Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blake Lively Talks About Her Craft

I really dislike when actors or actresses talk about their craft. I also dislike when singers talk for an hour about how a song has so much meaning to them when number one they didn't write it at all and number two it's all bubblegum pop. Nothing wrong with bubblegum pop, but don't make it seem like it is some deep serious work of art that requires hours to deconstruct. Just enjoy.

In an interview with Bullet Magazine, Blake Lively says that she is ready to leave Gossip Girl to grow and stretch as an actress and how Gossip Girl is not her best work. Really? (I realized after I typed this that I used the word really and am now punishing myself. No bacon for at least the next four hours.)What is her best work? The show is headed to a last season so does this mean she won't be giving us her best work still? What is she saving it for? Is there really that much acting involved in Gossip Girl? When is she going to do her best work because I would just like to skip everything she does until she does her best work. why waste my money or my time?


  1. She is the weak spot in GG, along with Rufus. I thought she was going to talk about her craft of sleeping her way to the middle. I would much rather read an in depth article about that from her, based in truth.

  2. She believes her own press....if it's in print it must be true...Watch out Blake there are many other bits of information about you in print...
    She joining the Full Of Shit list....

  3. she got a great nose job and boob job, but she isn't the finest actor of our generation, no.

  4. I stopped watching GG a few seasons ago but I'd blame everything on the writers. She was (is?) the dumbest creature on the show but it's just what was written for her.

    I don't hate her, I think she's gorgeous and think she photographs great. She's living the life. Designers are throwing stuff at her, I'd kill for that. I'm not going to slut-shame her.

  5. Lol timebob, she isn't even the finest actor on her TV show.

  6. But to add to everything, she does come across pretentious here.

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    She's sitting on it.

  8. Well, she is dedicated in her craft. After all she was sleeping with Ben Affleck on and off screen.

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  11. It's self-important twats like this that give acting (at which she sucks mightily) a bad name.

  12. @Rose hahaha I guess sleeping her way to the middle is rather crafty...

  13. GG is one of my favorite shows. I know it's silly but it sucks to know she doesn't give her best bc the show its not the best written show for her. She better enjoy it....look what happened to Mischa Barton after the o.c.....

  14. she photgraphs well? what pictures are you looking at??. she has the same lifeless expression on in each picture. the first one looks like she is a 10 yr old posing for the camera. Her hair is like straw. I am NOT a blake lively fan, even tho I do watch the horrible gossip girl.

  15. Her new movie is Stone's "Savages" with.. among many other actors... John Travolta ..that should be a lively press tour.

  16. Enty did a crap job explaining this interview. I am not a fan of her, but he def put words in her mouth.

  17. Savages is a great book, if you haven't read Don so he is wonderful.

  18. Meh, I don't know. I don't hate her. There are way worse fame-whorey, talentless actresses out there I'd much rather punch than her.

  19. Wow...the ego on these young actresses. They really think they're so great, because they have people they pay around them, telling them how wonderful they are. Gossip Girl IS your best work honey. Actually all the movies you've done are your best work. She's the same in everything she does. I thought in the Green Lantern, her character's name was Serena. When I saw her in the was Serena on drugs. She's a one trick pony.

  20. Kate Bush called. She wants her Lionheart era look back. Oh, and she says that she can act circles around you, Blake.

  21. Huh? I couldn't hear what the mumbler was saying

  22. I have never, ever seen her in anything. And I don't care if I ever do.

  23. @Nellie, you took the words right out of my mouth.

    Whoever posted this is extremely biased. You made up half the post with your own judgement. Shame on you!

    For those interested in knowing the TRUE details, here are the quotes:

    "It’ll be bittersweet when [Gossip Girl is] over because it gave me all of this. I think the best way to describe it is like someone who really enjoyed high school, and is like, I’m a senior and I can’t wait for the next thing! Gossip Girl was so great, but what’s the next challenge in life?"

    "And as an actor who plays a caricature of myself on the show, I don’t think I’d say, Watch Gossip Girl for my best quality of work. But I am very lucky to have had that experience."

    She sounds very thankful for her opportunity on Gossip Girl, while still being realistic at the same time. That show possibly has the worst writing on television. That show is NOBODY'S best work. Blake is just being 100% real with her comments.

    The people on this site disgust me. Shame on you all!!!


  25. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Not being a fan of someone is one thing. But nothing Blake said was particularly self-absorbed or pretentious. At least no more than what most actors say.

  26. I actually really liked her on SNL. She showed a bit of range, which surprised me since all I knew about her was that she was on Gossip Girl. She didn't blow me away in Green Lantern, though.

  27. I take back my pretentious comment. I forgot to question all Enty's posts because s/he never gives the full (or correct) story.

    But yeah, I guess I feel shame now.

    I think she's gorgeous and photographs well. I'm not backing down on that comment. I like looking at her.

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  29. Hasn't BeYonCe done the same thing. Taking credit for songs written that she didn't write herself?

  30. @rosastone shame is most welcome here. so is disgust. if you don't like it and feel the need to a be a defender of those you perceive as slighted by shameful commenters, please start your own blog.

    if that's not pleasing to you, THEN FUCK RIGHT OFF:)


  31. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Not for nothing, but telling someone to start their own blog because they disagree with something is weak tea. At least come up with something that hasn't been said 975666091467588 times already.

  32. Actually,imho, it was a poorly written post. "Savages" should have been mentioned.

  33. you're right @laynaday. i see you around here soooo often, so i'll totally take your opinion to heart.

    take your values somewhere else. you're boring.

  34. Oh man I'm sorry I was amiss in doing my full research on Blake Lively quotes.

  35. I have never seen anything that she has acted in so I can't judge her based on that. There is something about her that just rubs me the wrong way, though. She's not hideous, but she is far from attractive. She's another one that Hollywood snips, plumps and polishes and then shoves it down our throats as the next great beauty. I hate that. Plus, her face always looks sticky to me.

    When I was younger, I loved her sister in Teen Witch, but even that isn't winning her any points in my book.

  36. LMAO @ Rosa Stone! That is the (unintentionally?) funniest comment I've read in a while.

    "You made up half the post with your own judgement." Well, yes, that is a big part of what gossip blogs are about--opinion and judgement.

    The best part of all, though, was, "Shame on you all!" Hahahahahaha.

  37. @popcornsutton- yes! somebody brought the robin lively/teenwitch! obvs, the "i'm hot, you're not" didn't rub off on the younger lively.

  38. Anonymous11:59 AM

    It's not about values. It's about your oh so INTERESTING tidbits on blogging life. Please, do tell us more, Angry O. CDaN fans MUST know.

    *waits with baited breath*

  39. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Get over yourself, Rosa. If you don't want snark, don't read a gossip site. The snark is strong with us.

    I've never seen this Lively person in anything, so I can't comment on her acting chops, whatever they might be. But I do like that the Fug Girls call her Boobs McLegsly, because she apparently has never heard the old "it's either boobs OR legs, not both" advice when it comes to dressing.

    Also, anytime an actor starts to bloviate about their "craft" or about themselves as an "artist," I immediately write them off as smug, pretentious assholes. Kandinsky was an artist. Beethoven was an artist. Alvin Ailey was an artist. They created things. Blake Lively parrots words written for her by someone else. She is not an artist.

  40. Anonymous12:11 PM

    So based on your theory, Texshan, no actor is an artist, they shouldn't be concerned about how well they do it, and that we're more or less wasting our time watching TV and movies?

    What about creating joy with their entertainment. I suppose that doesn't count?

  41. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Hilarious. The "craft" she's blabbering about must be scrapbooking, because this bitch can't act her way out of a paper bag. It's obvious that any role she's landed has been through her other "arts" (Affleck, Oliver "GAG" Stone). Who does she think she's kidding?

  42. Anonymous1:56 PM

    No, Layna, I didn't say that. I said that artists create things. Some actors actually create well-rounded, realistic characters, and, to me, that makes them artists. I would say that actors like Meryl Streep, RDJ, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton, Jodie Foster, possible sister-effer Joaquin Phoenix and the like are artists. Blake Lively doesn't fall into that group, in my opinion.

  43. bloviate .. one of my favorite words:)

  44. Anonymous2:34 PM

    @Texshan: Fair enough. I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, just wondered about your stance of actors in general.

    I'm not a Blake fan, but she also doesn't bug me. Different strokes for different folks!

  45. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Cool, Layna.

  46. "The people on this site disgust me. Shame on you all!!!" (lol. this gave me the giggles. i wasn't aware that being snarky on a gossip site was shame worthy. did i miss my chance at being shamed because i did not post quick enough? day late and a dollar short; story. of. my. life.)

    i have never seen this show, but guessing that when it ends, mist of the cast will be in the "what ever happened to______}" pile. sadly, her best work might not be recognized in her lifetime (sigh).

  47. He he Blake Livelys best work is air freshened ads on tv in NZ!

  48. I suppose the question is, is Blake Lively a terrible actress or is GG just a terrible show? Probably both, but I don't condemn Blake for trying to convince herself and the world that she can do better with better material. (Even if I think she's wrong).
    I feel absolutely no shame for speculating about either her acting talent or her sex life on a gossip blog. At the same time, I'm not sure the quotes in question really make her all that worth of scorn. I'll save my pointing and laughing at her for when she again does something truly ridiculous, whether is sleeping with Harvey Weinstien for a part or ruining the movie he gives her the part in with her no-range acting skills.

  49. She is TERRIBLE in Gossip Girl.

  50. LMAO @ Brenda Love ;)

    I hate when actors talk about their craft as well. Well, I like hearing them talk about it just not using that word.

    She is pretty boring on GG but is it Blake or is it the character of SVDW?

    I liked her in the Traveling Pants movies and she wasn't that bad in The Town. Even if she does suck as an actress, she has probably worked the most out of the rest of the cast, right?

    I don't even know why I'm defending her. I really don't care. Shame on me.
