot someone for taking too long to order a sandwich. And it's better to handle that person right away, than to wait until he runs out of ammo and then try and grab him. And the police? There's a saying: "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away".

    Does anyone believe this would have happened in small-town Texas? Hell no- if an asshole knows there's a good chance the people around him are all packing, and are all better with a gun than he is, he's not likely to try something like this. But New York is pretty well disarmed, isn't it? So gee... the asshole criminal had a gun, the law abiding people didn't. Funny how it always works out that way, huh?

    And finally, do you people really believe that someone who would commit this type of crime actually got his gun legally? I find that EXTREMELY hard to believe. So by disarming the rest of us, then we'd be left in a world where only the assholes criminals have guns. Guess who's most at danger then?

  52. Astrogirl - I don't own a gun and I don't know anyone that does. I've lived in major US cities and never had a problem. Never needed a gun and never wanted to carry.

    This sounds like a drunken night gone wrong and people got hurt. Guns don't solve problems and they don't keep you safe. Look at what happened to that poor boy in Florida.

    You guys outside of the US must think we're all crazy gun toting loonies, who love car crash shows and violence. I'm not and I would like asylum in your country preferably warm with an ocean...

  53. My husband and I (from Australia) were in Hawaii once and when we knocked back an opportunity to fire weapons the guy looked at us like we were crazy. I think attitudes towards personal weaponry are shaped by the culture. In Australia it is foreign to think about owning a gun. Though when I watch The Walking Dead I think they'd be pretty useful.

  54. I want to go to there!

    Feraltart, I seek asylum in Aussie land away from guns and Republicans. I promise to work hard and support Aussie life to my full abilities.

    LOL - Walking Dead freaks me out, but I still watch. I want the machetes. No bullets required!

  55. dia papaya lol everyone else in the world thinks that just going outside here is dangerous - I live in Australia

    I am sure feraltart and I can take you sightseeing - come on over

    Oh and I like shooting guns (at targets people NEVER an animal) but I don't believe in carrying concealed for a civilian.

  56. dia papaya you're most welcome over here but you'll have to deal with our spiders, snakes, cockroaches and gun toting Koalas.

  57. Don't forget the drop bears Jessie!!!


  58. I try to forget them. Drop bears killed my best friend.

  59. Astrogirl, possessing a firearm of any kind in NYC--even in your home--without a permit is a felony. And the permits are very hard to get and require very specific rationales. Your "friends" may be in for a nasty surprise if police or firefighters ever discover their guns, even in the course of something totally unrelated and innocent (such as a fire, walking in a park at night, etc.).
