Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kathie Lee Gifford Embarrasses Herself

Any regular watcher of the Today Show hour #18 knows that Kathie Lee Gifford has no problems finding new ways to embarrass herself. She is really good at it. I think everyone thought her true skill was singing, but in reality, it is her ability to embarrass herself. That and for all of us to cringe when she asks questions. No matter how bad it has been in the past though, nothing compares to asking Martin Short about his wife even though she passed away two years earlier. She asked it like she and Martin are dear friends and hang out all the time and that is what was extra embarrassing about it. Martin, to his credit just let it not phase him at all.


  1. I'm not sure which is worse - the incident itself or the fact that she tweeted her apology. That's just so tacky, imo.

  2. Sometimes I wonder how she still has a job. That wasn't just humiliating for her, it was most likely painful for him :( I think she needs to lay off the sauce...

  3. Hoda Kotb sat there and said nothing.
    She is described as a "news anchor". They should BOTH be fired. God knows, they can be easily replaced.

  4. Why/how does this woman continue to work in the public eye? She's horrible.

    Bless Martin for just answering as though Nancy were still alive. Damn, I would have called her on it and made a joke about what she'd had to drink that morning.

  5. Another example Of a quality human.

  6. I read about this, and was appalled. It's got to be the last straw for NBC when deciding whether or not to renew her contract.

  7. I heard this on the radio last night. Kathie Lee is such an idiot. I'm not a Martin Short fan but even I remember when his wife passed away and how devastated he was. She's such a Dumbass.

  8. @Angent**it...I actually think Hoda K. handled it ok. It would most likely be more humiliating for the man if Kathie Lee started falling all over herself apologizing and trying to make it better. I read somewhere else that he pulled KL aside during the commercial and told her his wife was dead...that was probably the most tactful way to handle it.

  9. Don't those two bimbos drink during the show--Wine Wednesdays or some such nonsense? I have to give props to Short for keeping his shit together, but if it'd been me, I would've let that alcoholic bitch have several pieces of my mind (I got some gray matter that I can spare). If this doesn't make the PTB rethink this WONDERFUL decision--letting these two asshats remain on TV--then there's no hope.

  10. Martin Short is such a gracious man.

  11. She shouldn't drink so early in the morning...

  12. she is every Real Housewife rolled into one.

  13. @Chrissy, I think Hoda the news anchor should have the facilities to have gracefully corrected her. But I expect too much. And you are right about the hysteria that would have likely ensued on air:)

  14. That absolutely broke my heart.

    I actually enjoy the KL and H trainwreck. But this was appalling. I am glad that noone corrected her. His answers were beautiful.

  15. Upon reflection and some bacon, you are right and I am wrong (re Hoda). It turned out OK due to his response. I am just pissed that they get paid for this stupidity.

  16. OH MAN. Talk about open mouth, insert foot.

  17. Yeah, Martin rode to the rescue, temporarily saving face for everyone. I think any other outcome would have been just too painful to watch. I gained a respect for him as a person apart from his celebrity.

  18. Martin is certainly a class act. But how painful that conversation must have been. They played it on the radio this morning and he answered that he is madly in love with his wife. They also played Kathie making the correction on the air after he left. Don't they get bios on their guests before going on the air??

  19. @timebob you totally nailed it LOL!

  20. He really did the classiest thing possible. He could've embarrassed the hell out of her right then and there on live TV, and he didn't. That takes grace that I probably wouldn't have if that were me!

  21. Oh, and KL is a fucking asshole. She is insufferable.

  22. Yeah, don't the producers prep them before the interview?
    That whole show is a trainwreck.
    They should just change the name to "Entertainment This Morning"

    Having said that, haven't you ever forgotten that someone died?

  23. Obviously you don't get the whole story with this post -- KL DID apologize, after she was told that his wife died. Later on in the show she apologized. Sheesh, she made a mistake, let's string her up. I don't like her but damn, she IS human.

    1. She isnt human!!! This proves it!!!! Lol. Dont feel sorry for this train wreck of a human, kathis lee, just dont.

  24. What a class act Martin Short is. Also, why so much hate? Kathy Lee made a mistake but she didn't do it on purpose.

  25. It's not a matter of hate, but that if you get paid a good deal of money to host a show you should at least take the time to be knowledgable about the guests you interview. This is beyond a simple mistake, it must have been truly uncomfortable for Martin Short to have to cover for them. Expecting professionalism isn't "hating".

    1. Agreed! Your job is to have, what, a 9 minute conversation with the man? Then prepare at least that much material. Good grief. Any 'normal' person - a waitress, a salesman, hairdresser would have been fired immediately if they caused such a mortifying moment for a client.

  26. correct myself whatever passes for "professionalism" on their show. It's mindless drivel but they should at least have their acts together prior to an interview.

  27. You could see the pain in his face. So sad. He's a class act.

    I'm sure she was mortified and rightfully so, but I'm with you guys that said cut her some slack. Yeesh.

    1. Oh cut her a break?! Perhaps Short shld hv said, " what went down with whole frank screwing a bimbo thing?". Shes a horror.

  28. The more I see of Martin Short lately, the more I like him. He told a very funny story on (I believe) Conan about hanging out on the beach with Steve Martin. It's worth looking up!

  29. String in hand

    She's a walking talking BUMBLEFUCK. She was better tramping out cruises than being on LIVE tv

    Martin Short is class for the way he handled it

  30. Regarding Kathy's 'mistake', it's just the latest in a series of embarrassments she's brought upon herself due to diarrhea of the mouth compounded by a lack of adequate preparation, so why is she being employed as a TV host? The only reason I can think of is for those who enjoy train wrecks. I don't normally watch the show, so that could very well be her appeal for all I know.

  31. wow that is embarrassing. Good on the guy for handling it so well.

  32. He IS classy for handling it like he did - he could have made a joke but he didn't. And yeah, the look on his FACE! Poor guy!

    Every Monday I go see a friend, she watches this show every day. It's on the whole time and sometimes I whip my head around because I hear Kathy Lee say something bizarre and/or ridiculous and/or stupid. I have no problem believing she's drunk 100% of the time.

  33. The reason we won't lighten up on her is because anyone who makes so much money interviewing people needs to at least read something about the person they are interviewing. This just proves lack of professionalism, and how low our America aims when it comes to TV hosts.

  34. Agree with your comment msgirl.

    Just shows you for people getting paid the big bucks they still end up being stupid.

    Also I have never liked Katie G. She is a weak person.

  35. Wow he handled it so well - really impressive! I like Kathy Lee & Hoda, so there.

  36. You can't embarrass yourself if you have no shame, or any other human-like emotions.

  37. I can't help it, if I'm home I watch them. Like someone else said it's a trainwreck and very often hilarious.

  38. I agree - he really is a class act to have handled it as he did. (I know I wouldn't have handled it as nicely as he did).

    Hopefully the PTB see this and rethink KLG's contract when it comes up for renewal. I realize she's probably drunk 100% of the time, but come on - if she had done even a shred of research she would have known. What a bitch. To put a guest in a painful situation due to your lack of preparation when you're paid that much is inexcusable. I think it definitely put Hoda in an incredibly awkward situation as well (as others have said, if she corrected KLG on air, KLG would have gone ballistic with apologies, etc). And it also shows how far Hoda's sunk - she used to be a respected journalist and now she's having to deal with crap like this everyday.

    I used to like the Today show a few years ago, but it's gone so far downhill so quickly in the last year or so it's not even funny. I can't even try to watch it.

  39. I remember arguing with my MIL years ago when she loved KLG on Regis and KL. I hated her. Now, when I'm working from home, I have the Today show on and leave it on through the KLG and Hoda hour. I actually enjoy it, although her writing basically the same song every week for a terminally ill/tragically injured/otherwise unfortunate person is a little cloying. I missed it yesterday for the first time in ages. I didn't know Martin Short's wife had passed away. But then again, I wasn't interviewing him and being paid millions to do so. She should have known.

  40. Unless he was a surprise guest, there is no excuse for a total lack of basic background preparation.

    How sad for him.

    It's kind of sobering to be reminded that the earthquakes in our lives are not even blips in the lives of people we know. How small we are....

  41. I gather NBC will throw one of the show's associate producers (who are supposed to brief on-air talent before the segment) under the bus for this. But Gifford has a history of erratic behavior and know-it-all-ism; IMO this one's so on her. Two bits says she ducked the briefing or disregarded or was handed a written bio for Short and tossed it.

  42. She is astupid self crntered dumbass. How she gets paid to be on tv is beyond me. Cannot stand ANY so called morning news show. Never watched them, nover will. 100% crap.

  43. ITA with NaNa LaLa and Reno Blondee.

  44. I just read that when Kathie Lee took to her Twitter account to apologize to Martin, she apologized to the WRONG Martin Short on Twitter, lmao.

    Yesterday was NOT her day.

  45. Did you see the look on his face when she asked how long he had been married? I thought he was going to cry..What and eejit!

  46. If Hoda had said something on the air KLG would have starting carrying on, still making sure it was all about her. It is good that they waited until the break.

  47. The biggest problem with this, besides just doing it, was how KL acted like she was best buds with Martin Short and his wife! I get sick of her fake "we're best buds" crap.

    NBC should have left her wrapped in mothballs after Regis.

  48. @pilly: "...walking, talking BUMBLEFUCK" is my new favorite phrase!
    I think the producers of this show would do better to pay Kristen Wiig to come on and impersonate Kathie Lee everyday. Her rendition on SNL was awesome!
    KLG has been a self-promoting famewhore since the days of R&KL. Cody, Cassidy and Frank "The Human Love Machine" Gifford be damned!

  49. Elizabeth Hasselback did the same thing to Stanley Tucci when he was promoting the Lovely Bones. She is still employed.

  50. Would it kill KLG to read a freaking Wikipedia bio before she goes on stage? For crying out loud, I knew Martin Short's wife has passed and I'm just a nobody

  51. Oooh, I really wish he would have replied with something. Anything. But alas, Mr. Short is too classy for Kathy Lee.

    I get REALLY irritated when it becomes obvious that the host has not properly prepared his/herself for interviews. It makes the whole thing pretty awkward.

    I think hosting would be a dream job, so I can't imagine not preparing, even if it was a short spot. And like Mary Anne said it was only made worse b/c she acted like she was friendly with them.

    I would forgive a little slip up but not knowing his wife is dead?? C'mon!! (GOB voice)

  52. Anonymous5:19 AM

    God, what an A**Ho** this Kathie Lee Gifford is and always has been ! How can you NOT know that your guest's wife died two years ago??
    Even I know that Martin Short's wife died two years ago --and I don't know anything about Martin Short !

    What a great gig this idiot has. I wish I could have a job like this ! Total incompetence and drinking on the job are required ! Sign me up ! LOL
